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Forum Thread

An icon for Pokemon that are already busy

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected An icon for Pokemon that are already busy
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 09:31 (5 Years ago)
It's very easy to lose track where your Pokemon is at sometimes (Rumble, GTS, Auction, even Route 53 Moomoo Ranch and Honeycombs to name a few). And you don't know this until you try to, say, set a Pokemon up for Auction when it's already waiting in Wonder trade.

So can we please have a way of knowing if the Pokemon is already busy by assigning little icons next to them, similar to how we know if a Pokemon is holding an Item while sorting them out in the Storage Boxes? A small globe for the GTS, Pokedollar for Auction, an Explorer Bag next to a Pokemon that is out Rumbling, so on and so on.

EDIT: Forgot Egg icon for those in Daycare.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,119
Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 12:27 (5 Years ago)
Agree. When I was new on this site, I clearly don't understand y this is still not yet implemented.

Not related: reading about this thread made me feel nostalgic.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 49
Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 12:29 (5 Years ago)
Full Support for me! I wanna release a few Combees of mine but i don't know which is on Route 53 and which is not
Would you help me become the best?

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 359
Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 12:36 (5 Years ago)
(Y) (Y) :) (Y) (Y)
Agree! When I put a Combee at route 53, I can’t see which one is already there. This suggestion will help people a bit less confused

Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 20:29 (5 Years ago)
This has already been suggested here with colour-codes and everything. So please go support the original suggestion (:

//locking this
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