Forum Thread
Destruction of Galactic
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Destruction of GalacticImogen tirned, bearing something. “Hey, what’s all the commotion? Sounds like an alarm.” She commented.
In fact, Drew had accidentally tripped the alarm. She cursed, acrambling upwards as she heard gurnts behind her.

Brendan nodded, lucario and Buarp by his side.
Drew yelled someone as someone grabbed her leg. She scrambled up, as much as she could in a dress, before sprinting across the rooftop. “We’ve gotta go!” She yelled.

"Scolipede, Toxic Spikes by the ladder!" Imogen commanded, her face changing to an even more confident one.
"Mamoswine, follow it with Ice Beam!" Brendan commanded, standing right by Imogen.

Imogen nodded, hearing her. "Right. Not dying."
"Head for my house! You know where it is!" She shouted, looking back at Robert. "Can I ride on Altaria with you? Still don't have a flying type." She said seriously.
Brendan yelped as Imogen grabbed his wrist, hauling him onto Togekiss and flying towards Snowpoint.

Harper was in Snowpoint already, nervously pacing. I think I missed it. No one was in Veilstone... She thought, looking around the city.

Credit to Viper
“I haven’t been here. When did she get this place?” Brendan asked.
“Didn’t she say she got a small house sometime last year?” Imogene said, sitting on the couch.