“Yes she can, Have her work as a maid. If she wants to stay she
will have to work” Hadrian said as he turned around and started
making a sandwich. He felt the girl was special
He felt a string urge to jump out and
tell her that she'll probably did if she stayed here, but bit his
tongue. He glared at his eldest brother. What are you
planning? He thought sourly.
Completly aware his brother was
watching, he frowned at Aureliance. "He'll find everything, secrets
will be nothing but statements soon to be proved." He stood up
straight and adjusted his jacket. Grabbing his tea and biscuits off
the counter, he began to trudge back to his room. Yoni should be
awake by now.. He thought worriedly.
(I assume all the characters have phones, correct?)
“I guess, even though I’m...not that used to work, since I am half
royal....and half non human, by some points, but, I can try!”
(She’s too young to have a phone...)
Hikari walks into the kitchen and makes herself some tea
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
Luther began walking about looking for Hadrian with a slight frown
on his face. He loved the king dearly, but making Hadrian king was
a mistake. Anyone could tell him that much. So he needed evidence.
Then the king would see that Hadrian was the worst option.
"Allow me to explain. My mother marries a non human, which then she
gave birth to me. After her husband died, my grandmother arranged a
date with a new man, little did she know that this man was the
king. They got married, but he treated my mother horribly, which is
why he always called me a freak, so, she got a divorced and we
spent some of our life in the woods. But, unfortunately, she
passed, leaving me to be all alone. That's where Aureliance found
me, wandering about after I recieved info about what's
"That is the most unconvincing story I
think I've ever heard," He stately blankly. "A, non-human? What
animal? Species? B, are you saying our father is a bad man? I would
watch your words. C, the current King lives here, why would you
want to stay here? D, why have we never heard of this story before?
Finally E, why can't you stay where your mother lived? You seem
awfully calm seeing as you said she died earlier today." Yurei felt
slightly bad for being so harsh on the girl, but he needed answers.
How could he trust someone he just met, claiming they were his half
"Ugh. fine....I guess I'll answer them. A. Yes, I'm a non human,
and dont what animal...B. Thas how my mother described him,
considering the fact that, y'know..C. My mom allowed me to stay
here. D. I'm honestly not sure and E. I was NOT calm when she died,
also she clearly stated that I should live where I originally was,
not in some old and abandoned shack..."
She felt dizzy with the questions
Aureliance chimed in as well, "A) She's
half fae I think, although I can't be sure. B) I can't be sure of
your story—I did just meet you so no offense meant there. And don't
talk bad about Father—He's a righteous and virtuous king. C) Do you
have any proof?"Soros left his room, having pinned the
finished sketch to his wall, along with half a dozen others.
"Luther." He approached the guard, "Good evening. What are you
doing up at such a late hour?"
Aureliance's face nearly went as pale as
her hair, "Uhh...that sounds great?" She turned to her brother,
"What do you think Yurei? Is it worth a trip?"
"Dont go into the woods for awhile." Hikari says, walking by there
with a cup of tea
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
"We'll be careful Hikari." Aureliance
replied, "If there's anything, it can't catch us in the air. We'll
be off the ground a lot." She fluffed her wings out, putting on a
thick gray fleece jacket. "Ready to go?" She asked Liliana