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The Elementist (open RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay The Elementist (open RP)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 20:12 (7 Years ago)
Aiden snorted. "Your own empire? Gosh, whatever would you call it?" He could practically feel Cam elbowing his stomach. He practically doubled over, gasping at the thought. Even though she was who-knows-how-far-away, he knew she would. He straightened himself. "Guess we'll just have to keep an ear out for weird ringing. Or just check radios and stuff."

Lucia grinned excitedly. "This is great!" She whisper-shouted. "The walls may not be the best material, but they're smart to make walls thick enough to cause the monsters trouble getting in, but at the same time it would be difficult to get out of, so they'd obviously have secret passages to enter and exit the city, but if they have everything they need in there, there wold be no reason to leave. They might not even be friendly, but if they managed to build that during the apocalypse can you imagine what they'd be able to make during what we considered normal?!! That's amazing to think about, why didn't we think of something like that?" She stumbled over her words. "I'm rambling now aren't I."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 20:27 (7 Years ago)
"a little bit." Elizabeth said. "The real trick is to get them to understand the situation and help out. It's the only way for us to be able to beat these monsters and the One that controls them."

"Let's go back to Jake and tell him that we have secured some small towns." Sasha said. "But let's first make sure this one is good." Allen nodded, agreeing with her.

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 20:30 (7 Years ago)
Lucia nodded. "Absolutely. Priorities. Right, okay." She paused, glancing at the wall. "So how do we get in. Maybe we should just knock?" She knocked on the wall, completely out of ideas and ready for a nap. Nothing happened, but she wasn't too surprised.

Aiden nodded in agreement. "I'll third wheel along with you two." He said with a small smile.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 20:39 (7 Years ago)
"halt!" Someone yelled. "State your business here!"
Elizabeth put her hands up. "We're here to help." She said. "We want to put an end to these monsters."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" The guard asked. "Two little girls can't do anything against an army of monsters."
"Let them in Henry." A voice said. Elizabeth turned around to see the guy in black armor. "They're with me."
"Oh! Of course!" The guard said.

It only took Sasha, Allen, and Aiden an hour to clear the town out. In total, they found and helped fifty people, all willing to help out in the battle surely to come. They told them to check the radio for their other friends and to keep in contact with them.

(You're welcome to add and control minor characters if you want.)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 21:29 (7 Years ago)
(I will soon, I'm just working out what to do with them haha)

Lucia glanced at the guy in black armor. "Hey, that's the guy from before!" She exclaimed. Weird coincidence? Probably not. Lucia shoved her suspicions into the back of her mind, locked away with the rest of her secrets.

Aiden sighed, rubbing his forehead. His hands probably had rope burn from dragging things around for the random people they'd met. "Maybe we should head back." He suggested.

Cam yelped, slipping and falling.

Today had been a long day. Right when she thought she was free for a bit, the stupid monsters had returned, this time with bigger numbers and more aggressive than before, which still surprised her. She'd been going on like this for a few hours, switching between her dagger and the fire scythe, but she was tired. Fighting like this takes a lot out of a person. She was sure she was going to be hitting her reserves soon, and she was positive she was running purely on adrenaline at the moment.

Several people had started to wander out of the gas station, mostly teens and adults curious as to what was going on outside. Several were armed, helping Cam take out some of the monsters with guns, but whenever one fell, another two more took its place, but they were running out of bullets and energy. Cam was trying her best to keep the monsters away from the people, but sometimes a monster got too close, or a person got too cocky, and all she could do was scream a warning because she was already pinned. She was doing well for one out-fighter, and there were at least ten people with guns behind her. She was rightly proud of herself.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 21:51 (7 Years ago)
Jake noticed that she was hitting her reserves. And he wasn't sure that the Earth element along with the other people's help will suffice. He had no choice but to use the dark element.
"Everyone, get inside now! I'll handle this alone!" Jake ordered. He looked at Cam. "You too. I can tell that you won't be able to keep this up any longer."
Once everyone was inside, he made stones and plants surround the gas station to protect everyone in there. He released the dark powers. The sunlight was gone. Silloueghts began crawling out of dark places. They are called shadows. Corrupted souls now bent on killing anything that moves. Jake knows this too well to know, but this is the only way to stop the monsters. He himself blasted a monster with darkness and it turned to complete ashes. Looks like you're not immune after all, he thought. A pity. He shook his head. "Keep control of yourself." Jake said. In mere seconds, the monsters were all gone. Jake could feel the corruption spreading. "I have to get away." He said to himself. He ran away. The shadows disappeared, but darkness still hung in the air, not a single light shone.

Allen agreed. "Yeah, should be easy peasy now." Suddenly, the sun was blotted out by black clouds. "What the? Hey what's the big idea here!"
Sasha had a feeling. But it couldn't be? Could it?

As the three walked into the walls, the man in black armor said, "My name is Xyry."
Elizabeth stopped. "Wait. You're alive?"
Xyry nodded. "Yes, but do not belong in this world. I have heard of what happened to the other me."
Just then, all of the candles went out in the camp. Everyone was startled. Frantically trying to light them back up, to no avail.
"What's happening?" Elizabeth asked in a hushed whisper.
Xyry looked around. "It seems that there is a powerful Dark Elementist out there."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 22:10 (7 Years ago)
Cam attempted to push the doors open and snared in annoyance. Plants and rocks? Fine. She could handle that. She held up her hands. The red flower on her headband began to feel warmer, and Cam knew that meant the flower was glowing, even if it wasn't visible in the darkness, and Cam could tell the plants had exploded into flame and burnt away. The flower grew colder but stayed as usual. Cam shoved some of the boulders away as best she could, slipping through the small gap she'd made.

Cam stared in shock at the sight in front of her. "No way." She whispered. "That's way too powerful for anyone!" She shut her eyes and held out her hands. "There's a first time for everything, right? Let's try this." In her hands a single white sphere appeared, a lone light in the darkness. "Alright. Focus. You're fine. Let's just try and restore some Light, okay Cam? Get rid of the Dark. Easy. Maybe." The sphere began to grow bigger and bigger, and the darkness around the gas station began to vanish slowly. She knew it wouldn't last for long. But she could restore a bit. Jake and Dark was too powerful for Cam and Light.

Aiden looked around, eyes narrowing slightly. "Dark magic probably. Wait. Jake..?" He fell silent. Oh no.

Lucia yelped, grabbing Elizabeth's arm. "Jake has dark magic." She whispered. "Do you think something happened to them?" She began to panic. Aiden and Cam were supposed to be with Jake looking for survivors! She glanced at Xyry. "Can we do anything, or are we stuck like this.?"
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 22:17 (7 Years ago)
Elizabeth put both of her hands to her chest. "No! It can't be Jake. If it is him, I'm not getting involved. I... I..." She collapsed.
"I can take you both to the center of the power, if where it originated from. So you all will have at least a start on where to find him." Xyry said.

It was the first time Allen was at a lost for words. Jake was his best friend, a brother. He felt a lump in his throat, making him unable to speak.
Sasha must have felt his pain. She went over to him and hugged him. "Come on. We gotta make sure the others are okay." She nodded to Aiden. "Lead the way. Please."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 22:33 (7 Years ago)
Aiden hesitated. "Okay.. I think I came from that way." He pointed down the road he came from. "Yeah, I remember that weird pink sign." He started walking, pace quickening considerably within a few seconds. As Jake okay? He had to be. Aiden may not have known Jake for long, but he couldn't imagine this.. This group without him.

Lucia caught Elizabeth, lowering her to the ground gently. "Can you take us?" She requested quietly. She hesitated. "And fast? We need to know what's going on. Like, now." Her normally soft voice gained an edge and became hard and cold. She needed to know.

Cam collapsed to her knees, exhaustion pouring through her. "I'm done with these powers for now." She laughed weakly. She could feel her energy slipping away and coughed. "That was great, but I'm never doing it again."

Several of the people from the gas station began to crowd around Cam, murmuring in hushed, panicked tones. Cam was on her knees, hands pulled up to her chest. There was a small glow and a white flower appeared, tucking itself into Cam's headband. Several people gasped and backed away, but a few children came forward, offering the redhead blankets and hugs and thanks. Cam grinned faintly at them, and the atmosphere lightened considerably as they brought her back inside. Once inside, adults began to converse and Cam stayed seated on a mattress one of the people had found, surrounded by children and other teenagers.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 22:49 (7 Years ago)
Allen and Sasha followed Aiden in silence. Both chose not to speak for some time.

Xyry nodded. "Grab hold of me. And please, don't get sick." When they did, Xyry traveled at the speed of darkness (theoretically speaking, it either can be just as fast, or even faster than the speed of light. I'm not sure which though. Lol) they ended up at a gas station. There were a small group of people there, along with Cam. And she doesn't look too good
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 22:57 (7 Years ago)
"Its almost feels brighter over here." Aiden said, and he stepped toward the gas station. It seemed to brighten, and Aiden couldn't help but to relax his posture slightly. It felt safer here than in the Dark. "It is lighter here." He realized. He could feel it too. Some other kind of energy mingled with the Dark. He spotted Lucia and Elizabeth and waved. "Hey! You're here!" He called.

((Nobody knows, maybe its faster~~~~~))

Lucia shook her head, clearing it. Her head lifted and she sighed in relief. "Thanks." She said, and turned towards the voice. "Hey, Aiden!" She shouted, a grin breaking across her face, though it seemed tired and strained. She walked towards him. "What happened here? Xyry said this is where the Darkness started, but it seems lighter here than where we were."

"Who?" Aiden asked, eyebrows pulling together. Lucia gestured towards the guy in black armor. "Oh."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 23:09 (7 Years ago)
Xyry waved. Allen and Sasha noticed. But it was Allen that spoke up. "Aren't you supposed to be that one dark Elementist that the Darkness hasn't corrupted?"
Elizabeth was still unconscious, laying on the floor.
Sasha looked at Xyry. "Is there a way to get Jake back?"
Xyry nodded. "Yes. But it involves getting more Elements."

Allen was furious. "No! I'm not going to hurt my friend! This time, I'm staying out of it."
Xyry nodded, understood. "The elements are called, the Scientific Elements. Made by mankind, therefore unique in their powers. Instead of four, there are five. They are called, Time, Space, Matter, Mind, and Sound."
Sasha shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I don't know if I can handle getting anymore elements. And Elizabeth here would not be able to face Jake." She looked at Aiden and Lucia. "Can you find someone to be able to help you guys out? Please."

(At this point, I'm making my original four characters now minor. And adding probably two or three, just to let you know)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 23:30 (7 Years ago)
(That's fine, I might push Lucia to the sidelines as well, and maybe Cam too. I'll add a few new ones in, if that's okay?)

Lucia shook her head and glanced at Aiden. "I can help you find other people, but I might rip my mind apart before I get another element." She smiled apologetically and then sighed. "I don't think I could convince Cam to step down. She'd probably rip her own mind apart out of boredom."

Aiden gave her a small smile. "Yeah, that sounds like her." He squared his shoulders. "Alright. I'll find other people to help." He said, holding himself confidently, though he was still shaking.

"Uh," There was a small cough from Cam, interrupting him. She held up one hand. "Before you throw yourself at a new element, what are we gonna do with the people? Is there a safe place we can send them? I've grown really attached to those kids, so I'm not gonna let them die." She coughed again. "And I think I'll sit this out. Here," She tossed what looked like plastic toward Aiden. "Its kinda like a phone, except it uses the energy in the air to charge itself. I had some free time. There's a surprising amount of tech nerds in there."

Aiden nodded, catching the phone-like device and tucking it into his pocket. "Thanks Cam." He said sincerely.

Cam waved it away. "No prob bro. As soon as these people are secure I'm heading out anyway." Her green eyes darkened slightly. "Gotta find some stuff. And missing people." She shook herself.

Aiden smiled faintly. "I get it."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 00:01 (7 Years ago)
(ok, do you mind if we do a time jump? Say one year?)

The girl with the guitar overheard their conversation. Her name is Annabelle Reye. Her soft blonde hair flowed as she ran towards the group.
"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I heard that you might need help. Jake, I think that's what his name was, risked his life for everybody here, and got me my guitar back. I was thinking if joining you guys. Of having a power like you. I don't think it would be right that he risked so much for me and my friends and family, and me doing nothing to help."
Sasha looked at her. The girl was sixteen. She didn't seem like the fighting type. "I'm sorry, but you can't just throw your life away like that."
"I would like to say something." Xyry said. "Wether the girl wants to or not isn't your decision. Death is inevitable, especially now. Some of the most powerful Elementists are the ones that everyone would bat an eye and turn away on. If she wants to is her decision."
Sasha turned to Annabelle. "Okay, so do you want to help out?"
Annabelle nodded. "Yes"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 00:15 (7 Years ago)
(That's fine!)

Cam looked at Annabelle and then at the others. "So is she gonna start out with one of the elements we first chose from, or is she heading for these Scientific ones?" She asked, coughing again. The red flower on her headband flashed slightly and she patted it so it stopped. "'Cause I remember we almost destroyed ourselves the first day with our first elements."

Aiden glanced at Cam and shrugged blankly. "Don't look at me." He said, smiling faintly. "And not all of us did. Probably just you."

Cam glowered at him.

Lucia cleared her throat. The siblings jumped in surprise and glanced at her guiltily, muttering apologies and rejoining the conversation.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 00:25 (7 Years ago)
"she must make haste for one of the scientific ones." Xyry said. "I predict with his growing powers, you have about a year at most before the whole world is engulfed in darkness." Xyry looked at a shadow, which was one of the ones that died by a monster. "Just know that even though these shadows and monsters will fight each other, they will also target you. Both are still your enemies. Maybe if the Ancients were here, it would help slow down the process. I'll see what I can do to contact them. Do what you must to find new Elementists."
Sasha and Allen looked at Aiden. "Are you sure you're able for this?" Sasha asked.
Allen brought his hand out to shake. "bring him back. If not for anybody's sake but Elizabeth's. She loves him. Just promise that you'll try"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 00:44 (7 Years ago)
"I'll see if I can manipulate my Light powers into creating some kind of barrier against Darkness wherever we're going." Cam was saying, already holding several ancient textbooks.

Aiden reached out and accepted Allen's hand. "I'll be fine." He said. "I'll do my best. For everyone. Especially Elizabeth. And everyone else of course." He said, a small smile splitting across his face. "Everyone just survive. I'd hate to come back with someone missing."

As Aiden turned to go, he glanced at Lucia and Cam. "See you." He said, waving.

Lucia walked over and hugged him. "Don't die." She said. "Or I'll sick Cam on you."

"Cam would rather sit this one out." Cam called, flipping through one of the textbooks in her hands.

Aiden and Lucia laughed, and Aiden glanced at Cam. "See you, sis." He said, spreading his arms.

Cam hugged him, laughing. "Don't die or anything, seriously. Call if you need help. Oky? Don't pull a me and not ask for help when you actually need it, okay?"

Aiden snorted. "Yes sister dearest." He ruffled her already messy hair and turned around, tucking his hands into his pockets and walking off.

Cam sighed, looking at the ancient books. "At least I have something to keep me busy." She murmured, bookmarking her page with a leaf. Lucia smiled and ruffled the redhead's hair as well. Cam pouted indignantly.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 00:56 (7 Years ago)
Annabelle followed Aiden.

Ten months later....
Name: Bryan Park
Age: 18
Gender: male
Appearance: brown hair. Blue eyes. White. Wears a pilot jacket along with black jeans.
Element: not identified yet...

Bryan walked on the highway with his backpack, and gun in hand. He hasn't found a safe haven for quite a while. All of those he did find, were already destroyed by either monsters or those shadow things. Or both. We learned one thing. If he sees monsters and shadows fighting each other, to steer clear of that area. It only spells death.

Annabelle was all alone. Her and Aiden got separated when a horde of shadows surprised them. It seems like they work as a unit. Never has she found one alone. At least they didn't damage her guitar. But she didn't dare play it now that she's alone.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 01:17 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ali Watson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wavy dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. Pale skin and freckles. She usually wears a dark gray jacket and light blue t-shirt, with dark blue sweatpants and sneakers.
Element: Error, Classified Information

Aiden turned in quick circles, starting to panic. He and Annabelle had gotten split up by those stupid shadows. He sighed, rubbing his forehead. Wow, He thought bleakly. We're pretty good at getting split up. He'd just keep looking for her. It was dangerous going around alone, and everyone knew it. The shadows travelled and hunted in packs.

Not for the first time in the past ten months, Aiden found himself wondering how the old group was. Of course, they were one button away. Theoretically, at least. He had no idea if they were in the same area anymore, but he guessed they weren't. Last time he'd seen them, Elizabeth had been unconscious. He figured Allen, Sasha and Elizabeth probably stuck together. They'd always seemed pretty close. Knowing his sister, Aiden guessed that Cam was either still with the people helping protect them, or off looking for something. He hoped Lucia was okay too. He'd spoken to Cam a few months ago, but she'd sounded pretty stressed, and he'd heard pages flipping the entire time. Apparently she'd made good progress in creating a barrier, but not enough. Shadows could still get through. Cam had fallen asleep during the call. And Jake.. The very person Aiden was searching for, the very person he promised Allen and Sasha he'd bring back. He hoped he could keep that promise.

Aiden shook his head. He couldn't think about the old group anymore. They were in the past now. He had to focus on the present. And his present was finding Annabelle, wherever she'd escaped to.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/08/2017 05:13 (7 Years ago)

Annabelle took a look at her surroundings. She was in an old pawn shop. She knew that she left her weapons back where the shadows were. And they were definitely using those weapons now on some poor survivor. She looked around for something good. She settled on a cool looking sword and a handgun, with loads of ammo. She could hole up here for now, until the Cold passes. The Cold is the only way to figure out when it's night and day. The shadows are more distracted with the monsters when the Cold is gone.

Bryan looked at his map. If the map was right, the closest settlement was a gas station. Where the Elementists are. Or most of them. Bryan has heard so many different stories from other passing survivors that he doesn't know which is fact and which is fiction. He was so focus on the map that he ran straight into a wall. "Ow."
He looked up and seen a gas station sign.
It has to be. He thought. He walked up to the gates and knocked.
A person showed up at a watchtower, a guy. "Yo. What's up. Welcome to Allen's personal fortress."
"Allen." A girl said.
Bryan heard Allen say "Ow!" Then heard the girl say, Open the gates!"