So I've noticed that to even see the results on a poll you need to
vote on it yourself. Which I find is kind of difficult without
skewing your results a bit. And if you make a button for only you
to click you darn well know someone else is going to click that one
So basically, either don't require creators to vote on their own
polls or make a button that only the creator of a poll has access
to. I'd really appreciate it.
EDIT: I might add that it's a little counter productive if you're
poll is to help make up your mind on something. Like I can't decide
a name for a new character so I want my friends and strangers to
help me decide.
I personally don't see a need for it. You could just vote on your
favorite poll answer, whether it's your own or not. Though I'll see
what others think of for this.
I noticed the same thing and I just think it's really weird...why
do you have to vote on your own poll to see the results? I voted my
favorite answer on one of mine and I also thought about the owner
only option but was thinking the same thing, you tell someone not
to choose something, they're gonna choose it :P
Would do just fine in my opinion, still makes it so you can vote on
a poll like it has been with polls here, but now you can
immediately see the results without having to vote on your own
polls at all.
I would of suggested just viewing your profile in incognito mode,
or anyone's profile for that matter. That does let you see all poll
results without having to vote on them with being logged in.
Thought I'd contribute a little something, however.
I can't agree any more with this. I would really like this feature,
it can help quite a lot. Voting on your own poll throws off the
results and you have to recalculate them yourself.
I did not start a poll myself yet, but I would find it rather
strange to vote on my own poll. I think it should not be possible
to vote at a poll you are the owner of.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!