Forum Thread
This is better than Pokefarm!
Forum-Index → Discussion → This is better than Pokefarm!Honestly, I must say that PokeHeroes is an awesome Pokemon site. I started this game when I randomly clicked a BB code of a Pokemon in Pokemon Legends. At first, I’m so nervous when I first joined here. Thanks to the warm community, I’m now confident. Only one thing I can say:
I love PokeHeroes :3

and don’t get my started on the mechanics! the pc boxes made me angry. the clicking was a nightmare. the daycare was innefficiant. the premium cost an arm and a leg. i eventually left after a few months just because it was so horrible. i VASTLY enjoy PH more.

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
Also the pokedex was like the games one, where even if you trade away a Pokemon the data still remains. I don't like that very much. Also one of the things gregoryk mentioned, there's no efficient way to interact on PFQ, which is also a major downside.
I don't know much about moderation and community over there nowadays; I've heard it's pretty bad still. I do remember the old days, on PF1, the staff and Niet were absolute nightmares to deal with. A simple google search shows Niet's incapability to be an admin.
There's things on PFQ I do prefer over PH, such as how megas are done, I think PH's system of mega bubbles and mega stones isn't that great, versus PFQ where they just have the mega stones- a system I much rather prefer. I also like PFQ's shelter idea much better than the tall grass here. Overall, though, I like PH more.
PH has just been such a better experience for me, since you could actively interact with the community and everything is much more easily navigable and it is so much easier to obtain the items you need for whatever you plan on doing. I personally will stick with PH, but that's just my opinion.

Idk I just prefer pokefarm Q. Maybe its cause I spend most of my time there. Maybe its because it left a better first impression then this site did. Idk but yeah. Those are my opinions.
What I don't like is the game itself. Like here, you have to gain clicks for your Pokemon and hatch them. But it takes much longer to click in PFQ. Thankfully most people sort their Pokemon Boxes so it's faster, but I much prefer the clicklists here.
Also, the tutorial is rather lackluster. I'm glad that PH has an in-depth tutorial to help newbies like me figure out what we're supposed to do. Overall, I much prefer PH.
But yeah Kolink and co were weird, IDK if PFQ has it, but the old PF had a mature forum where they were gross. I still remember details I don't wanna remember lol, and also there were problems with minors and stuff.
I used to be a hardcore PF player a few years ago. I took a good amount of art commissions over there. I was pretty close to hitting arceus rank before I stopped playing. I partially stopped out of lack of interest, but another reason I left is because I saw things I didn't like during my time there. Before you continue reading this, know that I am not trying to "talk smack" about PF. These are observations I made by playing and being involved in the community for years.
Tournament pokemon and the shiny hunting system used to be pretty paywalled a few years ago. I don't know if the tournament pokemon situation changed at all, but shiny hunting was made much more fair to free-to-play users. I don't feel it's necessary to go into detail on how since that was changed a while ago. I will point out that the discussion surrounding fixing the tournament system got a little heated, and that thread is where I saw the most attitude from the site owner.
As far as staff goes, I can't speak too much on that as I tried not to interact with them unless I needed to. That was partially because of what I've seen about the staff. All the problems I personally saw tended to be isolated to the suggestions forum, but there are others that have seen much more nastiness than I did.
As far as the community, it was a mixed bag. Some were nice, others not so much; just like any community. The biggest problems I had with people were in the suggestions forum. The suggestions are where you found out what some people were really like.
I've never had a negative experience on PH yet, never noticed anything pay-to-win yet either. I can't speak about the community here since I haven't really interacted that much during my time tbh. Nobody that has commissioned me for art here in the past has given me any problems. Never had a bad encounter with someone yet, and I hope it stays that way.
Lol I can't seem to agree 0-0
they ban ACAB but when somebody is blatantly racist, they turn a blind eye to it. not all of the mods are terrible though, and i dont think they should be dragged down just because of a few rotten apples in the bunch.
on the actual gameplay, i've. never really enjoyed it. it felt VERY p2w with the shiny box (used to charge shiny charms, which help boost your chance of hatching a shiny) costing 2k zophan canisters (20 USD) !!! the ubercharms (upgraded shiny charms) cost 2USD. & the shiny charms cost 1.50 USD. you obviously could play the game without spending a single cent, but it takes a LOT of effort.
i've got even though i've only had short bursts of activity on the site, i'm enjoying my time here !! everyone seems so nice, and the staff here seem really dedicated and easy to approach !! layout-wise, i find it a bit disorganized, & i found it quite hard to navigate when i first joined this site. however, i really do like how the clicklist here is formatted.
i also know that this is quite minor, but thank you @staff team for not making the legendaries gendered. and the fact that cosmoemm's evo isnt dictated by its gender. it genuinely makes me smile c: