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[signup] The Third Rise of MoonClan

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up [signup] The Third Rise of MoonClan
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 22:07 (6 Years ago)
This better be the last time this cursed series makes a comeback.

a re-reboot of rise of moonclan and moonclan's reboot, my most successful roleplays!
rp page
in the cold night air, you can see puffs of breath. you approach, your tail lashing cautiously. ahead of you is a blue-grey she-cat. she stares at you with calm green eyes. "greetings, i am poolstar. do you wish to walk with me?" curious, you follow her. she talks about moonclan, her home, and her cats. before long, you both are in her den.

you tell her that you wish to join the clan. she laughs and smiles politely. poolstar dips her head to you. "welcome to my clan," she says. "enjoy your time here." you look around before staring at your tail, ready to leave the den...

"oh, but be warned. many moonclan cats have been going missing as of recently, only to be found dead."

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-follow the rules on pokeheroes. spam posts will be immediately reported and you will be banned from roleplay.
-ooc chat is fine, but put it between brackets.
-follow the w- y'know what? disobey the code! pull a rainrock!
-disobeying any rules will get you a warn. four warnings gets you banned from roleplaying and we will control your cats. *if you do not wish for that, please tell us!
-do not repeat prefixes without reason, or have a prefix of star.
-medicine cats are allowed to have mates here.

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[b]☾i wish to join moonclan![/b]
[b]✕roleplay name[/b] [name]
[b]✕bio gender[/b] [m / f]
[b]✕age[/b] [x moons]
[b]✕ranking in clan[/b] [rank]
[b]✕appearance[/b] [url or spoiler and image]
[b]✕personality[/b] [tbrped is fine]
[b]✕crush/mate[/b] [mate/crush]
[b]✕kits[/b] [kits]
[b]✕extra[/b] [extra information goes here]

my characters
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✕roleplay name poolstar
✕bio gender she-cat
✕age fifty moons
✕ranking in clan leader
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
✕crush/mate unknown mate
✕kits skyfall and rainrock

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✕roleplay name rainrock
✕bio gender tom-cat
✕age eighteen moons
✕ranking in clan
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
✕crush/mate huge crush on snowfall
✕kits knowing him, he'll end up adopting a bunch of kits
-skyfall's littermate
-grade-a bisexual icon
-not a real villain
-knows something probably

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✕roleplay name skyfall
✕bio gender tom-cat
✕age eighteen moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
✕crush/mate and kits [n/a]
-rainrock's littermate
-once tried to eat a deathberry on a dare
-he dared himself

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✕roleplay name nightgazer
✕bio gender tom-cat
✕age thirty-eight moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance x
✕personality [in rp]
✕crush/mate oo f?
✕kits oo f?
-duskwhisker's bestie eyy

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✕roleplay name duskwhisker
✕bio gender tom-cat
✕age thirty-nine moons
✕ranking in clan medicine cat
✕appearance x
✕personality somewhat creepy yet aloof, duskwhisker is a bit intimidating to some of his clanmates. however, as you get to know him, you find that he is very polite, soft-spoken as he is. the medicine cat is very wise despite being rather young, but put him in a situation where he is stressed and you will find he breaks quickly. when scared, he starts to talk to himself in a panicked tone. thankfully, most of the time, duskwhisker is very calm.
✕crush/mate kinda has a crush on nightgazer but he tries to shrug it off
✕kits o o f?
-low key bisexual
-nightgazer's best friend

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✕roleplay name nighttail
✕bio gender she-cat
✕age fifty moons
✕ranking in clan warrior
✕appearance x
✕personality [in roleplay]
✕crush/mate yellowsting duh
✕kits ;^^)))
-she had gone missing for a while, deemed dead.
-turns out she just took a nap on a tree for a while.

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poolstar [f]


medicine cats
duskwhisker [m]

medicine apprentices

nightgazer [m]
rainrock [m]
skyfall [m]
nighttail [f]


queens / kits





frostpool [m]
jaggedtooth [m]

dark forest
echoheart [m]

man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all dolled up
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 22:12 (6 Years ago)

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name
✕bio gender
47 moons
✕ranking in clan
yellowsting loves his clan dearly and will do anything for his clanmates. he's [...]
nighttail [mate]

• super gullible
• gets hurt often
• idolizes poolstar

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name
✕bio gender
✕age [x moons]
24 moons
✕ranking in clan
✕personality [tbrped is fine]
rainrock [crush]

• actually really smart??
• keeps wandering off and getting lost
• everyone gets worried but he's has a great time

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name
✕bio gender
16 moons
✕ranking in clan
✕personality [tbrped is fine]

• not preggo (thank starclan), just a cripple
• out of breath easily
• a n g e r y

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name
✕bio gender
25 moons
✕ranking in clan
✕personality [tbrped is fine]
sedge [mate]

• spottedcloud's brother
• tries his best
• forgets to sleep

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name
✕bio gender
25 moons
✕ranking in clan
✕personality [tbrped is fine]

• crowgaze's sister
• will fight
• likes lizards

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name
✕bio gender
27 moons
✕ranking in clan
✕personality [tbrped is fine]
crowgaze [mate]

• genderfluid
• likes swimming
• only eats fish and water vole
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 22:12 (6 Years ago)
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all dolled up
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 02/07/2018 06:24 (6 Years ago)
I hope this is still open!
Only the first 3 are finished.
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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Sandsight
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior

Sandsight is rather tolerant and intelligent, however she can be very grumpy when tired. She prefers to be left alone, but will not hesitate to show loyalty to her clan or play with the kits and entertain the apprentices. She is fiercely protective of the weak and will gladly stand tall with the strong.
✕crush/mate None (Yet)
✕kits None
-She particularly enjoys spending time in the Nursery
-She has a soft spot for apprentices and enjoys helping them
-Heavily believes in tough love
-Although a bit distant, shes known to be very kind and helpful. She has 3 sisters, Rainbreeze, Goldenspot, and Waspwing. (might add them in slowly)

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Spiderpaw (Later Spiderspeck)
✕bio gender female
✕age 10 moons
✕ranking in clan Apprentice

(Later, as a warrior)

Spiderpaw is very energetic and friendly, she tends to be very overbearing at times, and has a hard time knowing when to stop. She is mischievous and very tricky to pin down, but is incredibly clever. She could swindle a rabbit right out from under another apprentice's nose, if she wanted. She is very devoted to becoming a warrior and works her hardest to make her mentor proud. (If you want to be her mentor just ask!) She is incredibly fiesty and will snap when provoked, but she means well.
✕crush/mate None (Yet)
✕kits None
-Her only sibling, Ravenkit passed because of a lung illness. He started sneezing and wheezing and passed in his sleep.
-Spiderpaw is the runt of her litter.
-She tries especially hard to make up for her small size.

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Rainbreeze
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Queen

Rainbreeze is soft spoken and caring, she very much enjoys helping others and finds her experiences in life make her a great advice giver. She is devoted and loyal, but will always stick to her morals. She hates violence and tries to avoid confrontation, and is very self conscious about her sight. She often feels helpless because of it.
✕crush/mate None(Yet)
✕kits None
-She helps in the Nursery, due to the fact that she's almost completely blind.
-She has matching scars over her eyes from where a badger attacked her as a young warrior. The incident happened just one moon after she became a warrior.
-She was heartbroken when she realized she would never get her sight back, and it's still a touch subject.

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(Work in progress, wont be playable)

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Goldenspot
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior

Goldenspot is fierce and brash, agonizingly blunt and excruciatingly honest. She values honor and honesty from others, even if it stings. She prefers to be given constructive criticism, and to grow from her failures.
✕crush/mate None(yet)
✕kits None
-She lost her mate 9 moons ago.
-She was previously a Queen, before her mate passed, but the litter was stillborn.
-She can't visit the Nursery without breaking down.
-She is consistently at odds with her siblings, but loves them dearly.
-She is especially close to Rainbreeze, due to her support when she lost her mate and kits.

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(WIP, Unplayable)

☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name Waspwing
✕bio gender female
✕age 27 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior

Waspwing is playful and cheery, but also as slippery as an eel She is rather distant from others, and sarcastic to a T, but can easily disappear if need be. Sneaky and quiet, she loves scouting and hunting birds, but has trouble connecting with others and working in groups.
✕crush/mate None
✕kits None
-Waspwing was the runt of her litter
-She uses her size to her advantage
-She values the warrior code, but also likes bending rules.
-She and Sandsight get into spats often, they but heads when Waspwing wakes her from nap.

Its dangerous to go alone, take this!

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2018 15:44 (6 Years ago)
Ohoho I love this kids.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2018 16:06 (6 Years ago)
☾i wish to join moonclan!
✕roleplay name [name] Crown
✕bio gender [m / f] F
✕age [x moons] 13
✕ranking in clan [rank] Warrior
✕appearance [url or spoiler and image]
✕personality [tbrped is fine]TPRD
✕crush/mate [mate/crush] Snowfall is mate?
✕kits [kits] none
✕extra [extra information goes here] YAY!!!! (Btw crown was a former rogue)
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2018 16:06 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! I'll eventually update allegiances, but I'll make the RP page soon.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2018 18:35 (6 Years ago)
I don't mind having one of my warriors be Spiderpaw's mentor? I think Yellowsting or Spottedcloud would be a good match for her.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 08/07/2018 00:34 (6 Years ago)
☾i wish to join moonclan!
Is it still open???

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✕roleplay name Stormwish
✕bio gender Male
✕age 28 moons
✕ranking in clan Warrior
✕appearance A gray tabby tom with dark spots around his paws and tail. He has yellow eyes.
✕personality He doesn't really like to help much but he has a talent for hunting.
✕crush/mate He is to remain alone.
✕kits He's still single.
✕extra He was a former loner and Pebble's brother

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✕roleplay name Pebble / Pebbletail
✕bio gender Female
✕age 28 moons
✕ranking in clan Loner
✕appearance A bit like a Rockruff, Pebble has light brown fur and a cream colored tail and neck fur. She has light yellow eyes.
✕personality To be RPed
✕crush/mate Still alone
✕kits Nope!
✕extra She is Stormwish's sister and will soon join the clan
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sun, 08/07/2018 00:43 (6 Years ago)
im being lazy rn shh
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 04:51 (6 Years ago)
Is this dead? Just in case it isn’t I’ll do dis “0

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☾I wish to join moonclan!
x roleplay name: Sugî
x Bio gender f
x age 19 moons
x ranking in clan: medical apprentice
x appearance: a pitch black cat with light blue eyes, her paws and ears are snow white.
x personality: tbrped
x crush/mate: can I create my mate if so it’s Fiddy
x kits: this meaning children right? If so she got Didly
x extra: this isn’t info in the character but this seems like something from the warrior cat books or somethin witch I never read

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☾i wish to join moonclan!
x roleplay name: Fiddy
x bio gender: m
x age: 25 moons
x ranking in clan: warrior
x appearance: this fine tuxedo cat
x Personality: tbrped
x crush/mate: mate: Sugî
x kits: Didly
x extra:

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i wish to join the moonclan!
x roleplay name: Didly
bio gender: f
x age: 6 moons
x ranking in clan : kittypet
x appearance: a white cat with green eyes and black splotches of black on her.
x personality: tbrped
x crush/mate:
x kits:c
x extra:*reads the link w-* *inhale* *exhale* let’s hope this is fine

Wait the rp has started ;w; y must I be stupid

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)