"Same, Scar." Deirdre snorted as she ate her pasta and smiled
slightly. "Well, of course same. But you know." she added before
flinching as thunder roared overhead.
"Hey!" Simon smiled as he waved at Ness and grinned. "Come sit! You
can order something, too!" he smiled as he pulled out the chair on
the other side of him with his foot.
Jenny looked at Austin and nodded as she had that question as well,
but didn't want to say it.
Scar smiled at Deirdre and nodded before looking over to Max. Max
had subconsciously placed a hand on Deirdre's shoulder in an
attempt to calm her down. He glanced at Miyah and nodded. "Mom
never has any problems with swimming in the ocean. I think Dad is
afraid of it though." He snickered. "As for the rivers in Kalos?
I'm sure we'll still be able to enjoy them."
Austin glanced at Jenny and nodded kindly before taking another
“Hi, Micah!” Ness grinned and lifted one hand as a greeting before
moving to the now pushed out chair, offering Simon a smile too.
“Thanks! Looks like you guys beat us.” She snorted, reaching into
her backpack and yanking out her sweatshirt, pulling it on in an
attempt to temporarily halt the shivering.
Deirdre squinted at Max and scooter her chair closer to the window
before she barely avoided smacking her head onto the window. She
ate with an awkward expression on her face. It seemed so much
different now that they weren't little kids.
Jenny smiled at Austin as she sipped her soup.
Simon smiled back at Ness before he resumed eating his sandwich.
"Cold?" he asked after a bite. "Is the rain worse?"
"Hope so," Miyah grinned. She noticed Max's little 'move' (if you
could even call it that; she decided that it was definitely a
'move' ) and stifled a whistle. She loved her brother just enough
to not embarrass him that badly. Instead, she just grinned
widely and nodded a greeting at the newcomers.
"Yeah, hi. I don't know you people but since you're here and
talking to Micah I'm going to assume that you're nice," Miyah
rambled to the newcomers, taking the last bite of her salad. She
didn't even realize that she finished it right away and went to
stab another bite, but came up empty.
“Freezing,” Ness mused, shaking her head. “I think so. Plus the
thunder and whatnot, so it’s not very pretty outside. It’s like..
All muddy.” She grinned before lifting her head and smiling at
Miyah. “Gee, thanks.” She stifled a laugh. “Seriously. Thanks, I
guess. I’m Ness. I met them earlier.” She explained.
Scar nodded a greeting to Ness. "Nice to meet you Ness, I'm Scar."
She said kindly.
Max glanced at Deirdre for a moment and frowned. "Err sorry, you
looked startled. I just tried to calm you down. Uh I won't touch
you if you don't want me to." He whispered in embarrassment.
Austin glanced at Miyah and pushed his salad over to her as he
didn't like salad. "Here I'm not going to eat it." He said kindly.
"I'm Miyah," She introduced herself. "That dude over there...
Conversing--I think I used that word right--with that girl
is my brother, Max. ...Austin, are you sure?" Miyah looked over in
slight surprise and slid the salad closer to her.
“Hello, hi, hiya!” Ness grinned, nodding to each introduction.
“Nice to meet all of you. My sibling is.. Oh. Gone. Oh well. I’ll
see them later. When they realize they
left their jacket in my backpack. Idiot.” She pauses,
turning her head to look at Max. She dropped her voice to a
whisper. “Hang on, are those two together, or..?”
“Ooooh,” Ness made a face and shook her head with a small smile.
“Got it.” She grinned, tucking her hands into her sweatshirt
pockets, but not before dropping the lollipop back in her mouth.
“Okay. Carry on.”
Micah gave the rest of his soup to Flower, who happily devoured it.
He then rested his head on his hand and listened to the
conversations going on around.
"Love you, little brother." JJ mused before going back to her meal
with Joey.
"Course I'm sure. I mean you should've seen it when my dad tried to
make me eat salad." Austin said in amusement.
Max laughed, "oh yes Uncle Snow when he tried to make you eat
anything healthy. That was hilarious." He grinned.
Austin laughed in amusement at Max and shook his head before
nodding a greeting to Ness.
Max glanced at Miyah and sighed before shaking his head. He looked
at Deirdre. "Sorry didn't mean to confuse you." He said kindly and
went back to his food.
Scar snickered in amusement at Miyah. "it'll happen eventually." she whispered
"Shut up, JJ." Simon joked before snorting as he overheard Miyah
and Ness' conversation. He then turned to Miyah. "We're from
Sinnoh." he replied and smiled.
"I love salad. I don't know why you don't." Jenny said fondly
before going back to her food.
"Mmmhm." Deirdre raised her eyebrows before sighing as she finished
her pasta.