Game Records
Trainer ID: #728643182Registration: 18/02/2019 (5 Years ago)
Time Played: 644:21 Hours
Total interactions: 202,670
Money: 1,139,092
Starter Pokémon:
![This user has completed their Johto Dex.](
![This user has completed their Sinnoh Dex.](
Share this hashtag for a chance to win various keys and boxes!
The prizes are:
5 Purple Boxes
3 Pink Boxes
3 Light Blue Boxes
1 Dark Blue Box
2 Brown Keys
10 Red Keys
And, members of Game Developers Reworked can claim Gold Keys! I have 8 Gold Keys, so claim them as fast as you can.
I will be doing a lottery starting today till March 2nd. Winners will be announced shorty after reset my time (mst)
The cost is one box or key per entry sent to me as a gift.
Free entries if you Like this post or share this on your feed with the hashtag #ShadowSnipeLottery
First place winner will receive 500 nuggets
Second place winner will receive 1 Mega Stone
Third place winner will receive a light or dark stone. ( up to them)
I will be using a random name picker to decide winner. The more entries you have the more time your name will be entered. Have fun and may luck be ever in your favor.
I will be doing a lottery starting today till March 2nd. Winners will be announced shorty after reset my time (mst)
The cost is one box or key per entry sent to me as a gift.
Free entries if you Like this post or share this on your feed with the hashtag #ShadowSnipeLottery
First place winner will receive 500 nuggets
Second place winner will receive 1 Mega Stone
Third place winner will receive a light or dark stone. ( up to them)
I will be using a random name picker to decide winner. The more entries you have the more time your name will be entered. Have fun and may luck be ever in your favor.
Shiny Hunt
BewearOfNoah is currently hunting Buzzwole.
Hunt started: 10/11/2019
Chain: 24
Hunt started: 10/11/2019
Chain: 24
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