Forum Thread
1x1 with Tokage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with Tokage
Cyndaquil yawned and got to the ground. "I've got to set those two up." He said with a quiet sigh.

Hori poked his head out of Mira's bag. "Yeah. You do."

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil looked at Hori, "wanna help me plan something? I mean, Mira always plans dates, but Arceus knows if she's ever going to figure out how she feels about Tiger if they're still just 'friends'."

"Yeah! Sounds good," Hori nodded eagerly.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and followed Tiger. "We'll plan something on the way to Ecruteak." He promised kindly.

Hori nodded cheerfully.

Credit to Viper
Hori grinned and climbed out of the bag, landing with a grunt and waddling alongside the trainers.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil smiled at Hori and walked next to him. He looked around the city.

"This place looks bigger than Saffron," Hori commented.

Credit to Viper
"It is." Cyndaquil said softly to Hori. "Saffron city is just a bit smaller than Goldenrod."

"Wow. That's weird. I didn't think anything was bigger than Saffron," Hori admitted sheepishly.

Credit to Viper
"Lumiose City and Hau'oli City are bigger than Goldenrod. Maybe that's why Tiger didn't like Hau'oli City much." Cyndaquil said gently and smiled at Hori reassuringly. "This world is bigger than you think, but I'm sure you'll enjoy exploring it with Mira."

"...What she said," Mira laughed. "Honestly, Tiger, I just think that Arcanines are either proud, regal pokemon or hyperactive furballs. There is a middle ground, but it's not very common."
"Yeah. I've had fun so far!" Hori smiled.

Credit to Viper
"I just wish I was around sooner to travel with you guys. It seems like you've been everywhere," Hori blinked.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and looked at Hori. "You're here now. I'm sure Tiger and Mira will be going to many other places." He said gently.

"You really think so? I hope so. Travelling is fun," Hori smiled shyly.

Credit to Viper