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The Never Ending War

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Never Ending War
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 03:06 (7 Years ago)
When did the war begin? No one really knows anymore. The war has gone on for generation after generation long past the history books themselves. The war is falling apart due to it. What will you do?

The Allied Confederacy excels in strength and pure military might. If you were fight one alone you'd probably die. They love to attack with sheer military might, they will blow up city block after city block with little care. Pros, they are really strong. Cons, the people fear them.

The Noble Bond excels in numbers and money. Don't fight them as they'd outnumber you ten to one with ease. They love to attack with row after rows of soldiers, they will also outspend all enemies with ease. Pros, loads of money. Cons the soldiers are improperly trained.

Children of the Dead are the newest army opposed to war and aim to conquer both armies to bring peace. They are a well liked group of misfits loved by the people, however in terms of actual military strength they are lacking. Pros, the people love them and wish to aid them. Cons, seriously a trained soldier could kill about five on an off day.

So now I ask where do you pledge your allegiance?

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1) No god modding
2) No powers
3) Have as many characters as you can control
4) Try to keep it realistic. Your guns will run out of ammo and your character will need rest.
5) I will add rules as needed.

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My forms
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Name: Maximilien Grand
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: Nicely tanned with black hair and blue eyes. He is tall and muscular. He wears combat boots, cargo pants, a black tank top, and an Allied Confederacy jacket.
Personality: Strict and tough with his troops but that is because he cares about their well being. He strives to become stronger.
Weapons: Brass knuckles. He finds his strength to be best.
Allegiance: Allied Confederacy
Other: Current leader of the Allied Confederacy
Rumor has it he once killed one hundred soldiers on his own

Name: Eva Palazzo
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: An Italian of average height and weight. She has brown eyes and brown hair. She wears the light blue and black Allied Confederacy uniform.
Personality: Fun loving and a bit psychotic. She can be serious when needed though that is only when you make her mad or she is in the middle of a tough fight.
Weapons: Two twin pistols and a knife in her boot.
Allegiance: The Allied Confederacy
Other: Second in command
Daughter of a mobster

Name: General Edward Johnson
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears the Noble Bond uniform. He is of average height and weight. His hair is grey and he wears a pair of glasses. He dawns a trench coat as well.
Personality: A kind and calm elderly man. He is polite even to his enemies. He is a great tactician who loves to read. He will disobey orders if it risks killing to many of his troops or if he deems it to poor planned. He will rarely yell, but when he does it usually on the behalf of others.
Weapons: Revolver
Allegiance: Noble Bond
Other: A general and tactician for the Noble Bond for the past thirty years. He proudly accepts that he has served forty three years.

Name: Jack Jones
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Slim and well dressed with long black hair and a nice smile. He wears average clothes but proudly sports the Children of the Dead badge.
Personality: Cunning and charming with a decent intellect. As leader of the Children of the Dead, he sees it as his duty to help gather resources and despite regretting it he will cheat in poker to get more resources for everyone.
Weapons: A sword and revolver.
Allegiance: Children of the Dead
Other: Leader of the Children of the Dead

Name: Green
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears the American SWAT team outfit. He is of average height and weight. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Pale from a lack of sun.
Personality: Cold to all and strict with the rules. He'll make any sacrifice for the Noble Bond to make sure it succeeds, even if that means shooting his leader in the head.
Weapons: Colt M4 Carbine.
Allegiance: Noble Bond
Other: He only has loyalties to the Noble Bond. He could care less about the leaders.
Leader of the Strike team

Name: Luke ?????
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and well built. Usually wears cowboy boots, blue jeans, and a button up shirt. Blonde hair is scruffy.
Personality: Polite and like the standard bar tender.
Weapons: A Glock 17
Allegiance: Children of the Dead
Other: Owns Luke's Tavern

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 14:56 (7 Years ago)
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Carolina Samantha Townes
Carolina is a skinny girl, often mistaken for being a kid because of her height and child like beauty. She has big blue eyes and curly red hair cut in a short fashion much like one a young man would have. She is 5'2" with freckles all over her small body. She wears a white tanktop with a golden stripe across the front and jeans. She wears gold and black combat boots, and she wears a black varsity jacket over her tanktop. She wears a golden choker around her neck.
Carolina is a happy and eccentric girl. She knows when it's necessary for her to be calm and quiet, and she is usually a mediator between arguments. She is very nice to those on her side and not, her wanting for peace obvious. She hides her sleepiness often, since she is a bad insomniac. But she doesn't want her team to know. She's quite sensitive, but she can take a few harsh words and respond with nothing more than a nod. She has good ideas, but there's the fault that not many people listen to her.
She doesn't care for weapons... But she does have a pistol that she uses on occasion.
Children of the Dead
-kinda the medic?
-she's happy
-love her

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North Blake Starrt
Demi Girl (she / her + they / them)
North is a tall woman with a muscular frame and a scary look. She stands at 5'10" and has long black hair to her bottom that she keeps pulled into a ponytail or bun at all times. She has green eyes and is quite pale. She wears a black tanktop that's tight on her frame, and ripped skinny jeans. She wears black combat boots and a black leather jacket with the Noble Bond symbol on the left breast. She consistently looks fierce and terrifying, even though she is quite pretty. She wears mascara and black lipstick.
North is... An interesting woman. She is extremely stoic and silent, making people judge her by her outward appearance and the way she takes down the improperly trained cadets. She is actually quite kind when you get to know her?? She is never easily riled up, and is quite calm in all situations. She is simple and blunt.
Her fists and double pistols.
Noble Bond
-leader of Noble Bond
-she can probably benchpress five children
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 15:25 (7 Years ago)
Accepted. Two more and we will start.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 16:00 (7 Years ago)
Name: Suvansh Agarwal
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: Is a five feet tall boy with short black hair and hazel pupils.
Personality: Brave, Kind-Hearted and sometimes Short-Tempered
Weapons: Lazer guns (If they are not allowed I will use A Bazooka)
Allegiance: Noble Bond
Other: Current Co-Leader of the Noble Bond. Is a scientist and occasionally makes weapons and stuff for his team.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 16:01 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 17:24 (7 Years ago)
Name: Amanda Night but just goes by Night most of the time.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Night wears a black hoodie, darkwash jeans, and black combat boots. She also has chestnut colored hair that goes to the small of her back, and bright green eyes. She also stands at 5'3 and weighs about ninty-five pounds.
Personality: Night is a sarcastic individule who in all honesty is just tired of the war and wants it over with. If she isn't fighting others than she was busy playing video games.
Weapons: Dagger and a Desert Eagle.
Allegiance: Children of the Dead
Other: Bit of a lone wolf even if she deals with people often.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 20:07 (7 Years ago)
Accepted. I'll make the rp soon.

Edit: The RP
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:27 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Hadrian
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: TBRPD
Weapons: Shurikens, Two Katanas on his back
Allegiance: The Allied Confederacy

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Name: Unknown to the public but people call him Shadow
Age: Unknown But is in his 20’s
Gender: Male
Personality: Unknown, But He never talks.
Weapons: Two Machine guns, His metal claws, and His sword
Allegiance: Just joined The Allied Confederacy
Other: He was a famous bounty hunter and worked alone but recently for reasons unknown he joined the Allied Confedaracy. This has not been shared to the enemy side yet.

Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 13:59 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 18:39 (7 Years ago)
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Agatha Marie Antoi
Agatha has long blonde hair and her skin is snow white. Her eyes are purple as a form of albinism. She stands at 5'2" and weighs 100 pounds flat. She is thin and small, with no showing of strength in her. She has light freckles just on her nose, and she wears round glasses that surround her eyes [x]. She wears a black crop top with a marroon jacket (always unzipped) and black ripped up skinny jeans. She wears marroon converse and a black headband that holds her hair back. She keeps hair ties on her wrist all the time.
Agatha is a soft girl. She has a kind and almost too sweet personality. She has no self love, and always puts everyone's happiness before her own, even people she doesn't know well. She has a terrible habit of letting people step all over her and even apologizing when it's not her fault. Apologizing all of the time. She is quiet and sensitive, with a tendency to cry over everything. She often feels like a bother and a burden, and likes to keep quiet about it. She's actually quiet smart.
She doesn't fight. She's a medic.
Allied Confederacy
-she's a medic.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 18:48 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 11:53 (7 Years ago)
Name: Rachit Agarwal
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Appearance: Is a short dark boy. Is 4 feet 11 inch tall. black Eyeballs
Personality: Pretends to be a quiet and boring boy but is very talkative with friends.
Weapons: A Dagger
Allegiance: Allied Confederacy (But a spy of the Noble Bond, says the stratergies and tactics of the Allied Confederacy to the Noble Bond)
Other: Brother of Suvansh Agarwal

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 16:07 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 74
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 21:16 (7 Years ago)
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Age: 15, but almost 16
Personality:He doesn’t like the war, but knows that if he doesn’t help, then his family will be forgotten for the people they are, and rememebered as cowards.
Allegiance: Allied Confederasy
Other:Seif is Sword in Arabic, symbolic for the fact that he was trained for the allied confederacy him as their sword.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 21:17 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Tue, 14/11/2017 13:35 (7 Years ago)
Name: Akshat Agarwal
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Good looking 6 feet tall boy. Chocolate-Brown eyes.
Personality: Strict and sharp
Weapons: A sword which gives shock on touch, Akshat calls it the Lightning Sword.
Allegiance: Noble Bond
Other: Elder brother of Suvansh and Rachit

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Tue, 14/11/2017 23:32 (7 Years ago)
Name: Erik Ray Maurice
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: a 5'10 young kid that has short black hair in a combover. He has fairly tanned skin and blue eyes, and always wears a headset along with a blue and grey open jacket and black tactical Jeans. He also wears some optical glasses, some black boots with heavy grip and special tactical gloves that help him climb walls and poles
Personality: Erik has always been a solitary person that prefers to work undercover, mainly as a spy, since he spends his time training on his fighting and agility skills. He seems like a rather stubborn person on the outside. He really is a kind-hearted person who would put himself on the front lines to save others. Ever since his parents fell victim to the war, he will devote himself to ending the war for good, no matter the cost
Weapons: A rechargable stun gun in his left, and a Rifle strapped around him for extra caution
Allegiance: Children of the Dead
Other: His main job is to be the spy of the alligence due to his rather skilled agility, but also does well handling a gun
Avatar made by @ChevelleNat on Twitter

Hello! Just another raccoon passing along!

Art by @Echoes_Arts on Twitter

Pls click

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 15/11/2017 13:28 (7 Years ago)
Slyis, You are accepted.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 16/11/2017 04:09 (7 Years ago)
Appearance:She is 5'11 has greenish blue eyes and long wavy black hair, always has a jacket or hoodie around her waist along with her black boots along with a beanie.
Personality:People who don't know her well would say she is a shy innocent small girl. But in reality she is a slightly competitive and aggressive but only if provoked. She isn't afraid to break out her sword if needed. But she cares for other more than herself and loves children.
Weapons:A really heavy yet small black sword with silver on the outline.She keeps it on her at all times.
Allegiance:Children of the dead.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 16/11/2017 04:19 (7 Years ago)