KID:I don’t know, Time’s LV is lower than mines, they have a higher
chance of ACTting up. But my LV isn’t that high, yet it was
overwhelming it. But I don’t know how to say for yours since we
don’t know your LV.
*chara picks up the knife*
Chara:You dropped this
*you both stare at Chara*
“Because Chara’s are naturally immune to DT take overs. The reason
you guys would act weird is because your bodies can’t handle that
level of DT, giving you the urge to kill. I’ll take that” Angell
gently takes the knife and balences it on the tip of her hand.
KID:that would probably explains it. But how much LV is in that
knife is something I want to know.
*chara jumps up and down trying to get the knife back*
Chara:give it back!
Angell push’s chars away with Gravity Magic “Yes. I have 100 Hp,
but you underestimate how much damage I can take. I have taken a
blow from Omni you know.” She puts the knife in her cloak. “You
don’t seem to upset at my LV. I got some dirty glares from a few
different people because of it.”
Time:how come we can see everybody elses stats yet we can’t see our
KID:Now you mentioned it, is it possible? and what is Chara
*chara fell asleep*
“Ahh.... That makes since. Although I am not a Monster... I’m not
human either. I wonder if that Cap applies to me? Oh well. I don’t
have any plans to try and raise it.”
Time:of course, why do I keep forgetting. Outcodes don’t have a
proper stat...
KID:Hey cheer up, it doesn’t matter-
Time:I JUST WANNA KNOW, alright...
KID:Glich, they told us not to worry about our stats, that it
doesn’t matter for now.
Time:I just want to know....