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Ice Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 25

Trainerpoints: 1,613/1,899


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Crawdaunt519,540 / 11,883

Game Records

Trainer ID: #229663470
Registration: 31/03/2019 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 106:41 Hours
Total interactions: 224,102
Money: 90,031
Starter Pokémon: Quilava


So it's been awhile but I'm back so... yeah XD
It's gonna take some time to get back into the swing of things but I thought I'd say something.
It has been about 7 months after all ^^;;
4 Years ago
Hi I'm still in existence I guess. Just inactive cause idk I just am
5 Years ago
#BugsWar I would go for Scyther for mah boi Tracey, but since that team is getting pretty large, I'll go for my 2nd favorite on the list #TeamYanma uwu
5 Years ago
Been offline for awhile, but no buggie, here's another (maybe last idk it's a 2x day) egg!
5 Years ago
Reminder to give Dominic some love to beat Prof. Oak! <3
5 Years ago
By Lilith99

Time for some free money y'all!


There will be a contest (and more giveaways) soon. But we need some preparation first. ♡ and copypaste *the entire feed*, then comment with your favourite books (up to three - if you have none just write none) - the winner will be chosen randomly, but the book part is gonna be essential for the next giveaway.

★ Prize: 1.5m PD + 100 rare candies ★

I also recommend to add me for some incoming updates

~ Lilith99
5 Years ago
Image 1
Image 2
5 Years ago
Okay, why is Oak so far ahead already?!
(idk if the images will work but if not I'll put urls instead)
5 Years ago
Okay so I just got the Battle of the Prof. again and this time with a Sandygast named Dominic ^^ So please help this little guy out by feeding berries to him everyday until Sunday!
5 Years ago
New egg here! Btw, would anyone like to trade and then trade back Pokémon so I can evolve my Scyther? It'd really help me out ^^
5 Years ago
Dang, server chose a VERY good time to glitch out on me while in the middle of the Concentration game, leaving the tiles unresponsive about 3 times, second time somehow allowed me to flip 3 over at once which was weird. So I really felt like I deserved my win of Retro Chikorita this time XD
5 Years ago
Wow, thanks to Lilith99 and some others I've traded with, I got enough PD to get my Shadow Radar and I caught my first Shadow Pokémon on chain 23, Wigglytuff ☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆
5 Years ago

I choose the name HarmonyFox after my YouTube channel, Harmony Fox. I had actually thought of this username back during middle school when I had messed around with Movie Maker on my old computer/wanted to make a YT Minecraft channel with my friends. Since foxes were (and still are) my favorite animal and I really like music, I had debated between "Harmony Fox" and "Melody Fox", until finally settling with what it is today ^^
5 Years ago
It's been a hot minute since I've played a good enough run of the Bug-Hatching minigame to claim an egg I liked (+ been active :P) so here's the next one!
5 Years ago
By Stormy

Sooo imma do a kinda small giveaway. I'm just this sad a desperate lmao. I don't really have many friends and the ones I do have we rarely talk aha .. So hey hmu. Need some new friends to talk to ٩(๑öωö๑)۶
Gonna be giving away > gems, 200 nuggets; 100k, shinies, etc
Share/Heart #stormywantssumfwens ((: ❤️
5 Years ago
Anyone have a favorite plushie they're missing? I currently have 200 points so Wynaut? XD
5 Years ago
You know what to do XD
5 Years ago
The egg has only been in existence for 15 minutes and it's already halfway there XD Sorry for spams I guess for those who get my feed stuffz
5 Years ago


I wrote a bio thingy here but it didn't save :/


Last Action
Interacting (4 Years ago)

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


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Newest gifts
PokeSaiyan2205 4 Years ago
goku_black 5 Years ago
Ephenia 5 Years ago
KatieDoll 5 Years ago

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SoleilLuxSun, 17/Dec/2023, 19:21
LingLing40hoursSun, 29/Jan/2023, 22:27
jenna12381Wed, 07/Dec/2022, 12:33
Grizz5546Sun, 10/Apr/2022, 06:06
ellisonr2Thu, 07/Apr/2022, 15:08