Forum Thread
Destruction of Galactic
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Destruction of Galactic
Credit to Viper
Imogen opened the door. "Hey! You're looking for.... Robert and Jamie, right? They sent the text? Oh, Hi Jacob." She said, letting both Jacob and Harper in before sitting down by Brendan, who rolled her eyes at her.

Credit to Viper
"Lei, just admit that we're lost. What were the other trainers' names again?" Leo asked with an annoyance in his tone, gently petting his Alolan Persian as they walked through the city slowly to resist the cold.
"I'm not sure... I know one of their names is Drew. According to this, she-- funny, I've never seen Drew be a female's name before... Uh- lives... somewhere in town." the younger twin answered.

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
"I can do this all day y'know." Jacob says.

Credit to Viper
Imogen picked her head up, staring at Jacob and Harper, but not saying anything, she wanted to watch the argument carry out. Although she was still confused as to who Dawn was, she'd never heard the name. Maybe he mistook the name for that of Drew's, they were similar.
Brendan stared at Imogen from where he sat, slightly next to her on the couch, wondering what she was thinking about.

Jolteon forfeits the staring contest by tilting his head to Harper as he saw her put the berry away. "Jolt..?" Jolteon asks, as he slowly walks over to Harper. Jacob looks at the two as he grins at Jolteon. "I think he wanted the berry." He says, as Jolteon nods in agreement.
Harper looked up, surprised, and got the berry back out. She held it out carefully. "S-Sorry."

Credit to Viper