Forum Thread
Pyre Pixels [Closed]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Pyre Pixels [Closed]Username: ~Metal-Gear-REX~
Pokemon: Mismagius
Trainer: Will (1st one)
PKMN Included?: Y
Extra: Thank you! And I absolutely love the weirdness of the fusion >3<

❧ DragonsDawn
Thank you very much :3

❧ YungRover
Of course, and thank you!~

❧ Hexe
And it wasn't until I read your message that you wanted Mega >~< Sorry.
Going to close Galaxies until I can make them better looking.
So maybe come back when they open for the mega galaxy :3

❧ ~Metal-Gear-REX~
You're welcome~
Also, next time please state the game/gen the sprite comes from?
Thanks ^^;

❧ Makythemasky
Thank you very much~

Username: Ropets123
Base Pokemon: Giratina
Extra: Hey! Welcome back! I might not post orders as frequently as before since I don't wanna take slots for other people, but i hope you've gotten everything straightened up! ^^

❧ Ropets123
Thank you! :3
And please, if there's a spot open, take it!
That's what I'm here for, order as much as you like!~

❧ Dracon3867
Thank you ^^

❧ Rose~Kitty
Thank you~
I'm glad that you like them so much~

❧ Mhaila
Just any miscellaneous needed info I guess XD
But thank you for the plush <3

Username: ~Metal-Gear-REX~
Pokemon: Jigglypuff
Disguised As: Psyduck
Extra: Thank you! (And next time when I order a gjinka I'll make sure I add the gen, thanks!)
Username: -Toxin-
Pokemon: shiny decidueye
PKMN URL:here :3
Pokemon Nickname:Toxin
Background Color(s):dark green and light green please
Extra: how are you! :3

❧ ~Metal-Gear-REX~
Nightmare fuel incoming O.O

❧ Mhaila
That's okay, order as much as you like ^^

❧ -Toxin-
Good to see you again :3
I've been well, not the best, but well >.<

Username: YungRover
Pokemon: Lucario
New Type: Water
Extra: Your sprites are always amazing! Sending a tip.
Username: ~Metal-Gear-REX~
Pokemon: Wigglytuff
Disguised As: Golduck
Extra: That bundle of joy looks like it would sing just to give itself an explosive headache. Bootiful.
Username: Hexe
Pokemon: Gardevoir
Trainer: Veteran Female from Black/White
PKMN Included?: Yes please!
Extra: ‘Tis I! The frenchiest fry! Also, I love the galaxy Gardevoir! Thank you so much!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!

❧ YungRover
Thank you very much ^^

❧ ~Metal-Gear-REX~

❧ 20BiTeen
Oooh, I love the way the Pokemon colors came out :3

❧ Mhaila
Well hi there XD

❧ Hexe
Of course! :3

Username: Yonji
Pokemon: Mega Houndoom
Extra: ayeeee owo