Forum Thread
Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)Instead, she blinked at the Zorua who had reappeared.
"Ah, I thought there was something wrong when you were a Pichu." She smiled. "You ran off, then I sensed you as a Zorua. Wasn't too hard to piece two and two together."
She paused as her pink fur receded into its normal charcoal colour, before she settled back onto her haunches, lazily scratching her ear with a back foot.
"So are you both entirely serious about being a Chrystanigh? If so, we could start training right away. It's not too difficult to tap into that energy. A little boost from a type master, or even a simple warrior who has honed the ability, can easily help you access it."
Lunaro stopped, putting her foot down and shaking her head.
She decided that the two younger Pokemon could use a bit of trivia. After all, they didn't seem to know much about the Chrystanigh. Just old wive's tales that had drifted to and fro on the wind.
"Y'know, any Pokemon can unlock that hidden power of learning all eighteen types." Lunaro said, almost proudly. "It just takes a little push in the right direction. Normally the Pokemon that helps you will be your mentor for life, until they pass on. And anyone can train anyone. I've known apprentices that have helped a newer Pokemon learn their newest ability, even if the young trainee was many years younger."
((Sorry for being so inactive; I had a crazy weekend.))
"Soo... how do we start then?" he asked, looking over to Crystal for a second before putting on his best game face.
i have fists for hands and fire for fists
Thank you for pointing that out; it's been a long time since I've used a Shuckle, or even seen one in my games, so I had assumed they were Normal type. XD I'll put him as Bug and Rock, since he naturally knows both!
Jump in any way that you'd like. It doesn't really matter. He doesn't even have to meet any of the recruits until later if you'd prefer.
While Lunaro sense the type your Pokemon start as, it's basically the one you guys chose. So if you said Fire, I wouldn't be a jerk and say your Pokemon had to learn Water first. C:
Just letting everyone know.))
Lunaro smiled at their enthusiasm. "Alright, lemme see." She prowled around Bracken for a minute, her fur rippling into a pink colour as she examined the Treecko. Her eyes glowed a little, then she stopped, head tilted.
"You...have a lot of potential as a Dragon type." She mumbled, a little perplexed. "Strange. There aren't many Pokemon who have the potential to control that..."
She then turned to Crystal, circling her as she had done before with Bracken.
"Interesting," She muttered. "Ghost types are pretty uncommon too."
She stepped back, her magenta fur shifting back to its usual charcoal colour.
"I can tell that you could both take those difficult types without any issues." She gave them a nod. "But first, we have to figure out the extents of your current types."
Her fur shifted into a green scheme, and she hovered a paw above the lush grass. "I believe a certain Treecko caught me trying to create a thick vine earlier." The Poochyena gave Bracken an amused look, before she urged a small flower to erupt out of the ground. The dainty white wildflower was tiny compared to all of the other plants around it.
"Unfortunately, I'm a little rusty with my Grass type, but I can do quite a lot still. Like create life, or even listen to the plants' whispers around me. There's quite a lot a Grass type could do."
A little off-put by the sudden reminder of his dad, Bracken's expression dampened. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and looked up as Lunaro changed into her Grass type, watching as a flower spring up from the ground. Figuring that she'd like to see him do something similar, the Treecko knelt down and dug his fingers into the earth. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing his energy into the ground. Determined to show the Poochyena what he was really capable of, he strained, urging plantlife to grow.
Finally feeling his strength give out a little, he stopped and opened his eyes. A patch of grass had appeared in front of him, a little less than half his height. Huh. Not too bad, he examined, although he felt like he could've done a bit more.
"Well, you seem to have gotten the idea. Although you seemed to be pushing your powers. You shouldn't need to try so hard, especially since you're a Grass type. It all comes with practice. In fact..." Lunaro wiggled a paw over the flower, urging it to raise itself higher. Of course, it only budged a few more inches, and the Poochyena dropped her paw with a fake pout.
"You may pick up on this stuff quicker than I did. Being a Grass type has its advantages; you pick up on all kinds of skills in your type range at such a fast rate, it's almost unbelievable. It's the same with any type."
Lunaro tilted her head at Bracken, thinking. "Maybe..." She began. "You could start by trying a basic Grass type ability. Unless you already know it, that is. Can you sense the life around you? As in, not the plants. Not myself or Crystal, but like the trees, or even the tiny little flowers."
"Oh, no. I'm just helping him out. As a Grass type, he should be able to do some basic things a seasoned Grass warrior could."
Her fur shifted back, and she tilted her head at the Dark type.
"Alright, this is going to be easier for me. Dark types are..." She trailed away, trying to piece together the right words.
"Well, they're like the masters of the shadows. They can inflict nightmares or, in your case, make illusions. Although most Dark types can make nightmarish illusions, not transform like your kind can. There was a Zorua in the camp I grew up in. He excelled at using his illusions for so many things in battle. Zorua and Zoroark are exceptional Dark types, sicne they can control what most other Dark types cannot."
She chuckled a little, almost sheepishly. "In fact, even I can't do what your kind can do, and I could be considered a master at Dark type at this point. The most I can do is walk in shadows or conjure up nightmares."
"Dark type is a tricky type to learn, since it requires a lot of concentration, but I'm sure you'll pick up on it. After all, like I said, your kind are normally very good at this type of stuff." She demonstrated by lifting a paw, a dark purple and black wisp following her movements. It swirled from the shadows of the forest floor and onto her paw, where she conjured a small Wurmple on it. It wiggled itself as it crawled onto the Poochyena's shoulder.
"Try and bring a shadow forth. It's like creating an illusion; just concentrate on that type of energy you would use, but think of using it for a different reason."
At first, nothing came to him. But the more he focused, the more he sensed what seemed to be streams of life flowing up out of the ground. Ah, right, those are trees, Bracken thought, relieved that he was feeling anything at all. The streams diverged into smaller flows in the branches until they ended at the leaves. The leaves almost seemed to glow, absorbing the energy from the bright sunlight. He smiled; he liked their warm feeling.
Deciding to focus on just the one tree, he traced the flow until he reached the top. Satisfied, he opened his eyes. Though he felt a little drained, he felt better than after he'd grown the grass.
"I can definitely feel life around me," Bracken said, after waiting for Lunaro to finish her demonstration to Crystal. "It just takes a little focus, is all."
They had preformed it flawlessly. She was sure they were a little shaky, but it would come to them naturally eventually, almost like breathing or the need for survival.
"Perfect." She nodded to both of them. "For a first try, you both did great."
"Alright, are you two ready for a little challenge?"
She had a daring glint in her eye. "Bracken, try and create a small flower of some sort. This takes more concentration than making grass grow taller, so you may have to tap into the energy around you. As a Grass type, you can easily do so.
The flower may turn out to be any colour. Don't concentrate on creating a certain flower. Concentrate on bringing life into the earth. And like I said before, don't stress yourself or push your limits."
She turned to Crystal, waiting a moment as she blinked. She couldn't help but chuckle. "You'll get used to it." She said. The shadowy Wurmple still sat on her shoulder, and Lunaro willed it to wiggle its way towards the Zorua.
"You did great for a first try. Try it again, but don't try to concentrate so hard. Just let it happen. You have the ability to do so, and you just need to attempt to tap into it."
A smile was formed on her muzzle. "You two are seriously doing well for Pokemon who've never done this before. And these are just basics. Learning another type is an entirely different story."
She was surprised they were doing so well, especially since she had seen Pokemon who had been trained to test their skills fail miserably.
A little daisy smiled up at him, its petals shining white. Bracken resisted the urge to do a little hop of delight and instead smiled even wider than he had before.
She stiffened, noticing Crystal becoming encased.
"Crap!" She exclaimed, diving for the Zorua. Her own shadows swirled at her paws, and she touched Crystal's, pulling at the darkness.
The Poochyena began to grimace as she sucked away most of the darkness, and it instead swirled onto Lunaro's body.
"When I said...tap into it..." She growled out, mainly speaking to reassure herself that she wasn't being taken over by the darkness along with Crystal. "I didn't take a lot of it...!"
She shook a little, her crimson gaze glaring at the dirt. She slowly lifted it to Crystal, panting heavily. Her eyes softened when Crystal spoke.
"You..." She trailed off. "You did great. Just... take it easy when doing that..."
Some shadows still swirled on her pelt and up her front legs, and she dispelled them, her mind switching back to the cryptic message.
The Poochyena took a minute to regain herself before she said, "Crystal, do you know what just happened?"
"You were kind of consumed by it. I've never seen it happen, but..." She sighed heavily. "I guess I'm not too surprised. Dark magic is a very dangerous aspect. Just take it easy when doing so, alright?" She gave the Zorua a reassuring smile.
"Now, I believe Bracken is ready to try becoming a Dragon type. Would you like to try being a Ghost type?"
'Oh, being a Ghost type involves darkness too. Lunaro thought, a pang of worry shooting through her. 'I'll have to keep an eye on her.'