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Your True Nature (Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Your True Nature (Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Fri, 22/03/2019 14:44 (5 Years ago)
It was the middle of Autumn, the weather outside was beginning to get cold. You opened the curtains to your room and found a letter behind the fabric. Strange, how could that have got there? The front of the message is blank, a black envelope tightly shut with something which isn't just normal envelope-closer. It takes you a while, but once you finally open the message, a letter and a button fly out. That couldn't have fit in there, it felt empty you think, narrowing your eyes. You unfolded the piece of paper to find a message addressed to you.
Greetings _____ _____! You have been selected for Enigma Laboratory's next experiment, to find your true nature. Please prepare yourself and press the button sent with this letter. Failing to do so will result in unimaginable circumstances.
You get ready and stare at the button, blinking blankly.

Your New Circumstances:
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* Basically the lab will send you to another dimension where your character has powers.
* Your personality might change after going to said world, it is your choice.
* Your character has the right to be suspicious, but will always end in pushing the button.
* The main plot will be about getting back.
* PM me if you wish to have a character from this alternate dimension.
* If there are any major changes after going to the other dimension (Appearance, Name ext) please add before and after
* If you change your appearance after going to the other dimension it could also be an inhuman form
* PM me (after the villains are revealed, it'll be very obvious who they are after getting there) if you wish to have a villain character.
* Your clothing will most definitely change, and you may even gain a weapon (if you do, put it in appearance and power) - all down to you.

Our Terms and Conditions:
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Please PM me about any issues! I'm open to questions - ask away!

- All PH rules apply
- No one lining
- Do not type like: Jim: hey (walks over 2 u)
- Please read all posts correctly
- Don't be op
- Put a quote (look at mine if you're confused) from your character in other to prove you read these
- Please do not derail or add things that seem crucial to the plot
- You may post in any way you like, that includes colour, italics, centred you name it
- Include weaknesses and backlashes to your power
- If I have a problem with your forms, I'll PM you to avoid clogging the thread
- You may not join if you're on my block list
- I would like to keep romance out of this rp
- You can reserve a form if you want to
- I will add more

CaptainDrewBoy: (1) Not full grammar, derailing the plot.

And You?:
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And me? Oh this is me! Uee hee hee!!
Name: Ludo Lucious [before] Jape [after]
Gender: Male
Appearance: A very ordinary looking teen. He had short black hair and brown eyes with an ordinary height. At the time, he wore a white t-shirt with a checkered grey/black jacket. He also had his normal black glasses, black trousers and grey boots on - nothing unusual. [before] Once he goes to the other dimension, he is roughly the same height however most of him changes drastically. His skin tints slightly red and he grows dark red ram horns on his head for a start, as well has his clothes changing to that of a jester. He has a frilly black neck ring with red on the bottom as well as a loose black and red jester outfit, frilled at the bottom. He has black and red leggings and elf-like shoes too in addition to a black and red cape. As well as this, when going to this universe he acquires a metal spear with a candy-cane pattern going up it, consisting of black and red. The metal point itself is rather short actually, its clean looking and nothing short of deadly.[after]
Power: Upon going to the other universe, Jape appears with the ability to link his soul to an object to move it at will. This means he can only manipulate one at a time, and about five metres until the object cannot move out any more.
Backlash: If the weapon his soul is linked to breaks, he is left feeling dizzy and nervous while his soul finds his way back to him, which could take days. He can still fight in this state, but not well.
Weakness: Jape's personality makes him very cocky in most situations, attempting to take certain measures to make sure the battle goes his way. If not, he gets frustrated and targets the one spoiling his "fun".
Personality: Ludo isn't really afraid of much, being quite a plain person. Before anything, he likes to read and draw to keep himself company and pass the time. He really doesn't have much to him, he's a big loner who isn't afraid to a tee. [Before] Jape is playful and loud, being jokey and sporadic. He's pretty much insane and a big sadist treating everything as a game. [After]
Other: "Can't you see? Everything is fantasy! Uee hee hee!"

"We hope to see you there." The letter was signed off.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Sun, 24/03/2019 18:52 (5 Years ago)
Name: Vavilon Oleander
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has medium red hair, with some bangs. He also had blue eyes. Along with that, he's about 5'11 in height. He's always seen to be wearing a hoodie along with black jean pants.
Power: Shift
This ability allows him to mold his body into a different appearance. He can swap between female or male bodies as well.
Backlash: This ability doesn't affect his clothing, so it will remain the same. He can only copy humanoid shapes, and they must exist in someway. This could mean they could be fictional or real, but it has to have a description of appearance or a photo/drawing. He can't copy abilities.
Weakness:From copying so many things in his life, he sometimes forgets who he really is. He's not even sure if who he thinks he is, is really him.
Personality: He's a very outgoing person, and quite expressive. His personality goes into different phases and can change dramatically.

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Tue, 26/03/2019 08:01 (5 Years ago)
(Got it! Just post again when it's finished uwub)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 03/04/2019 20:09 (5 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 695
Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 15:10 (5 Years ago)
Can I join?

(Knight btw your not on my blocklist anymore)

Name: Felicity Gisuke
Gender: Female
Power: Siren -- can control people using her voice.
Backlash: Felicity cannot sing for more than 15 minutes at a time, as she could lose her voice.
Personality: Blunt
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 15:30 (5 Years ago)
@ KnightTheMage

I'm done

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 20:25 (5 Years ago)
(@Roshi-JOAT accepted! Also @Shadowsinger, I'm willing to give you another chance, give this thread a message when you're done.)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 20:26 (5 Years ago)

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 695
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 02:18 (5 Years ago)

What do you mean by ‘give this thread a message’
I don’t compute
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 02:22 (5 Years ago)
She means if you finish your wip, just say you're done

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 07:41 (5 Years ago)
(Exactly that ^^^^^^)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 11:35 (5 Years ago)
So, when can we start?))

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 11:47 (5 Years ago)
(Well we've got like two people so far so I'd like to get some more)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 11:48 (5 Years ago)
okay, ))

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 16:44 (5 Years ago)
Name: Janine
Gender: Female
Power: She can fuse herself with certain objects. For example, if she where to fuse with a brick wall, he could then make brick armor that is attached to himself. The fused items act as if they where normal limbs, and she can take them off at any time she likes.
Backlash: If she is fused with an item for over 30 minutes, it will become a part of her forever. It would act as a dead limb, with no strength and no way to control it. She can only fuse with three things at once, and cannot fuse with things such as air or light.
Weakness: Though she is smart, most people find it hard to trust her. She doesn't open up much either, and seems almost scary to certain people.
Personality: She is usually pretty serious, and doesn't really make friends out of other people. While she is pretty smart and cunning, it is almost always wasted when trying to help others since they don't trust her.
Other: I hope three is enough to start? I'll defiantly make a villain when/if they appear in case you where wondering.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Wed, 17/04/2019 17:21 (5 Years ago)
(I think three will be enough to start?? I guess we can start when you see the button!)

Ludo watches the button with eager eyes, mustering up the courage to press it. At that moment, his world began to shift. He found himself on the cold, metal floor of a laboratory, surrounded by darkness. He weakly stared out at it, piecing together what was happening.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 21:47 (5 Years ago)
(Forgot to post, sorry. My form is done now)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 21:52 (5 Years ago)
(Yep yep! All good.)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 21:59 (5 Years ago)
Janine stared at the button in an odd way. What could this be? How did it get here? She pondered. This is nonsense. I shouldn't bother with this prank. She says to herself. But for some odd reason, she can't bring herself to get rid of it. And whenever she tries to leave the room and forget about it, it always pulls her back as if an unknown force is grabbing her. After almost an hour spent in a room with the odd, seemingly magical button, she cracked. Though it wasn't like her, she gave in to it all. After pressing the button, her entire world changed. Was it for the better, or worse?
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Fri, 19/04/2019 07:37 (5 Years ago)
Ludo glanced at the girl, still sat on the cold, metal flooring. "You pressed it too?" He mumbled, half in disbelief. They all seemed to be coming from a small device in the centre of the cell, it was emitting a dim blue light; their only light. The sounds of metal clanking and machines whirring was faint in the distance, every now and then there was a yelp of sorts.