"alright" Tiger responded quietly and looked Roy over. He saw a
bite on him "found one" he muttered, and looked through his bag. He
had no gauze on him at all. He then sighed and took his jacket off.
He tied it around the bite for the time being, and ignored familiar
awkward feeling he had when his scar showed. "Alright I wrapped it
up temporarily...I'll get him to a hospital or something soon" he
promised the hoenn champ impatiently.
Tiger shrugged and glanced over to Mel "it's fine..." He said
quietly. He then loaded up the map on his pokegear. "There's one
not to far from here..."
"Hospital? Oh no. That won't be necessary. All you have to do, I
know this from experience, is, uh, throw him in some water. When he
comes to, tell him the thing i owed him is at the Poke Mart. Bye."
Steven hung up, putting his PokeNav down.
"What's your definition of 'not to far'.." Mel asked suspiciously,
looking down at Roy. "'Cause I can't carry anything for my
"Yeah, you almost dropped me off a cliff."
"That was one time, and it was your fault for jumping at
me!" She glanced at the device and sighed. "Alright, fine. Where's
the nearest river. Or any water source."
"Throw him in water!?" Tiger said in disgust. "I swear to Arceus if
I become a champion in Johto I'm never treating then trainers of my
region like that" he snapped. He was about to grab a water bottle
when a Poliwag appeared and used a water gun on Roy.
"I haaaaate water! The only reason I spent time to get a Horsea was
because it evolved into a Dragon-Type..." Roy said desperately
searching his bag for a towel. "And so soon after Steven did the
exact same thing...."
Tiger sighed "well Steven told us to do that" he said dully. He
then handed Cyndaquil some pokedollars and the Pokémon ran off to
the market. "I'm going to go ahead." He mumbled lowly and
remembered that Rose could come back.
"Uh, why?" Mel asked, crossing her arms. She rounded on Roy. "And
Rose, your twin or whatever, is she buddies with that Sylveon from
before? 'Cause Riu's been saying that this entire time."
"I don't feel like meeting up with Rose anymore" Tiger said
cautiously not listening to what Mel said about Rose and Sylveon.
Cyndaquil then came back to Tiger, and dropped some gauze in his
hand. Tiger then removed his jacket from Roy, and placed some gauze
on have wound. "By the way Steven said he had something for you."
"All of Rose's Pokemon except Delphox we’re fairy types... and she
seemed weird during that battle if you get my drift. And she
forfeited and gave me a Togepi egg, which, you guessed it, is a
fairy type." Victor said.