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Brithcalen and Saratank RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Brithcalen and Saratank RP
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 01:42 (6 Years ago)
Humans and Dragons. XD

Human tribe Ranks~
Tribe Leader- Styrke- Played by Brithcalen
Daughter of the leader- Rose- saratank


Regular members~

Dragon Ranks~
Leader- Sapphire- saratank
2nd in Command- Rathalos- Played by Brithcalen

Regular Dragons-

Humans and Dragons haven't really gotten along, but things are changing.

Human Sign ups~
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In relationship with-

Dragon Sign ups~
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My sign ups~
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Name- Rose
Gender- Female
Age- 19
Rank- Daughter to the Tribe leader
Look- She has long blonde hair, usually braided back, and she dressed like Astrid from How to Train your Dragon except her shirt is a darker blue
Crush- None yet (Whoever she picks will become the next tribe leader so she has to pic carefully)
In relationship with-
Other- She is blind in her right eye

Name- Cyrus
Gender- Male
Age- 47
Rank- Normal
Look- Cyrus is tall and buff with dark brown hair.
Crush- He had a wife that died
In relationship with- //
Other- He has a son names Hunter that he has been trying to pair with Rose to make sure his son was to become Tribe leader.

Name- Hunter
Gender- Male
Age- 20
Rank- Normal
Look- he looks like his father, but more slender
Crush- //
In relationship with-//
Other- His father wont stop pushing him to be with Rose

Name- Sapphire
Gender- Female
Age- 263 years
Rank- Leader
Look- Sapphire has dark blue scales with Fire red eyes. She stands fairly tall with a long neck. Her underwings are ice blue as well as black spikes along her tail.
Crush- //
Power(s)- She can shoot icicles from her mouth along with throwing the spikes from her tail.
Other- She hasn't had a mate yet, but she is vaguely looking.

Name- Fang
Gender- Male
Age- 173
Rank- Regular
Look- Fang is pure black with golden eyes, along with spiky ears and wings.
Crush- //
Power(s)- In the shadows he can turn invisible if he remains still

Name- Ember
Gender- Female
Age- 102
Rank- Regular
Look- Ember is a golden amber color with green fading to her wings and tail tip
Power(s)- She can breath fire

Name- Zeek
Gender- Male
Age- Unknown (very old)
Rank- Elder
Look- He is dark grey with light grey around the muzzle and eyes.
Mate- He had 2-3 while he was young enough to have them
Hatchlings- Unknown to who they are to him.
Power(s)- He can change his scales to match his surroundings, but he cant do it for long anymore
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 11/02/2018 04:41 (6 Years ago)

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Name- Styrke
Gender- Male
Rank-Tribe Leader
Look- He is tall and rather buff, with a thick graying blond beard. His hair is matching, yet he wouldn’t consider himself real old. He wears animal pelts when he wishes to be intimidating, but has normal leather attire the other times.
Crush- Roda
In relationship with- His wife, Roda and daughter Rose
Other-He loves his family ever so much and wants the best for his daughter. He believes that she will pick the best husband to lead the tribe and has no worry. However, when he wears his animal furs around, he wishes to show he is on the fence. Strong leader. Always wears a ‘crown’ of rose briars and morning glory vines intertwined together. Does not like dragons or people even leaving the village unless it is a voyage to find new land and people. He does like new people and friends, yet is not able to have his house filled with guests due to his wife.

Name- Roda
Gender- Female
Rank- Tribe Leader’s life
Look- She has silver hair that was once just as blonde as her daughter’s. Her eyes as well seemly turned dull with age, also almost grey. She is very pale and always wears leather dresses. Wears a similar ‘crown’ that is just vines with dead colorful flowers.
In relationship with- Her husband, Styrke and daughter Rose.
Other- She is almost a complete opposite of her husband. She does not believe that her daughter will pick the right Tribe Leader and wants to marry her off herself. She stays in their room nearly all the time and barely goes outside to see anyone or meet company. She used to be a wonderful mother till losing her 3rd child 15 years ago. She wanted a big family as she came from one, but Rose was her only survivor. The other children she lost in their infancy. She has turned cold after losing her 3rd child and almost lost interest in Rose, unless it came to how she acts or who she wishes to be with. She also wishes to pick her friends.

Gender- Male
Look- Tall, black hair with cedar brown eyes. Wears viking apparel as if he is always ready for a trip
Crush- Unknown
In relationship with- Has a big family, cousins with Kona. Has two younger brothers and two younger sisters fill up his household with both his happy parents.
Other- His parents seem to want to find him the perfect wife and are eager to let him discover his life. He loves his family, all of his family.

Rank-Member, but wants to be the Healer
Look- Has short brown hair with green eyes. Wears leather dresses often with bountiful of shell necklaces or bracelets
In relationship with- Has a complicated relationship with her parents. She is the only child that is pushed to marry. They want her to deal with a family, rather than to be some healer.
Other-Open, friendly and tries to ignore her parents by being with her cousin’s family all the time.

Name- Kalores
Gender- Female
Look- She has ash under belly with red otherwise. Her head is black with aline all the way down to the end of her tail. Her wings are rose color. Her eyes are gold.
Crush- Draig
Power(s) She fires ash that can turn into fire if she clicks her claws
Other- Has lost all of her hatchlings and worries about her little one. Loves her mate dearly and respects Sapphire. Hides her sadness by putting all her happiness in her hatchling.

Name- Draig
Gender- Male
Rank- Regular
Look- He has blue specks all over his black body. His eyes blue with grey wings.
Power(s) Breaths frost and freezing water
Other- Draig is an interesting dragon that has killed all his hatchlings as they did not live up to his expectation. Sarkany was his last egg that has not yet been judged by him. He thinks that only the strongest dragons live and each of his hatchlings he feels were not. His parents wanted him to be with Kalores as she was the kindest dragon to them or one that caught their eye. He gave in and Kalores loved him. Sadly, after his parents passed he completely turned. He had feelings for Sapphire and it seemed that he took it out on his hatchlings Kalores wanted. Sapphire is the strong dragon he wished to be with while Kalores just wanted hatchlings and to be kind to everyone. He dislikes Sarkany when alone with her, but seems like a doting father around others.

Gender- Male
Rank-2nd in Command
Look- He had white wings with a white underbelly. His had black and blue undertones all the rest
Crush- Unknown
Power(s) His fire turns into sharp rocks
Other- Stoic and rather proud. He is happy to be 2nd in command and wants to live up to it by anyway he can. Enjoys Sapphire’s company as well as the other dragons, but wants to make sure everything is going well with his leader.

Gender- Female
Rank- Member
Look- She has a light greyish red body. The tip of her tail is red just like her mouth. Her wings are light blue. She is rather mix matched
Power(s) Thinks she can just breathe water as each time she tries, she spits out water. Which makes her sad, she admires everyone else’s skills.
Other- Loves her parents as well as the other dragons

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 01:48 (6 Years ago)

Title: Start

Rose let out a yawn as she woke up. She turned over in her bed and sighed as she got up. "Time to clean the stables" she said. "And I hope the dragons didn't burn them down" she mumbled to herself.

Cyrus was already up and called to Hunter. "Get up! You need to get to the stables, and make sure you help Rose. You need her to like you" he said. Hunter shook his head. "Why? I don't like her, and I don't want to be tribe leader" he said. Hunter winced as his father slapped him. "No back talking. You will make sure she likes you."

Sapphire was up and sitting on the perch of the mountain looking down into the valley below where the village was. She let out a small growl before her eyes glanced back to her icy cave. She liked the cold and made sure the ice never melted.

Fang was in his dark cave, sleeping. He had patrolled through the night and was sore after dealing with a few humans who attacked him for flying around looking for food. A few of his black scales were missing, allowing the humans to have been able to hurt him.

Ember sighed as she looked out of the cave. Her eyes landed on Sapphire, happy to have her as their leader. She stood up before she headed out to see what she could find to eat.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 03:34 (6 Years ago)
Styrke woke up early to do his morning rounds, he had to make sure everything was going well. He enjoyed to see people up and working away in the village...it gave him time away from his wife who doesn't greet him or their daughter in the morning. She only graced them with her presence when she wanted to check up on how things were doing. Well, actually, who their daughter was friends with since the time she asked. ''Morning!" He waved to a neighbor.

Roda stayed hold up in their room, even after she knew the house was empty.

Kovu was working in the fields, smiling to see Styrke. ''Morning, leader!" He returned. ''If Rose needs any help in the stable, I would love to offer!'' He smiled. ''It beats the field!"

Kona stayed in bed, not up for another day in the village. She didn't like it so much, as she couldn't get away from her parents or cousins who seemly crowded her. Well, she didn't mind her cousins compared to her parents, she just wanted away.

Kalores woke up with Sarkany climbing all over her, begging to hunt with her. ''Mother, can we go hunt? Maybe steal a sheep from the village? I do so find it amusing when they think we want their sheep. They're just all fluff.'' She giggled, glancing over at Draig who growled. Their cave lit up with frost after Draig stood up. No longer was it a vibrant, red clay colored cave, rather a cold frosted room. ''You do not go by the humans, they could kill you. Being so young as you are, your scales will not deflect some of their weapons. I do not want to lose my little hatchling.''

Ratholas made sure to get up after believing that Fang had returned. It was give or take sometimes when it came to night watching, due to his scales. ''Morning, Sapphire.'' He said landing near her. ''Do you need anything done today? Would you like something to eat?" He offered, always offering to her.

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 03:48 (6 Years ago)
Sapphire looked over at Ratholas. "I am rather hungry, though I could stretch my wings" she said. "We can go hunting, though I am not sure what I would want to eat right now. Boar, or yak sounds good."

Rose walked past Stryke and hugged him before she headed tot he stables. She was glad she had her father to talk to at least, though hoped that her mother would some day start really talking to them again. She understood why her mother didn't talk to her, though it still hurt.

Hunter sighed as he headed to the stables and started working around the shires to get them ready for the farmers and to have their stalls cleaned to make less work for Rose like his father wanted.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 04:10 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas bowed his head to Sapphire's words, looking off towards the forest and mountains. ''A yak may be a good choice if you do not want much of a hunt. While the boars, I heard they have been moving due to the humans chasing them.'' He folded up his wings. ''I would enjoy either for sure.''

Stryke smiled at Rose, of course returning the hug tightly. ''Morning my dear flower!'' He called to her as she went to the stable before turning to Kovu. ''Well, I believe I saw Hunter before my dear. You are off the hook like a terrible whale with him around! You just deal with the crops!"

Sarkany moved over to Draig, climbing on him. ''I wouldn't go near a human, I just want to steal a sheep while they're not looking.'' She still smiled. ''Sapphire would even laugh.''

Draig rolled his eyes as he sat up, the little one tumbling off. ''No, she would be very disappointed in you.''
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 04:20 (6 Years ago)
Sapphire stretched her wings. "I am not surprised the humans are chasing the boars. They do mess with their crops from what I have seen" she replied calmly. "We should be sure to avoid the humans as well. I saw Fangs wounds from last night. With some of his scales missing he was vulnerable to get wounds."

Rose stopped and looked at Hunter. She sighed and shook her head as she worked on the other side of the stables. She knew what Cyrus was planning, and was wondering if she should tell her father. She heard a few people outside getting catapults ready.

An elder villager walked up to Stryke. "Sir, There was a dragon we hit last night. It didn't fall out of the sky, but I think we injured it" he said. His brown hair faded to gray, and he walked with a limp.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 16:10 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas looked rather concerned and narrowed his eyes towards the caves. He was not angry against anyone in particular. In fact, he was furious against himself for not knowing that Fang was in possible danger last night. ''I was unaware.'' He said, unfolding his wings now and preparing to take off. He glances off towards the human village, sighing, ''Pathetic humans, always trying a way to harm us when we're vulnerable. I understand, but I do not see why Fang was harmed. I cannot imagine he actually tried to harm the humans...yet they still attack. '' He grumbled, he disliked humans severely, though would not do anything that Sapphire did not ask him to do. ''Do you want patrols on watching the humans to ensure they're not encroaching or looking for Fang.''

Stryke glared at the elder to hear about the dragon. ''Really?'' He looked off towards the catapults. ''We will have to have a watch now for this dragon.'' He said now in all seriousness. ''Did it try attacking someone or was it simply trying to burn us down like they always do?" He asked. ''Otherwise, if we can kill this dragon it will be a victory for us. What did it look like? Where did you injure it?'' He asked.

Sarkany sighed as she moved to the front of her father. The poor hatchling knows that her father has feelings for Sapphire, she can see how he acts different between her mother and the leader. Which is why she brings up Sapphire, just to see how Draig acts in front of her mother. She nudged his chin and smiled. ''You're right, but I still want a sheep.''

Draig looked over at Kalores sighing. ''I can get you something...will not be a sheep...but I will get you something to eat.''
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 01:07 (6 Years ago)
Sapphire shook her head. "He told me he was patrolling to see where we could hunt next and not be attacked, and I do not think the humans knew he had no scales to protect himself before" she replied. "Our best bet now will be to try and fly high and observe them." She shot into the sky and looked around for a moment before she waited for Ratholas.

The elderly man sighed. "We saw him flying close. It looked like he was going to take our food" he replied.

Rose listened in quietly and sighed before she looked at Hunter. "Since I know you are going to be stuck here, I'm taking my horse for a ride" she said. She tacked up the Shire stallion and headed out the back to see if there were signs of an injured dragon. She wondered what she could find being out alone.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 01:53 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas flew up after her, still rather furious at the humans for causing such harm to Fang. ''I would rather run off the humans for attacking a dragon with no intentions of attacking himself. Though your wishes are much more desirable as we cannot destroy them without retaliation.'' He didn't want to show his true self, as he didn't want Sapphire to believe he would act out of line. He looked off towards the village, allowing for Sapphire to lead.

Stryke shook his head. ''Knew it! They only wish to destroy us each chance they get! Every catapult must be ready! We will have to see if they return and when they do, they shall be injured further! Anyone who kills a dragon, will have a happy feast with my family! '' He called, glancing at the others. ''A small prize, but I can offer more once I see the dead dragon!"

Kalores smiled and nudged Draig happily. ''Why don't you take her with you?" She offered.

Draig began out of the cave. ''I would, but I do not want to hear about sheep the whole time. Or a goat...or anything the humans may have. We only hunt wild and without human interaction.'' He walked around Sarkany who was begging to go, but truly didn't want to go. ''I am sure Sapphire used to eat sheep all the time and she loved it!"
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 02:07 (6 Years ago)
Sapphire looked at Ratholas. "We don't need another war on our claws." She saw movement in the village and sighed, knowing they were planning an attack.

The elder villager nodded and started helping others get ready.

Rose galloped off with her stallion toward the forest. She smiled as she stopped near a herd of yaks.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 02:50 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas scanned the village, narrowing his eyes to see them scramble about. ''Another war? I see that they are planning something unsettling.'' He caught eyes of the catapults, looking rather worried. ''Sapphire, they have more that they're planning. They likely hit Fang with one of those.'' He growled. ''They're planning to attack us.'' He moved closer to her as if he was going to push her away from any possible fire like they were attacking.

Styrke turned around, looking off towards the sky as he scanned. ''Kovu, get out of the field and gather a few sires! We need as many rocks from the field as possible!" He called. ''They could be anywhere and waiting!" His eyes were not perfect, but he felt dragon eyes on them. ''Tell Rose she must stay in the village, as well as Hunter. They may not hear the news.''

Kovu nodded as he dropped his tool to head to the stable.

Draig rolled his eyes as he stretched his wings. ''I will be back with something. Do not worry.''

Sarkany nuzzled into her mother again. ''He better get me a sheep.'' She giggled.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 03:21 (6 Years ago)
Sapphire narrowed her eyes. "Perhaps we need to protect the caves, move a little higher in the mountain if we need to." She didn't like the idea of needing to fight again so soon after she lost her parents.

Rose smiled as she dismounted her stallion and looked around. She let the Shire graze as she sat on a rock. A few yaks looked up at her, but didn't run off since they were more afraid of the dragons.

Hunter looked at Kovu. "Better tell our tribe leader that his daughter ran off again."
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 15:38 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas looked towards Sapphire with a sigh. ''Moving up the mountain may be safer, as they may encroach on us looking for Fang.'' He turned away back to the caves now as he no longer could even look at the humans without the threat of wanting to attack. He truly wished to cause revenge on the humans that have seemly caused turmoil. ''Sapphire, we should warn the others. I do believe that we should move up a little to avoid confrontation Otherwise, we may be forced to retaliate.''

Draig rolled his eyes once more before he took off to find an animal that would be good. He didn't like when Sarkany spoke to him, as he disliked her the most. Her scales were rather mix matched and her power seemed to be useless. Compared to his other hatchlings, she was the worst of them all. As he flew overhead he spotted Rose down below, narrowing his eyes to see a human. He circled around and decided to go after a yak to truly scare the human. He knew if he killed a human without Sapphire's order or a true reason, he would fall out of any favor he believes he has.

Kovu sighed looking at Hunter, glancing out of the stable. ''Again?'' He murmured. ''Why didn't you stop her? You of all people know how she shouldn't be able to leave the village whenever she wants. That is how trouble ensues.'' He glared a bit. ''You are always around her, you should know this.'' He said rolling his eyes.

Roda decided to show her face, which was a rarity more or less. She had a better prize that concerned the dragons and one she thought was fair. ''Styrke, may we speak?" She asked, walking over to him and stopping him from helping people load up the catapults.

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 15:44 (6 Years ago)
Hunter rolled his eyes. "It's not like I want to be around her all the time. My father forces me to" he said. He finished one stall and headed to the next.

Sapphire looked at Ratholas. "Please warn them. I will hunt and see what I can get to feed the others before we move" she replied.

Rose looked up and saw a dragon nearing and froze. She heard her horse take off, but she didn't run. Instead she dove into a bush to watch. She was rather curious about the dragons and one day hoped to sketch them and write about what they can do.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 16:07 (6 Years ago)
Kovu shook his head as he watched Hunter for a few seconds before he left to tell Stryke. As he went to the tribe leader he was shocked to see his wife speaking to him. He didn't say a word as he stood aside while the two talked.

Roda spoke quietly and almost whispery like. She was rather pale looking and small compared to her husband who seemly towered over her. ''Whoever kills a dragon or more than one, should have our daughter's hand.'' She suggested quietly. ''We need a strong Tribe Leader and one that is able to kill a dragon is perfect.'' She nodded firmly.

Stryke wasn't really happy with the suggestion. ''I would have to run it b-.''

Roda glared towards him. ''She doesn't need to know anything. All she needs to know is that her future husband may be sooner known than she wishes. She does not have a choice in this matter and never shall. She will be foolish and pick someone who is weak, not capable of leading these people. You have to think of them after you leave, you must think of the other's lives.''

Ratholas sighed when she didn't even hint upon a war against the humans, in which he wishes to just end everything that way. ''Yes, Sapphire. Thank you.'' He took off back to the caves to warn everyone of their situation.

Kalores laid her head back down as Sarkany climbed over her neck and played with her tail. ''It will be rather joyful to hunt sheep myself.'' The little one smiled a toothy grin. Kalores shook her head. ''You just like their fluff, nothing more...why not a cow if you do? Humans have those and they're more tasty I would say. Otherwise, stay away from the humans. They will only kill you if they see you near their animals. They're forbidden and Sapphire makes that clear to protect us. We can hunt in the mountains or the forests, but we shall not hunt near the humans at all.'' She sighed. ''Your father is right, Sapphire would not permit it and for a good reason.''

Draig scanned the yak, flying silently before he landed with a thud on one. He killed it quickly and had to kill another for the others. Therefore he chased after the scattering herd to make another kill. He used his breath to cover everything in front of the herd and cause them to slide as soon as they hit rock faces.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 17:07 (6 Years ago)
Rose watched the dragon from the bush, wondering what it was doing. She saw the yak being killed and tilted her head. *One yak should be enough for them, but its killing more* she thought.

Sapphire landed near Draig. "I see you are hunting for others as well" she said as she killed a yak herself. "You need to prepare to move your mate and hatchling. The humans hurt Fang last night and we need to get higher on the mountain."

The Shire stallion reached the village and bellowed out in fear, thinking the dragon was still after him.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 22:01 (6 Years ago)
Draig smiled a bit when Sapphire joined him, he bowed his head in agreement. ''Never hurts to help another dragon or dragons in this case.'' He smiled before it disappeared when she spoke of his annoying mate and nuisance hatchling. ''I do not like hearing that Fang was harmed and I shall go move them right away. Do you think they're hunting us now? Now that they have blood again...?" He asked somewhat quietly as he didn't want to bring up her pain. He just wished to be at her side, much more than Ratholas. ''I am sorry for bringing it up, I just worry they would be after such a pretty dragon as yourself.''

Ratholas went to see Fang first, really it was his own anger against the humans that brought him to the black dragon's cave. ''Fang, are you alright?" He asked, landing at the entrance. ''Are the wounds terrible?"

Stryke sighed as he nodded to Roda. ''Right dear.'' He looked off towards the shire which alarmed him.

Kovu moved ahead now that Roda wasn't speaking. ''Sir, that horse is Rose's! She left the stables before I could tell her to stay in the village.'' He was equally alarmed. ''Something must be wrong, she could have fallen by accident.''

Roda shook her head towards Kovu and Stryke. ''What did I just say? She is foolish in her ways.'' Stryke ordered Kovu to get the stallion and follow him out after Rose. Kovu agreed and ran to the shire. ''Where is she? Where is she boy?''
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 22:41 (6 Years ago)
The stallion reared and pointed towards the forest before bellowing out and tossing his head.

Sapphire looked at the yaks before she killed another. "I do not know. I should hope they don't try, but with humans you never know." She shook her head. "I just hope one day this fight can be over" she said.

Fang let out a yawn and lifted his head. "My wounds aren't deep, but they hurt. I think they put something on the arrows to make them sting."

Rose tilted her head. She could tell the dragons we're talking, but couldn't tell what about. She didn't understand them at all.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 14/02/2018 00:04 (6 Years ago)
Draig picked up his dead yak and agreed. ''Yes, Sapphire, that would be a wonderful day when we can finally be at peace. I can carry one of your yaks for you as well. '' He then offered. ''You do not need this stress after all you have been through. Be careful being alone out here.'' He sighed. ''I rather you not be alone if the humans do plan anything. If you need anything, you will know where my cave is, and shall know the new location of course.'' Again he bowed his head.

Ratholas narrowed his eyes again to hear what else the humans have done. ''Interesting, thank you for pointing that out. We're actually moving because of them, as it appears they may be planning something.'' He sighed. ''We're moving farther up the mountain.''

Kovu grabbed a hold of the shire's mane when he came down from the rear, pulling himself onto his back. ''You horses are surely tall, let's go!" He commanded.