"Go back to bed." :Aria's face grew serious: "I'm extremely tired.
I think my dad somehow got here, opened one of the doors, the went
and watched tv. I think it was anime, even though my dad doesn't
watch it."
"Come on, lets go do something, that's not sleeping!" Rai says
excitedly. Sesu walks in, and sits down in a chair. "I had 6 hours
of sleep, that was me, and that was offensive."
"Really? Cause it sounded like his footsteps going thud, thud,
thud, thud, thud. But I guess even HE isn't fast enough to run all
the way here from where I live." : She said jokingly:
Rai:"ha ha ha" he says sarcastically *sigh* "You can sleep during
class, later. Some people, like me, can take in information while
sleeping." (I'm leaving for about 20 minutes, If I'm not back in
20-40 minutes I won't be back until tomorrow)
Suna walks towards their first class, um, I don’t know what it will
be yet guys. He sits down, and waits for it to start. He realises
it won’t start for a while, and goes to the dojo to train.
Elijah heard Rai's call, he was in the shower, he yelled across the
dorm,"I'm not decent!" He was still pondering about the magic
incident. He left the shower and put on a towel around his waist,
he walked down the hall and ran into Rai and Aria.
"Thanks! I will be right back!" Alex ran out the door back to his
common room... "They let me join! You guys can join too...!" Alex
told Kirito, Kasai and Kuro...
Lolah grumbled as she walked up to the school. "Can't believe I
slept in." She mumbled to herself. She shifted the bag on her left
shoulder slightly. "Then again as much studying as I have been
doing that isn't too surprising." She entered the school with a
tired sigh. "What do I do now?"
Lolah had stopped and stared back at Kuro when he looked at her
before continuing to follow him. A brief thought flashed through
her mind about how the two probably looked like a pair of ducks
with Kuro being the mother and herself being the child duck.