"I know that I can't Mega Evolve, but I know that you can but you
already have one..." She kept looking at the Mega Stone. "If none
of us can use it, then what are we going to do?"
She disappeared behind the bushes and she reached the pond. She
looked behind and turned into a Vaporeon and swam for a bit in the
water. She started swimming around in the center and got ready to
leap up into the air.
She leapt up into the air and controlled the water to orbit around
which exploded into droplets and kept orbiting around her. She used
Water Gun and aimed at the sky. The Water Gun exploded into
droplets as well and then she dived back in the water. She
accidentally made a big splash that someone could hear.
She swam around and jumped out of the pond and turned back into
Sylveon and started drinking the water. She turned into Umbreon and
used Moonlight on the water which made the water look so pretty and
she stopped using Moonlight and she turned back into Sylveon and
headed back to the group.
She turned into Espeon and used Psychic and brought back a random
berry. She brought a few more back and she turned back into Sylveon
and started eating some berries.