Forum Thread
Experience Points that change!
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Resolved → Experience Points that change!This was moved to Confirmed Bugs. This means something...right? xD
Ok this is annoying for me since I'm trying to get one of the strongest Pokemon OS...
My Drifloon (Flying Lemon)'s max EXP is changing! I use Google Chrome and Windows 7 if that helps.
This is the pokemon:
these are some screenshots.
I have confirmed that this sudden change happens every level, going from 3 mil to 5 mil then back to 3 mil. (the exp grows with every level. So it would be like...3.5 mil to 5.7 mil and then to 3.7 mil then on and on. though this isnt the actual exp, just an example.) As far as I know, none of my other Pokemon have this problem. I don't remember when this problem started/when I first noticed it, but I'm thinking as the exp got bigger it started going all weird.
(Oh wait this was moved to Confirmed Bugs? Wish I checked before bumping this rip)

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Here is a graph from Bulbapedia:

More information can be found on this Bulbapedia article about the Fluctuating Exp. Group