Forum Thread
[TES] Trade Evolution Station
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → [TES] Trade Evolution StationPurpose of this thread
We all know that there are quite a few Pokémon that need to be traded in order to evolve*. So we decided to make this thread to help you guys with all those trade evolutions! :]* See spoiler for Pokémon which evolve via trade.

Autumn Kadabra -> Autumn Alakazam
Boldore -> Gigalith
Clamperl (holding a DeepSeaTooth) -> Huntail
Clamperl (holding a DeepSeaScale) -> Gorebyss
Dusclops (holding a Reaper Cloth) -> Dusknoir
Electabuzz (holding an Electirizer) -> Electivire
Feebas (holding a Prism Scale) -> Milotic
Gligar (holding a Razor Fang; at night) -> Gliscor
Graveler -> Golem
Gurdurr -> Conkeldurr
Haunter -> Gengar
Kadabra -> Alakazam
Karrablast -> Escavalier*
Machoke -> Machamp
Magmar (holding a Magmarizer) -> Magmortar
Onix (holding a Metal Coat) -> Steelix
Phantump -> Trevenant
Poliwhirl (holding a King's Rock) -> Politoed
Porygon (holding an Up-Grade) -> Porygon2
Porygon2 (holding a Dubious Disc) -> Porygon-Z
Pumpkaboo -> Gourgeist
Rhydon (holding a Protector) -> Rhyperior
Scyther (holding a Metal Coat) -> Scizor
Seadra (holding a Dragon Scale) -> Kingdra
Shelmet -> Accelgor*
Slowpoke (holding a King's Rock) -> Slowking
Slugua (holding a Shoal Shell) -> Aquargo
Sneasel (holding a Razor Claw; at night) -> Weavile
Spritzee (holding a Sachet) -> Aromatisse
Swirlix (holding a Whipped Dream) -> Slurpuff
Autumn Kadabra -> Autumn Alakazam
Boldore -> Gigalith
Clamperl (holding a DeepSeaTooth) -> Huntail
Clamperl (holding a DeepSeaScale) -> Gorebyss
Dusclops (holding a Reaper Cloth) -> Dusknoir
Electabuzz (holding an Electirizer) -> Electivire
Feebas (holding a Prism Scale) -> Milotic
Gligar (holding a Razor Fang; at night) -> Gliscor
Graveler -> Golem
Gurdurr -> Conkeldurr
Haunter -> Gengar
Kadabra -> Alakazam
Karrablast -> Escavalier*
Machoke -> Machamp
Magmar (holding a Magmarizer) -> Magmortar
Onix (holding a Metal Coat) -> Steelix
Phantump -> Trevenant
Poliwhirl (holding a King's Rock) -> Politoed
Porygon (holding an Up-Grade) -> Porygon2
Porygon2 (holding a Dubious Disc) -> Porygon-Z
Pumpkaboo -> Gourgeist
Rhydon (holding a Protector) -> Rhyperior
Scyther (holding a Metal Coat) -> Scizor
Seadra (holding a Dragon Scale) -> Kingdra
Shelmet -> Accelgor*
Slowpoke (holding a King's Rock) -> Slowking
Slugua (holding a Shoal Shell) -> Aquargo
Sneasel (holding a Razor Claw; at night) -> Weavile
Spritzee (holding a Sachet) -> Aromatisse
Swirlix (holding a Whipped Dream) -> Slurpuff
So if you ever need help with evolving any of your Pokémon but don't know who to trade with, this is the right place for you to ask for help! Feel free to post here, and we'll trade your Pokemon back and forth so they can evolve. We're not asking much from you, only your trust. 'We' are CatLady
Instructions (absolutely necessary to follow!)
First of all, please follow the given instructions. There aren't that many but those few are important and will help us and you to make things go more smoothly. Thanks!If you want us to evolve your Pokémon which are not Karrablast and/or Shelmet, please ...
... set up a Private Trade, visible to
... leave a short note in the trade description that lets us know of it being a TES trade
... wait for one of us to offer on your trade. (Since, thanks to the recent private trade notification update, we don't have to rely on you posting in this thread to let us know about your trades anymore.)
Then, just accept the offer either CatLady or I made on your trade, and set up our Pokémon in Private Trades again, so that we can then get your Pokémon back to you. :]
If you, however, want us to evolve your Karrablast and/or Shelmet, please ...
... do not set up a trade**
... copy and fill in the form given below.
Form (Karrablast / Shelmet)
[b][size=12]Please evolve my
Amount of Pokémon to evolve[/b]:
[b]Comment (optional)[/b]:
Amount of Pokémon to evolve[/b]:
[b]Comment (optional)[/b]:
As for the amount, simply tell us how many Karrablast/Shelmet you need us to evolve - as we need to know the exact amount of Pokémon that are going to be traded!
** Please do not set up the trade yourself as we will be the ones setting up the trade. It is much easier for us if we can accept the trade as we need it, since we have to prepare our parties in order for that specific evolution to work.
After your Pokémon have evolved, we shall set them up in another private trade back to you. All you need to do is offer back the Pokémon we previously traded with you, and that's all there is to it. :]
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
And yes, I would keep the Pokémon in my Trainees box or if I could afford a free space in my party I'd keep it there.
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