Time:There shouldn’t be any information drawn out unless
KID:There is a rift opened in
Time:you’re probably right
*you look around*
Time:Hey G, isn’t that the soul container we had over there? It
looked shattered...
KID:I don’t see anything
Chara:me either
*you pick up a piece of glass, you threw it back down*
Time:It’s really hot, like burning hot.
KID: just pour some ice on it, like how Angell did with their
sword. It might work
Well, in my universe once Frisk liberated all monsters, apparently
the souls broke out of their containers, due to the power contained
inside of them, apparently they were supposed to use them to free
all monsters, so they killed 6 human children to do so...
*you toss a ice cube on the glass, it melted*
KID:Welp I tried.
Time:Making a soul container is somewhat difficult, one small flaw
and it won’t hold the soul properly. Extracting DT from a soul is
hard once you do it the first few times. But, Dr. Alphys took my
role as a royal scientist... uhh whoops.
Time:Maybe your on to something, but we can’t for surely know since
someone threw the knife away.
*you look at Gaster*
KID:it doesn’t look that recent, probably a week or two ago.
*you reach for the knife but get pulled back immediately*
KID:We don’t want it to happened again right Time?
Time:oh yea, I forgot, sorry
*KID grab some the knife*
KID: what’s why huh? There’s a lot of “Love” on the knife.