"I wish that we could always relax but we have to find out why we
are Pokemon again and the Wixbuplus thing.. I wish most of the days
would be normal days even though I like having this adventure
stuff..." She looked up at the sky and remembered that moment when
she met her brother as a ghost.
She was relaxing so perfect that she fell asleep. Then she has a
dream with mysterious Pokemon or creatures. She sees these
creatures standing all together. They say their names, which was
Buzzwole, Necrozma, Nihilego, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Poipole,
Guzzlord, Kartana, Pheromosa, Naganadel, Stakataka and Blacephalon.
She wakes up a few moments later, the breeze flowing in her face.
She looks around if anything has changed but nothing has,
everything was still the same.
She saw Yung was having a good dream, so she didn't want to disturb
him. She quickly turned into Espeon and used Psychic to get some
berries. Then she turned back into Sylveon and she kept her ribbons
around Yung. She started eating the berries in front of her.