Howdy @CharmanderForLive, your
shiny caterpie has hatched and ready to be claimed. Please check
your private trade and offer a trash poke. You have 24 hours to
claim before it gets pass down to the next one in line.
Have a nice day!
Username: MegaStoneMew
Mega-Able you want: Baydol
Breeder of mega-able: Lemon
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yos
Other: hope this isn't a repeat of the last time I ordered...
Howdy, @SolaCookie!
Your shiny caterpie has hatched and ready to be claimed. Please
check your private trade and offer a trash poke. You have 24 hours
to claim before it gets pass down to the next one in line.
Have a nice day!
And the hunt is over. I’ll be back soon with a new hunt~!
Hello everyone!
Our breeder 11thDoctorSong has been
generous enough to start a new hunt, this time with shiny Dratini!
As of right now there are three slots open so catch them while you
can, and make sure to thank the doctor for this opportunity :)
Username: Crystalmyst
Why do you want to be a breeder here?: I want to help others get
a shiny that they might not have the time or money to get
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?: 24
Premium Account?: saving for it
Pokemon you are going to breed: Combee (after current hunt is
How many slots you will open: 3
Username: CrimsonRaye
Shiny you want: Combee
Breeder of shiny: Crystalmyst
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yes!
Other: Thanks for giving me a slot :D
Crystalmyst welcome to the team, I'm glad to have you here :D
Don't worry Crimson I got you down already ^^
2 slots for shiny Combee remain. For everyone applying for a slot
please remember that the hunt HAS NOT started yet, so it may take a
while for the shiny to be ready. Regardless, please be patient as I
am sure it will be worth it :)
Shiny you want: Combee, please.
Breeder of shiny:Crystalmyst
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Of course!
Other: Male with everstone if possible. If not it's fine. Thank you
so much!