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Sinnoh's Secret || signups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Sinnoh's Secret || signups
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 02:44 (7 Years ago)
You're a new trainer in the region of Sinnoh. Were you born here? Did you move here? Are you ready to start your adventure?You'll receive a Pokemon and a Pokedex, of course, but you'll also receive the gift of friendship. Yes, friendship! The bond that ties us all together.

You'll embark on your journey. What are your goals? Champion, Contests, catch em all?

But you'll find that Sinnoh isn't as it seems. In fact, there's many secrets hidden - it's almost the exact opposite of the perfect journey you'd wished for.

Team Galactic wants to create a new universe. And Rowan's unspoken re0quests were to stop them.

- all ph rules apply!
- no godmodding/marysues/etc, etc, etc
- the plot will probably take a bit to kick in, as you're new trainers and still need to catch pokemon and etc
- romance is allowed, don't make it the main focus please !!
- don't take the plot waaay off the rails when it kicks in, or like 'we're going across the bride!' someone proceeds to burn bride and kill everyone
- don't be a jerk. please
- have as many characters as you can control
- please be as literate as possible!
- please be as detailed as possible!
- i have the right to deny your form, and if i'm on the fence, i have the right to ask a friend

still reading?


[center][b]Name:[/b] first/last + possible nickname
[b]Age:[/b] probably 14-15 please
[b]Appearance:[/b] please be detailed here, images work too uwub
[b]Personality:[/b] have!! flaws!!
[b]Starter:[/b] doesn't have to be an actual starter but it should probably be a sinnoh pokemon ??
[b]Team:[/b] feel free to update this! if not, just have your starter
[b]Summon Item:[/b] no dialga/palkia/giratina/arceus !!
[b]Crush/BF/GF:[/b] --

My form:

Maeve Eugene Connor
Maeve is about 5'5. She has dark brown eyes, fair skin and rosy brown hair with a streak dyed white. Usually her hair is up in two buns on either side of her head, and she has thick, straight bangs that end just above her eyebrows, and she has a small triangle-shaped white clip in front of the left bun. Maeve wears a short black jacket, ending right above her waist, with red sleeves and a red stripe on the chest. Under that, she wears ripped black jeans, red high top sneakers, and a white shirt. She also has a small black bag across her body with a few buttons and pins on it.
Maeve is adept at sarcasm and being sardonic in general. She's great at giving witty responses, however, can get offended somewhat easily. She surpsingly is rather smart, which isn't obvious because she can be extremely oblivious.
Maeve can snap really easily, and does have quite a temper. She can come across as very standoffish but is a good friend.
On the positive side, Maeve is very alert. She picks up on things easily, whether it's battling or if something is there. She can also be very sneaky, and is very good at hiding.
Maeve is slightly above average in athletic activates. She's good in the field, like climbing or swimming.
Maeve is also very determined. She works hard at any goal she wants, and doesn't give up very easily.
Maeve is straight to the point.
final team,,,
Skuntank | Ambipom | Abomasnow | Magmortar | Floatzel | Togekiss

Summon Item:
Palpad me ;0
- would love to be Sinnoh Champion but would also be fine with an elite four position

Sean Joshua Agreste
just turned 15
Sean is tall, maybe 5'8, with medium skin, curly dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes that look black in a certain light. He usually wears a camo print t-shirt and black jeans, along with green sneakers. He has a very athletic build with broad shoulders.
Sean is very friendly and always up for some sort of fun. However, he’s an extreme flirt with both boys and girls. He has a way with words but doesn’t always use them in the right way. Sean also has a very bad habit of not honking before he talks.

With those he’s close with, he can be an amazing friend. However, sometimes he believes he has a sixth sense that allows him to tell who to be friends with and who’s right, but that’s kbviously false.

Summon Item:
- Mew
palpad uwu
- bisexual
- maeves best friend

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 03:00 (7 Years ago)
Name: sorrel carbonell
Age: 14
Appearance: sorrel has spiky bright red hair that never stays flat with two strands that constantly fall into his face. despite the way it turns up, it's actually fairly soft, so no, he doesn't use hair gel, please stop asking. his hair is lightly tanned, and though his face doesn't have any freckles, his arms are covered in them. he's pretty short for a fourteen year old, (5'2") but he has high hopes that puberty will give him a few inches. his eyes are golden brown, though in certain lighting it looks gold or yellow.
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faceclaim is basically suoh mikoto from k, except a lot younger LMAO

Personality: In short: Sorrel is lazy, unmotivated, bitter, too smart for his own good, scathing, and has a morbid sense of humor.
The longer version is pretty much that he’s lazy because he’s unmotivated; he has no reason to do anything anymore. He decided to go on this journey mostly because he wanted something to do. His sense of humor is pretty callous and he can come off as insensitive; although it seems like he might not care if his words affect others, he has a horrid guilt complex and if someone shows signs of being affected negatively by his words he doesn’t apologize, but he does stew in guilt for a while and try to make it up to them. Sorrel’s also a genius, but he and everyone around him all agree it’s wasted talent on him, since he doesn’t have the motivation to do anything.
Nothing really seems to affect him, but it’s mostly just him acting aloof because it’s how he learned to survive. Whenever he feels like someone’s trying to insult him, he bites back extremely harshly, though it’s a bit difficult to figure that out since most of what comes out of his mouth is an insult anyways. Sorrel, despite getting defensive over certain things, never really denies anything anybody has to say about him, since he figures if they see it, it’s gotta be at least a little true.
He doesn’t actually like humans very much, and they don’t like him in return, but Sorrel loves Pokemon, and Pokemon tend to like him in return. Since they don’t talk, and they can’t understand a word of what Sorrel says, he has infinite patience for them.
Sorrel is actually lowkey (read: highkey) terrified of children despite them seeming to love him. He’s too scared of accidentally saying something wrong or hurting them, so he tends to avoid kids, though he’ll never say no to one. Because he's weak.
Starter: does absol work or nah
Team: will be updated but i hope for a buizel at some point lmao
Summon Item: shaymin
Crush/BF/GF: noop.
Other: i think you either spelled bridge wrong or someone's wedding is getting trashed in your rules

Name: evelyn winters
Age: 14
Appearance: evelyn has long white hair, so long that it reaches her ankles, and skin so pale it's probably a little concerning which is from being kept inside so often due to her not being that healthy. this is also why her growth's a bit stunted, leaving her at 5'3". her eyes are purple.
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faceclaim: alyss from pandora hearts

Personality: evelyn is a sweet girl, cheerful and energetic, but a little airheaded at times. she's impulsive and rushes into things, which is really something that her parents find endlessly endearing and sometimes irritating due to her bad health, which has led to a lot of scares in the past. she can be forgetful at times, but never on purpose.
despite this, she's actually fairly perceptive when it comes to people, and is freakily good at reading people. she tries her best to lighten the mood whenever possible, and (often to the detriment of her own health) downplays her own issues to avoid bringing it down.
Starter: budew
Team: will update later but i hope to get a snorunt or sth
Summon Item: articuno
Crush/BF/GF: not interested at the moment
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 03:13 (7 Years ago)
yess :ok_hand:

also lmaooo @ my misspell but i'll keep that there because it's funnny
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 03:33 (7 Years ago)
this is totally a wip you know the DRILL
Name: Adrian Ortega
Age: fourteen
Appearance: about 5'7" with tan skin and an athletic build, curly dark brown hair and golden brown eyes. his common outfit is a blood red pocket t-shirt with light jeans and white shoes. he also always wears a wooden bead bracelet on his right wrist.
Personality: have!! flaws!!
Starter: Piplup
Team: Final Team: Empoleon -- Glameow -- Weavile -- Dustox -- Typhlosion -- Steelix
Summon Item: landorous
Crush/BF/GF: open pp me but gay

wow another one
Name: Phoebe Alexandria Munday
Age: fourteen
Appearance: about 5'2" with [not-as]tan skin. she has dyed blonde hair with her natural brown roots exposing. her hair is naturally curly though is typically straightened and is usually styled with two, small knot-like buns on the top of her head and the rest of her hair down to hide her outgrown bangs. her typical outfit is a high-waisted denim skirt, an oversized black t-shirt tied on the side and thigh-high black boots.
Personality: have!! flaws!!
Starter: Eevee
Team: Final Team: Glaceon -- Noivern -- Politoed -- Blaziken -- Mismagius -- ???Summon Item: virizion
Crush/BF/GF: open pp me

Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 03:45 (7 Years ago)
Name: Rosemary Conners- Rose
Age: 14
Appearance: Rose has long blonde hair with deep blue eyes, standing at average height. Her hair is normally pulled back, and somewhat wavy in the pony tail and when her hair is down it looks like she curled it. She wears a light blue shirt and dark blue skirt and has a pale purple backpack. Her shoes are black and laced up. She does have tan skin, though its not too dark of a tan.
Personality: Rose is kind and caring, but sometimes being caring can put her in danger, or trouble. She can be a little shy at first, but warms up to people quickly. Often when someone is mad she thinks its her fault, even if it isn't, and goes rather quiet. Rose was raised as an only child, and rarely ever interacted with anyone her age growing up, which makes her a little nervous to be around other people, but she does like to meet new people weather they are her age or not. There are times she can be a girly-girl, but other times she is one who will jump in the puddles and splash mud in the middle of the rain to have fun. Her dream is to travel the world with her friends and to have a good time. (Let me know if I need to add more)
Starter: Eevee (will be Glacion by the end of evolution)
Team: Eevee (Glacion), Starly (staraptor), Shinx (Luxray), Cranidos (Rampardos), Riolu (Lucario), Febass (Milotic) (She will not have all of them starting out. It will be her full team that will slowly build up in the RP)
Summon Item: //
Crush/BF/GF: PM/PalPad to discuss
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 61
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 03:58 (7 Years ago)
(Insert reason as to why I'm here. WIP..Kinda sorta.)

Age: 15
Appearance: Ben is on the short side in height for your average 15 year old, coming in at about 5 ft. His hair is a dark brown as his eyes are a dark grey. Ben is normally wearing a Black Flannel shirt with Black cargo pants and some black/white shoes to match his outfit. He looks a bit pale (probably stays in the house 99.9% of the day on the computer..) and has a light sprinkle of freckles residing on his face.
Personality: Ben is a weird person (sprouting a part of his personality from my choices/actions irl) and he can sometimes be very sociable, and can tend to be very petty/rude when he feels like it. He's insecure of some things like losing friends, trust, etc. (leaving more of those problems to develop in the plot of the rp), and he tends to be childish. Ben also LOVES to be right on things that he feels like he knows is right. (Example:Let's say Piplup were able to learn extreme speed at lv.3 and Ben knew that but someone else thought different, he'd be that guy who you'd argue with for a good amount of time over something that simple/little.)
Starter: Buneary
Team: Currently Buneary.
Summon Item: Groudon
Crush/BF/GF: N/A

[Insert inspirational quote here]

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Please Train Me!

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 04:02 (7 Years ago)
@drampa accepted !!

@sara could you be a little more descriptive? Roses personality seems a bit cliche and/or bland and her appearance, maybe a little more depth? And also, I did state we were new trains so she shouldn’t have a big ol team by now.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 2,505
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 04:05 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ina
Age: 14
Appearance: TINY!! But could kill u
jokes aside
she’s around 4 feet 9 inches
She’s small for her age (in all ways ;0)
her skin is a bit pale , but stark black eyes completely contrast it, along with her deep black hair.
She has quite long hair, and always keeps it down
She could care less about looks, as long as it’s comfortable.
Her most common outfit is a tan t-shirt with a creamy themed poncho and a brown skirt, along with a bright red hair ribbon
sddgdss kinda like this:oof

Personality: She’s very quick to anger and gets flustered easily
She will literally bite you if you comment on her size
Like I said, tiny but could KILL you.
Honestly, if you manage to get close to her, she becomes re a l l y clingy
And that’s bad as she starts to depend on you t o o much
She’s quite clumsy, but doesn’t like to admit it.

Starter: wooper (squints @kasu)
Team: woopwoop
Summon Item: jirachi
Crush/BF/GF: lol i guess you can try palpadding me? Got to see if she doesnt literally murder them tho
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 04:59 (7 Years ago)

Paisley Rose Thomas
Paisley is about 5' 6". Her skin is pretty pale which makes her freckles across her nose and cheeks stand out pretty prominently. Her eyes are a dark blue color, looking very blue in direct sunlight while indoors looking quite bland. Her hair is dyed a silver/white and is cut layered and reaches just above her shoulders, although her natural color is a light brown (her roots don't show though, she makes sure of that). She almost always wears a black choker. She often sports an oversized red flannel with mom jeans and white converse. She enjoys wearing what could be described as "hipster" outfits.
Paisley is someone who doesn't like to play by societies rules. She presents as a cold, almost heartless individual who is striving for greatness. She has always wanted to be the best battler and thus wants to avoid weaker pokemon at all costs and wants to constantly up her pokemons levels. She hates the idea of being considered less of a threat because she is a girl. She avoids people at all costs unless for battling them. She hates talking because she thinks that people are just fake anyways and that they just want something from her.
Paisley has strong opinions on things that she will make clear. She lacks in that little thing that tells you not to say something before you say it and often insults people because of it. She speaks in a lot of sarcasm, typically to hide her own feelings.
Although she is somewhat of a tough cookie to crack open emotionally, it can be done. She can be sweet and funny but it's under a lot of walls that she has built up over the many years of pushing down feelings and hiding her real emotions. If you can put up with her constant sarcasm and blunt comments maybe it's worth it?
Gible (Level: 7)
Summon Item:

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 05:00 (7 Years ago)
gotcha,,, we'll start when people finish forms/tomorrow uwub
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 05:07 (7 Years ago)
Name: Noren Hydrangea

Age: 14


Personality: She wears a smile practically all the time. She loves to gossip about other people's drama and laugh about it. Noren loves making friends. Though she will do anything to save herself.

Starter: Drifloon
Team: Kecleon, Smeargle, Chingling, Starly
Summon Item: Meleotta
Crush/BF/GF: --


I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 22:53 (7 Years ago)
That's what her team will become, but she will only have the Eevee to start, and yes, I will work on the appearance and personality more.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 00:26 (7 Years ago)
@everyone here's the rp! lmao


Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 1,652
Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 00:34 (7 Years ago)

heck,, i really love sinnoh so time to give this a shot

Name: Madeline Christen Ford

Age: 15

Appearance: Madeline is a rather average sized teenager just reaching the height of 5"3. She has a blonde hair colour that she often keeps at a braid on the side of her head to avoid getting in her green eyes. Her suntan-coloured skin brings out the two beauty marks she has on her nose and beside her eye. She usually wears dark navy blue shorts, since she can't stand too hot weather, with a matching tank top. Her shoes usually consists of bright yellows, pastel pinks and spring greens.

Personality: Madeline is a person who actually loves to go outside and spend time running around. She likes talking to people but is naturally scared of new pokemon she meets because she doesn't know what they can do to her. She's an expert at making poffins and only shares them if she knows you won't harm her. She's very persistent and stubborn however, so for example, you don't like one of the poffins she made, she will keep doing the batter over and over until you say it's good or passable. She's also very difficult to teach since she'll always think her way is right until it comes to bite her back in the face.

Starter: Togepi

Team: Togepi (LVL; 5) and Azuril (LVL; 2)

Summon Item: Suicune

Crush/BF/GF: ///

Other: sob this is the first rp ive joined since like a year,,,
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 00:43 (7 Years ago)
accepted !!
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 23:12 (7 Years ago)
Name: Yuuri Kotsa
Age: 14
Appearance: Standing at 5'4" with a slim build yuuri is pale skinned with ice blue eyes. Yuuri has ankle length bleach blond hair with ice blue tips most of which is held back in a low ponytail. She also has straight cut bangs with the front part of her hair frames her face held on both sides by bell hair clasps. Liking to be flashy yuuri normally wears a knee length, sleeveless blue flare dress that she spiced up with white rhinestone snowflakes. She also likes to pair the dress with solid black leggings, white flats with ribbons on her shin, a rhinestone snowflake bracelet,on her left wrist, and a black choker that has a small frosslass pendant hanging from it. When outside yuur likes to wear a small black shawl that also has a blue snowflake design and when performing she wears a mask stylized aftet the ice on a frosslass face.
Personality: Loving the beauty of ice types yuuri likes finding anything to do with ice, this doesn't mean she will be an ice type trainer though, since she is a curious girl who loves finding new things. Coming from a family of coordinators, yuuri loves to put on impromptu shows for people; usually it's just dancing with her pokemon with the moves adding "sparkle" as she calls it. Yuuri is a kind and caring girl but she doesn't always trust people easily and will often present a cold front to those she just meets, although once her trust is earned she is loyal and begins showing her true self. Now this may seem to interfere with her performances but she finds it easier to deal with people when their in groups rather than individually. A difficult person to anger, it takes awhile for her to snap but when she does she becomes very loud and even will snap at others.
Starter: swinub
Team: swinub-male-level 5-nicknamed wilbur
Summon item: cresselia
Crush: open can palpad
Other: her favorite pokemon is frosslass and she likes to try battling gyms and contests.
Hopefully not too late to apply :).
Edit: Ummm didn't know this posted it disappeared, so i thought it was deleted, sorry it wasn't finished. Hope the Perso is ok if not i can fix it.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 23:22 (7 Years ago)
accepted uvu
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,237
Posted: Sun, 14/01/2018 06:27 (7 Years ago)

Sofia Ángeles


Sofia is around 5'3'' and appears fairly athletic. She has tan skin and black hair, although it can appear to be brown in the light. Her hair is usually tied up sailor moon style, but on occasion either down or in a simple ponytail. Her bangs are long and in three sections. Her eyes are a bright unnatural yellow, giving her an eerie appearance.
Sofia considers herself to be fashionable, dressing in the latest styles and often overdressing for the occasion. Her normal outfit consists of a matching jacket and dress with a simple shoulder bag. Depending on the weather, Sofia will dress in either more loose or more covering clothing.


Sofia is a seemingly calm and elegant individual due to her style and appearance. Often times her first impression is one of a nice yet reserved girl. In reality, Sofia is overly curious and blunt, often times asking questions and commenting without caring or reading the atmosphere. Despite this flaw, Sofia cares for her friends, and will try to tone down her behavior in order to not upset them.
Sofia is also prideful and ambitious, wanting to be a powerful trainer. She can seem arrogant at times, but mostly she is just seeking to fulfill her goals.


Final: Luxray, gallade ?? , ?????

Summon Item:
Zekrom (hopefully post-sinnoh gen legendaries are allowed?)

pokemans her only mans
pp me if you wanna crush on her bc same

Other: Sofia takes after her brother Marcus, as he basically raised her on his own.

click for art shop :]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 14/01/2018 06:45 (7 Years ago)
omg look it’s keef

yeye accepted !! I’m assuming by looking the only WIP is aplearence so just hop on the bus uwu
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 14/01/2018 23:10 (7 Years ago)
Um hi just wanted to check if it's alright I post since I didn't realize had posted my char already. I saw accepted but I wanted to double check