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Dragon Initiation [REBOOT]

Forum-Index Roleplay Dragon Initiation [REBOOT]
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:03 (7 Years ago)
In a faraway land called Pecra, dragons live divided. This is all due to a war that split the dragons into tribes. The tribes are a tribe that breathes fire, a tribe that breathes a deadly ice breath, a tribe that breathes life into its surroundings, a tribe that can kill things with its breath, and a tribe that can summon hurricanes just by breathing out air. The tribes are allied with another to kill the other two. The tribe of Air has allied with the tribe of Life. The tribe of Ice has allied with the tribe of Fire. The tribe of Death has decided to watch the others fight.

All dragonets, until they exit the cavern with their powers, have no colour, and are taught combat skills at a very young age. They have no natural powers. When they are of age, they step into the Cavern of All Power, and walk inside until they are in a large, round cave with large crystals lining the walls. The dragon would close their eyes, and a voice would call out to them. The dragon enters a large dream, where they are to find the symbol of their power.

After they find the symbol, they are brought out of the dream. The crystals light up with the colour of the power, and the dragonet is coloured with appropriate colours for their power. They leave the cave and go into the real dragon world, where they have professors and are taught more.

The next group of dragonets are lining up to become dragons. Will they fail on the way? Or will they leave the cave with their powers, and be opened up to the real dragon world?

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1. Don't be OP and don't have any mary or gary sues or godmod or bunny, etc.
2. I have the right to deny any form, this is my roleplay.
3. Be nice to others out of character!
4. You can make as many characters as you want, just make sure you can keep track of them all.
5. Even dragons make mistakes! Please DON'T make them all powerful!
6. The password is baloney <<highlight this, please put this in the 'Other' section of the form.
7. You can make a professor if you want, but you are only allowed ONE!
8. You can't go more than 5 pages since my last post. This is to prevent the need to ask for recaps.
9. Please don't force the story away from my hands! PalPad me if you want to do something that may potentially alter the storyline!!

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Professor Pyro [Fire] (Waffle)
Professor Glacier [Ice] (Waffle)
Professor Aria [Air] (wolfgirl2398)

Tribe of Fire Dragonets

Tribe of Ice Dragonets

Tribe of Life Dragonets

Tribe of Air Dragonets

Tribe of Death Dragonets

Dragonets Still Awaiting Tribe Selection
Allia (Waffle)
Blaze (Waffle)
Shard (Waffle)
Ony (Luckylikespie)
Prism (Littlegamer34)
Alexander Dragonscale (Kuruma)
Nightshade Scalemar "Night" (Kuruma)
Ray Lifehaven (Kuruma)
Serenity (wolfgirl2398)
Frost (wolfgirl2398)
Braise (wolfgirl2398)
Gāru (Knighty)
Dovahzul (Blazeman)


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Name: Allia
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, shy, observant, clumsy.
Appearance: (Before Powers)Blank white scales, black stubby horns, green eyes. (After Powers) Dark green scales with light green highlights, black medium-length deer antler-like horns that are slightly curled at the tips, green eyes, light pink streaks across her scales.
Power: Life
Family: None that she knows of.
Crush: Open
Other: ~

Name: Professor Pyro
Gender: Male
Personality: Serious, smart, doesn't care about his students or what they feel.
Appearance: Dark brown scales with orange and red highlights, long, dark brown sharp horns, orange eyes.
Power: Fire
Family: He has a son named Blaze.
Crush: None.
Other: ~

Name: Professor Glacier
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold, fierce, focused, persistent. If you become her favourite student, she will open up to you.
Appearance: Very delicate light blue scales, underlined with white highlights. Ice blue horns, and piercing blue eyes.
Power: Ice
Crush: None
Other: ~

Name: Blaze
Gender: Male
Personality: Fiery, rude, hates everyone except for ones like him, has a soft inside but no one has ever seen it.
Appearance: (Before Powers) Light gray scales dappled with occasional light brown stripes, black horns, light red eyes. (After Powers)Light red scales with lots of orange highlights, fiery red horns, light red eyes.
Power: Fire
Family: None
Crush: Open
Other: ~

Name: Shard
Gender: Female
Personality: Fakes being nice to everyone, bullies dragons she hates when she's one-on-one with them, deep inside is the kind, innocent dragon that she once was, focused, determined.
Appearance: (Before Powers) Pure white scales with light gray underscales, gray dapples across her scales, light blue eyes, a light gray streak along her sides that ends like an arrow. (After Powers) Pure icy blue scales with white underscales, light blue dapples across her scales, light blue eyes, a pure blue streak along her sides that ends like a frozen arrow.
Power: Ice
Family: They've all died in the battlefield.
Crush: Open
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:11 (7 Years ago)
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Bouncy and cheerful, there's never a dull moment with Ony around. Though her extreme happiness can become grating on the ears, she could care less about what you think and is happy anyway.
Appearance:(Before powers) Dark grey scales, with emerald green eyes, white horns (After) Light blue scales, darker blue underbelly and underwings, with emerald green eyes and golden horns

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:17 (7 Years ago)
Name: Prism
Gender: Female
Personality: Tbrp if allowed
Appearance: Before Powers After Powers
Power: Ice
Family: Her parents were an Ice dragon and a Life dragon. They died.
Crush: None
Other: Her favorite food is chicken.

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:23 (7 Years ago)
[@Lucky, accepted, please edit out the password.
@Little, not accepted. Your after powers image is very out of colour for an Ice dragon.]
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:25 (7 Years ago)
I edited it!

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:25 (7 Years ago)
(Reserving a spot)
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:26 (7 Years ago)
Here are my WIP's
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Name: Alexander Dragonscale
Gender: Male
Personality: WIP
Appearance: WIP
Power: TBRP (Dragonet waiting...)
Family: TBRP
Crush: Open
Other: My favorite food is...

Name: Nightshade Scalemar "Night"
Gender: Male
Personality: WIP
Appearance: WIP
Power: Death tribe powers/TBRP
Family: TBRP
Crush: Open

Name: Ray Lifehaven
Gender: Male
Personality: WIP
Appearance: WIP
Power: Life tribe powers/TBRP
Family: TBRP
Crush: Open

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:27 (7 Years ago)
[@Little... I don't think that a Death dragon would have rainbow colours on it?
@Kuruma, your WIPs would be accepted if Ray had,, a real tribe power? Light is not a tribe.]
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:28 (7 Years ago)
Well then what kind of dragon would she be?!?!

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:31 (7 Years ago)
I meant life... sorry

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:34 (7 Years ago)
[@Little, I'm sorry to say this, but I seriously doubt that any naturally coloured dragon in this roleplay would have rainbow colours in their design. I am very sorry. Perhaps you can choose a different image?
@Kuruma, accepted, edit out the password please.

Can you guys advertise?]
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:36 (7 Years ago)
Name: Aria (pronounced: Ah - Ria).
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Gender: Female.
Personality: she's quite calm and sweet, though can be harsh at times mostly in a caring way.
Appearance: her wing's are feathery with bright silky sky blue feather's in her wings and on her chest as well as around her face giving her the almost same appearance as an owl mixed with cloudy white feathers, while scales run over the rest of her body in the same coloration as the feathers, has feathery ear tufts on her head with horn's forming out of her head into almost like a buck's antlers would, she has a beautiful shade of tan colored eye's, she also had a charm with beads and a couple of her molted feather's hanging off her one antler and wear's a lavender scarf around her neck with her name embroidered on the one part of the scarf that hangs down.
Power: Air.
Family: parents are unknown(as in deceased), siblings unknown, has a daughter named Serenity. (more kin may be added in future)
Crush: not at the moment (open/palpad if you want, lol)
Other: her previous mate was a life dragon who passed away before Serenity was born, she is a professor.

Name: Serenity.
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Gender: Female.
Personality: she's usually quiet and shy, though once she gets to know you she's quite the chatter box, but really sweet and cheerful.
Appearance: Before Powers: the fur on certain parts of her are a plain beige color, while her scale's were a mix of beige and black, and her eye's were a pure white color.

After gaining her power: she's got fluffy fur around all four leg's around just a bit above the heel's as well as around her chest like her mother's feather's and a pain that runs from her head that give's a bit of a swept hair look on her head down to the base of her neck, only a mix of earthy brown with minty green in her fur, while her scale's and wings are a mix of silver and a cloudy white, her wing's has the webbing like a normal dragon would, she has bright jade colored eye's, she has a beaded necklace she crafted herself with rainbow colored bead's, she has ears like a lopped eared rabbit that matched her fur, and curved horns like an eastern dragon would.
Power: Life.
Family: her mother is Aria, her father is deceased, has no known siblings(may change tho).
Crush: not at the moment (open/palpad if you want, lol)
Other: ~

for her time in the cave reference: Serenity soon laid down and drift into dreamland as she heard a soft angelic voice in her head, soon enough out like a light after that.
when she opened her eye's she awoke to looking toward's a small grotto-like clearing with a small clear crystal blue pond surrounded with wildflower's here and there, and a huge beautiful willow tree looking over it with a few flowers trailing down the cascade of leaf's that hung down from the branches.
she then noticed two dragon's sitting together under the willow tree talking and laughing, enjoying themselves with they're alone time.
Serenity got up and walked a bit closer, seeing that the one was her mother, but stopped dead in her track's as she noticed the male life dragon beside her, tear's swelling up in her eye's as she stared.
her father, a lean and surprisingly muscular dragon who she pretty much mirrored in appearance aside from a few feature's, like his horn's curled at the side of his head like ram horns, he didn't have lop eared rabbit ear's, his fur and scale's were a beautiful spruce wood brown with pine green mixed together, and caramel colored eye's.
she came closer and stared up at the dragon she somehow knew at heart was her father, even though she has never met him, yet she wanted to make sure she could remember what he looked like.

the image soon shifted and she scooted back a bit, noticing that her mother was sitting in front of a gravestone, mourning over who was buried under the willow tree.
Serenity glanced at the gravestone and her tear's trickled down her face, seeing that it was her father that had been buried there, which she assumed was her mother's choice of a burial spot, where they once shared fond memories together.
''d-daddy....'' she whispered silently, her voice nothing but a whisper that couldn't be heard.

the image once again shifted and was now in her and her mother's cave.
she blinked and looked around, then spotted her mother laying down, watching as the egg she had beside her shake and crack open, revealing a small hatchling that soon tumble out of the now shattered eggshell and lay there for a second, then soon crawl up and nestle down beside Aria, who was crying happily as she nuzzled Serenity.
slowly a faint light appeared over the both of them as a symbol appeared, the symbol for life.
Serenity soon walked closer and reached up, tapping the mark with her nose, then slowly the image faded before she laid back down and fell asleep.
when she woke up she was back in the cave, the crystal's shining a bright green color.
she looked down as she was then lifted up and started to gain her color's that was soon followed by a flash of light, then she was lowered back down.
she looked herself over and tear's started running down her face again, seeing that she almost resembled her father in color now, just a bit different though.
Serenity turned and ran through the cave, wanting to leave and show her mother and ask her about the grotto.

Name: Frost.
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Gender: Male.
Personality: somewhat cold and distant at times, though he's a real softy in the inside with a big heart, so he'll never fail to come to the aid of a fellow Dragonet in need.
Appearance: before his powers: his scales were basically a mix of black and while while his horns and claws were a plain white color, the color of the small bit and tuft of fur he had matched his horns, his eye's were a beige color.

After gaining his power: (eyes are an icy blue instead)
Power: Ice.
Family: mother unknown(deceased), father unknown(deceased), only sibling is Braise.
Crush: has a rather big crush on Allia(which end's up becoming very obvious if he's picked on about it).
Other: ~

for his time in the cave reference: Frost made it to the end of the cave and soon curled up, soon enough falling asleep.
when he opened his eye's again he was laying in a small pile of snow in a part of the tundra, surrounded in a blizzard-like haze.
he got up and spread his wing's, shaking the little bits of snow off as it fluttered off him.
he wandered around a bit and poked around, hoping to find something that'd lead him to his mark.

Frost came up on the entrance of a cave and peered in, freezing as his eye's widened, seeing himself and Braise when they were a bit younger, huddled together.
what.... is going on........? he thought, utterly confused.
Frost wandered into the cave and looked around on the wall's in they're reach, seeing drawing's here and there, as well as some on the floor at the edge of the wall's.
our drawing's... from so long ago... we somehow had a mysterious dragon or spirit bringing us food and making a small fire when we're asleep if i remember correctly.... we only concluded that it was a fire dragon after managing to get a peek at our mysterious savior... he thought with a sigh.
he exited the cave, looking back at himself and Braise, then went off on his own again.

the scene shifted under his feet and he soon fell into water with a yelp, holding his breathe as he floated there, looking around a bit surprised.
he soon remembered it was a dream and stopped holding his breathe.
Frost spotted a light out of the corner of his eye and looked over, noticing a fish glowing slightly as it swam past him.
he blinked and swam after it, hoping to catch it to see why it as glowing.
Frost soon caught up to the fish and snagged it's tail in his teeth, then swam up to the surface with it.
he broke through the surface and grabbed the fish from his mouth, looking on at it for a moment before noticing it was a Blue-eye Trevalla, then noticed on the side where the scale's were was the shape of a snowflake, the mark for the ice tribe.
he soon swam with the fish to a small iceberg and climbed up, curling up with the fish in his claws before he fell asleep.

once he woke up in the overworld he looked up t the crystal's and sat up, seeing that they glowed a bright icy blue.
he was soon lifted up into the air and he closed his eye's, the flash of light appearing as he gained his power and color and was softly sat back down.
he looked himself over and at his wing's, feeling his heart ache.
Frost gritted his teeth and started to run out of the cave, not realizing the fact that his emotions caused a trail of frost to trail behind him, and once he broke past the entrance of the cave he just sped up and kept running with a trail of frost following him.

Name: Braise.
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Gender: Male.
Personality: bit of a hothead and stubborn, but hides the fact he's a big softy and a sweetheart, will help whenever he can.
Appearance: before powers: sort of the same with Frost, only the opposite and with spikes instead of fur.

after gaining power: his scale's are a mix of green and a fiery red color while his spikes are a bright flame orange color along with his underbelly scale's that went from his stomach to his neck, his eye's are a bright amber yellow, his flame's are surprisingly an amazing green color, hence why there's a mix of green in his scale's.
Power: Fire.
Family: mother unknown(deceased), father unknown(deceased), only sibling is Frost.
Crush: not at the moment (open/palpad if you want, lol)
Other: ~

for his time in the cave reference: Braise entered the cave and sighed as he looked around.
he soon made it to the end of the cave and laid down, simply closing his eye's as he listened, then slowly fell asleep.
Braise soon awoke to see himself in an ash-strewn mountain top, looking himself over as he had a blanket of it on himself, which surprisingly soothed him.
he stood up and shook the ashes off of him, then looked around, sniffing the air for anything that may seem off.
Braise soon caught something and ran, following the scent in the direction he assumed it came from.
he soon skidded to a stop as he seen a fire dragon running around on a rampage, knocking tree's down and setting them ablaze.
Braise looked around horrified, finally realizing the ashes around him were once tree's, then he ran off, this time deciding to look for his mark.
Braise came up on a mountain and seen a cave entrance, slowing down to a small gallop before he stopped, then entered the cave.
he entered and went to look around, sniffing the air occasionally, then stopped in front of a small stream of lava.
he walked along beside it and followed where it led to, leading to a large underground lava pool with a small island in the center.
he looked across it and noticed a glowing stone, then looked at the few stone's that floated in the lava, hopping on the one's that looked the most sturdy.
Braise soon made it to the middle and walked over, sitting down as he picked the cooling magma rock up and looked at, seeing the mark for fire engraved into the stone.
everything around him soon faded as he laid down and closed his eye's.
Braise soon woke back up and sat up, slowly raising up into the air as the crystal's glowed, then soon a flash of light and he was sat back down.
he looked himself over and grinned, then ran to exit the cave while smiling happily.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:57 (7 Years ago)

Title: WIP

Name: Noel
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Gender: Male
Personality: WIP
Appearance: WIP
Power: Death
Family: Distant descendant of Mas, distant relative of Kris.Ñ
Crush: None

Name: Kris
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Gender: Male
Personality: WIP
Appearance: WIP
Power: Life
Family: Distant descendant of Mas, distant relative of Noel
Crush: None

Avatar by Me

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 02:33 (7 Years ago)
[@Little, accepted, please edit out the password.
@wolf, accepted, please edit out the password.
@noel, when your forms are finished, please let me know by writing a new post in this RP.
We'll start when we get, um, a few more RPers.]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 07:03 (7 Years ago)
Name: Gāru
Gender: Female
Personality: Joyful, scared at a lot, jumpy
Appearance: Before is After Powers but colourless (credit to saixpuppy222 on da!)
Power: Air
Family: Some but not in this rp
Crush: Nope

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 23:34 (7 Years ago)
[@Knighty, you're missing something, give the rules a little reread!]
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 21:39 (7 Years ago)
Name: Dovahzul
Gender: Drake (Male)
Personality: easily angered, cynical and gloomy get on his good side and hes completely different
Appearance: Before powers: pale with black eyes and tiny spikes ~ after powers: grayish black, red eyes. spiked back, wings and tail
Power: ice breath
Family: Akatosh (father)
Other: baloney
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 21:48 (7 Years ago)
[@Blazeman, not accepted, please reread the storyline, and look at some of the other forms. (The Power section isn't filled out correctly.)]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 22:46 (7 Years ago)
On my screen it’s there, if it’s the “other” thing your talking about? o.o
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 490
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 22:48 (7 Years ago)
[Yeah, I don't see it, but if you PalPad it to me I'll accept you :" )]