*you dash to Gaster with the knife*
KID:Time! Don’t you-
*you Tackle Time on the ground*
Time:g-get off me!
Time:LET Go-, Wait, what just happened
KID:*sigh* they are back to normal. What happened Time?
Time:I-I-I don’t know, one second I pick up the knife next thing
you know I couldn’t move myself.
*you look at Gaster*
Time:G-Gaster, I’m really sorry, I-I couldn’t, I-I
He just stood there looking at Time and holding his locket on his
Aster told Time to move but he was a little to late.
Gaster attacked at Time with a sharp bone, knocking them onto the
floor and sitting on their chest.
Time:It’s alright... somehow it didn’t do any damage...
KID: wait, where is the knife?
*you both look at Gaster*
*chara rushed over to Time*
Chara:Are you ok?*you hug on time*
Time:I’m ok, really
KID:I was gonna ask if I can see it but that works to I guess.
*you look down as Chara is hugging Time*
KID:Somethings never changed. The sooner we find the cause the
faster we can get back to BetaTale, right Time?
Time:yea, I still do miss our friends and family.
Chara:What’s BetaTale
KID:It’s our home..
*(yup it did make them young again, and maybe it loses its
*When you heard Chara say BetaTale, you spoke up
I-I think I need to show you something
*You open your database and click on BetaTale
*There showed all the info on this AU
KID:but how? There’s barely anything to record in-
Time:It’s primarily just a anti-void, maybe with some areas coded
KID:But, no one else knows about our world, do they?
Time:Don’t know, Sans is the only one that we successfully coded
their soul back.. along with Toriel..
When I found this, I didn't understand at all, cause it's an
anti-void like you stated earlier. It must be due to my body
getting back in shape, when it lost power, but I'm still