I want a spooky scary
Username: SolaCookie
Name of Breeder: agayjew
Shiny or Mega-able: 1 Shiny
Payment Amount and Type: 110pd?
Other: Everstone please.
I want a spooky scary
Username: best92
Name of Breeder: agayjew
Shiny or Mega-able: Shiny x2
Payment Amount and Type: 175k total
Other: Everstone on one please!
I want a spooky scary
Username: Inverso
Name of Breeder: Agayjaw
Shiny or Mega-able: Shiny [2]
Payment Amount and Type: 160k
Other: you're so sexy everstone ^~^
I want a spooky scary
Username: Honoshiro
Name of Breeder: SeizeRaider
Shiny or Mega-able: Shiny
Payment Amount and Type: 130k pd
Other: Thanks ^^, but no everstone
I'm sorry honoshiro but that payment is 30k below our minimum
payment for that bracket. Plz change ur post to include the missing
PD if you still want to order one ^•^ and for future reference plz
make sure to check our prices before posting. thank you!
No problem! Accepted your order! Will let them know about it so
your name can be edited into a slot <3
@Honoshiro Seems like you're lucky. 2nd shiny absol just hatched. I
will sent it to GTS in a few minutes!
Thank you for your order <3
I want a spooky scary
Username: MegaStoneMew
Name of Breeder: best92
Shiny or Mega-able: Neither... legend
Payment Amount and Type: 50K (1 dragon gem)
Other: no everstone pls
I want a spooky scary
Username: sand
Name of Breeder: ProudWeeb
Shiny or Mega-able: shiny x2
Payment Amount and Type: 260k pd for two
Other: everstone on one (•‾⌣‾•)و♥
I want a spooky scary
Username: sand
Name of Breeder: Wuffels
Shiny or Mega-able: shiny x2
Payment Amount and Type: 4 dragon gems+160k pd for two
Other: everstone on one ^ω^★