Dragora gets up, "You could have killed me Sor! What were you...
Sor? Sorago?" She looked up at him and noticed that he's actually
letting his anger run through him, "Oh for the sake of the
goddess." She shifts into her dragon form and steps between the
two, "Go home Sor."
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Can we reason with your bro... *even if I want to hurt the twerp so
bad... he to himself in his head as he slowly de transform back
into a human* I like good fight but is there a way to reason with
he chuckled. "heh, you think you can reason with me?" he said
making a hollow square with thick crystal around avagon so avagon
wont break from it. "im gonna kill you slow.."
Dragora is shocked into silence. She doesn't leave though, instead
she shifts into a mid form and tackles into Sorago, "I might be
weaker than you but I swear to the goddess I will not let you hurt
Jolon nods, "Yeah, wait. Don't you have to leave soon?"
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"I'll get you settled in then I'll fly." Lunara strolled in briskly
and shows them the feast of food. At laest 9 different plates of
food and bowls of soup, still warm due to the spell she put on
them, "eat up. I'll be going soon."
She takes Perone to her room and tucks her into bed.
*Avagon hits the crystal with his sword but nothing works later
using his magic and dragon form but dose not work* Dragora! She's
your sister how could you!
*Rei starting to worry she calls Soraya with the giving crystal,
she tries to reach her*
Jolon sighs, "You both should eat. I have some digging to do for my
uniform." He heads upstairs.
Dragora digs her talons into Sorago, "We're both the same type of
dragon, or are you forgetting that I'm your sister?" She pulls him
back, "Seriously, calm down. He wouldn't have broken through your
crystal if you hadn't put it up. I know my annoying angsty older
brother is in here somewhere, Sor, stop this. Please, this is that
favor you promised me, I'm using it now so that you aren't a
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Lunara puts a loaf of bread with butter on it in Jolon's hands
before picking up a bowl of soup checking the clock and flying to
the necromancer's castle. She drank the soup in midair
"i.....i have to protect my sister....you arent her, you are a
figment of my imagination, a spell cast on me by
this.....this......dumb guy here!" he said pointing at avagon.