Forum Thread
Mafia 2.0
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Mafia 2.0People often think the PH sprites are bland. Do they shade? Well, yes they do. You'll be surprised how much care is taken for these sprites.

Silencer: "Don't come in here... I'm watching anime..."
Swat 2: "What do we do?"
Swat 3: "Ignore the silencer..."
Swat 1: "Breaching in 3.... 2.... 1..."
Silencer: "Nuuuu! Not my animooo!"
Swat 3: "Permission to Fire at will!"
Swat 2: "I found 'em!"
Swat 1: "Shoot him!"
Swat 2: *Shoots rifle
Silencer: "Gudby world... I will miss you... webtoon.... anime.... video games.... murde-"
Silencer: *Dies
Welp... the silencer died... Guess all of us are town.... right? *Nervous laughter

So the Janitor is fine, and it's just the silencer left. Which means third party and town will win once again. Pretty certain they can't kill that much people with only duck tape. I mean the Janitor killed someone with a bucket, who even knows.
People often think the PH sprites are bland. Do they shade? Well, yes they do. You'll be surprised how much care is taken for these sprites.

Anarchy is so silent, you could hear a pun drop.
Man... I made Anarchy be really silent....... wanna know why...?
I needed some silence in my life... and Anarchy is so Chaotic.
When I play Call of Duty... I always use a silencer
Oh Anarchy? Ur not feline good? Call the purramedics!
These puns are a catastrophe
Ok ok... last one and then I'm "done"...
U guys are punny-wise and pound-foolish

I abstained because i wasn't sure if gummi was godfather or sorcerer (if there is one).
Also i feel real bad for the faith healer. The one time they managed to heal somebody i was already protecting their target.
Actually, now that i think about it, if i got killed then the faith healer could probably have saved ferret from coming with me.