How long you been spriting? 3 years
How many sprites you have made? 300
Got yourself a shop in PH? yes
What post you want to see yourself in?mod(the Eye of Alakazam)
Username: Oddballme
How long you been spriting?: About a year or so now. Long before I
knew about this whole website.
How many sprites you have made?: Countless. At least 2 pages in
Got yourself a shop in PH?: Original removed. No, not yet.
What post you want to see yourself in?: Member
Password: Curveball
Username: Leptro
How long you been spriting? Ever since 27/03/2014
How many sprites you have made? 21+
Got yourself a shop in PH? Yep.
What post you want to see yourself in? I can be a member. But I
could help advertising, too ;)
Password: Dragon type
How long you been spriting? :1 month
How many sprites you have made? :over 100
Got yourself a shop in PH? :yep-a-Roony
What post you want to see yourself in? : watch
Yeah, epic. I'm trying to make something on iPad, but it doesn't
work. And I forgot, gotta put up my sprites here. My only thing I
can do is angular+shadeless...
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)