when you use the generator did you put in the pokemon url you get
from its's summary and out it into the number spots once that was
dont the id[] get filled with the id number of the url
Alright guys july first is when the battle system will be ready for
everyone. so I though maybe we have our battle teams included in
the list (for those who haven't yet) then on that day have a
tournament for the group with our battle teams and the winner will
get a nice prize. how does that sound to everyone.
Personally I'm neutral on this idea. I don't mind clicking the list
for other people's battle teams, but I prefer to work on my team by
myself or with them mixed into my other list (which most of the
team is already on)
I guess I support. If it's just for training purposes.
Also, I haven't been clicking the lists since I plan on spriting
more and and my fingers will hurt a lot more.
Username: VarsityRisneX
Clicklist code; http://bit.ly/1lVS3Yk
Why did you want to join? I joined because this would make
interacting quicker, allowing for more time to interact with other