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The Elementist (open RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay The Elementist (open RP)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 05:29 (7 Years ago)
"I'm game if you are." Lucia replied, grinning confidently now.

"All of my life decisions led up to this moment." Cam groaned, slamming her hand back and grasping the seatbelt, pulling it across herself and clicking it into place. "I regret all of those decisions."

Aiden snorted, managing to pull his buckle on as well, but, like Cam, not before Jake took off. He struggled to click the buckle into place and let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, let's not crash this car." He seemed to be talking more to himself than anything, so Cam ignored him in favor of looking at the scenery as they passed it
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 05:44 (7 Years ago)
"technically," Jake said. "Only some of your choices brought you to this point. Other things are unavoidable and will happen no matter what."

Elizabeth flew over the skies with her flaming wings, enjoying the sunset.

"Yeah," Allen said. "We are selling girl scout cookies and want to know if you want some."
Sasha elbowed Allen and then said, "sorry about my friend here. We want to help."
The door opened slightly. "You don't look like one of those things. How can a couple of kids help with this problem?"
"Because we got super powers!" Allen said, trying to show off his non-existent muscles.
Sasha rolled her eyes. "We do have powers, but not really super. But if we can all come together we can fight back these monsters and save the world."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 05:48 (7 Years ago)
"Well, on that case, the choices I did make that brought me here are the ones I so deeply regret." Cam amended her or previous statement, still staring out the window. Her eyes flicked back and forth wildly.

Aiden hummed. "That's true. I guess a lot of things are unavoidable in life. But I cant imagine it's the same for every living thing. Different species probably have different laws of nature and all that jazz."

Lucia was still smiling faintly to herself. She was currently under water, eyes glowing slightly as she watched the sunset from beneath the waves. She kept up with Elizabeth easily, the water nice and cool, even though it didn't get her wet.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 06:09 (7 Years ago)
Jake stopped by a small town. And went to the gas station. That's when they first came into contact with other people. A lot of people were holes up in the gas station, terrified expressions on their faces.

They finally made it to Venice. On their way there, Elizabeth noticed that other places were hit just as hard as the United States. She hopes that there are some people alive.

The man sighed. "Come in. Quick." He opened the door. Allen first noticed he had a lot of guns. And a lot of people in the house, pointing their guns at them.
"Nice welcoming committee you have here." Allen joked.
"They're scared." The man waved the people to put down their guns.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 12:07 (7 Years ago)
Cam and Aiden followed Jake into the gas station.

Cam held up her hands. "We're not going to hurt you." She said. It's actually the complete opposite of what we want to do. From beside her, Aiden nodded silently.

Lucia opened and closed her mouth several times. "If it wasn't brutally destroyed, I think it would be a lovely vacation spot." She offered, looking around. "I hope they didn't get everyone. I'd hate to be the last people on Earth."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 17:45 (7 Years ago)
Jake raised both of his hands up, as a sign that he's unarmed. "We know a way to beat these monsters." He said. "But we'll need your help. Everyone who still alive needs to help."

Elizabeth nodded, agreeing to Lucia. "Yeah. I've always wanted Jake to take me here. To live here."
"It looks like I found some little Elementists scurrying here." A voice said. Elizabeth turned around to see a bald man. He wore complete battle armor. Scars all over his face. And his eyes. One was white. The other, black.
"Who are you?" Elizabeth asked him. She was trembling. This guy was seriously different than anyone they fought.
"I am merely called the One." He said. "I'm here to claim my elements." He opened his hands and suddenly Elizabeth fell down. She could feel her powers being drained from her.

Allen looked around at the crowd of people. "I think this is a good start."
"A good start for what?" One of the people with guns asked.
"To save the world." Allen answered. The bad guys are going down"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 18:33 (7 Years ago)
Cam tucked her hands into her pockets and nodded. Aiden nodded as well, playing with the hem or his shirt.

Lucia smiled. "That would be sweet. I think-" She whipped around. "Elizabeth? Are you- wHO EVEN." She leapt backward several feet, fighting down a screech of horror. Is she alive? "You can't have these elements!" She yelled stubbornly. She'd nearly died for both and watched someone get their powers sucked from them, so excuse her if she was a bit miffed that someone, even an obnoxious guy who wanted to probably take over the world, would even say such a thing.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 02:41 (7 Years ago)
Jake stood in the middle of the group of people. Talking. More and more people stood up, interested. Hope in their faces.
"But wait." Someone asked. "How do we know that you will be able to lead us if we don't know that you can't clear out some monsters for us?"
"Yeah, we're running out of food here and need other necessities."
"And first aid."
Can any of you grab my guitar?"
Jake smiled. Here's their chance to prove themselves. To recruit more people. He emptied out his backpack of water, food, and some first aid. "Here. This is all I have, but it will help until I get back."

The One smiled at Lucia. "Oh yes I can." He said. "And I will. I was the one that extracted those powers from the Elementals and dispersed it among people. Now I find my good will used against me, it's obvious I have to take it back." He raised his other hand and started to extract Lucia's elements too.
Elizabeth struggled to get up. If he was taking the elements, why is it hurting her so? Are the elements connected directly to her soul?

Allen and Sasha told the people everything they knew. After all of that, it seemed people were ready for a fight. "It's best if we reach the other small towns and free them from the monsters." The guy that let them in said. "We were lucky that we had our guns at the target practice when those monsters tried to kill us."
Sasha nodded. "A faster way to get people to join, and cover ground faster."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 03:43 (7 Years ago)
Cam bristled indignantly. "We can too clear out monsters. We've been doing that this entire time. It's exhausting work."

Aiden clapped his hand over Cam's mouth. "Please stop talking." He hissed. "Or at least keep your sarcasm to a minimum, please."

Cam scowled but nodded.

Lucia let out a frustrated cry, attempting to move backward and away from the One. She tripped over some rubble and crashed into the ground. Exhaustion overwhelmed her. Well. I had a good run. She thought miserably. She'd never felt so weak in her life.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 03:49 (7 Years ago)
Suddenly, someone jumped in front of Elizabeth. They wore black armor. A weapon that has two blades on either side was in his hands. They did something, and Elizabeth felt a cold, dark, sensation surround her. "Move! Now!" The man ordered. "I'll keep him busy!"
Elizabeth suddenly felt in control of herself. She grabbed Lucia and dragged her away.

Jake walked outside and turned into a stone giant to wipe out a lot of the monsters in little time. He then made a beeline straight to a restaurant to grab all the food supplies he could hold in his stone giant form.

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 14:42 (7 Years ago)
Lucia gasped, stumbling to her feet. She could still feel the exhaustion, but afternoon laying on the ground for a few minutes allowed her to push herself up. "Who..?"

Cam watched on in slight amusement. She followed Jake out. "Why don't you go to the people? Since I'm no good with words, I'll stick around out here and deal with any monsters that pass by." She offered.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 16:10 (7 Years ago)
Elizabeth shook her head. "I don't even know." She could feel her powers returning. At least the One didn't take it all. "Come on. We gotta get out of here"

Jake nodded. "Be safe, Cam." He dropped off a whole bunch of food to the people. "Now, I'll be going to the hospital. What about you, Aiden?"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 18:44 (7 Years ago)
"Where are we going?" Lucia asked, slight panic edging into her voice. "Are we gonna look for survivors, or head back to the others?" She could feel her energy returning quickly, and the faint pulse of water in the back of her mind, and the sharp static from electricity.

Cam nodded, turning around and grinning maniacally. "Let's finish this here and now." She brought her hands together, and the flower flashed and reformed into a scythe. She leapt into the air, lodging he scythe into the back of a monster and using it to pull herself into its shoulders. She pulled the scythe out of its back as ripped the weapon through the monsters neck, leaping off and landing on another, doing the same thing.

Aiden shrugged. "I might go check the next town over."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 19:14 (7 Years ago)
It took a few hours, but with the help of their new friends, Sasha and Allen cleared out a small town, revealing about fifty or so people. Twenty of them are able to fight and want to help out. "Whoo!" Allen said. "We are growing an empire, just like in those mobile phone games."
Sasha smiled. "If we keep this up, our influence will spread and we will be able to help out even more people. Some of them might also be able to obtain elements. That would help us out big time."

"Away from here." Elizabeth said. "We cant go back empty handed. There has to be someone here who will stand with us." She thought about their mysterious saviour. That black armor. The darkness that resonates around him. That just says that he's the Elementist of Darkness. But he just threw his life away to help them. He's no mere Elementist of Darkness. She had an idea of who he might be. But pushed the thought out. Sorin said he was dead. That can't be right.

Jake could feel that he was tapping into his reserves. But he didn't show it. He barreled through the monsters as if they were toys and transformed back into human form and busted through the hospital doors
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 19:30 (7 Years ago)
Lucia nodded and followed her. "You're right. There's probably people hiding somewhere. I would hide too." The odd amount of energy that man had given off hadn't yet clicked in her mind. She was still puzzled over if, but she brushed it off.

Cam was growing tired. She probably should've slept when she had the chance too. The scythe slipped back into flower-on-headband-dormant form, and she groaned. "No more powers. Fine then." She reached into her bag, pulling out her dagger. "This is fine."
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2017 20:49 (7 Years ago)
Elizabeth decided to finally stop. "We should be good now. Are you okay?" She asked Lucia. She looked just as bad as her. But at least they were both alive.

Jake easily managed to get some first aids and whatnot. He quickly headed back to the gas station and dropped off the supplies. "Next, I gotta get you back your guitar." He said to the person who wanted their guitar. After they gave him directions, he headed back out.

Allen and Sasha were out clearing another town by themselves when they seen someone. "Aiden?" Sasha said confused.
"Looks like you beat us to this town." Allen joked. "We've been doing work. A lot of it too"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 17:13 (7 Years ago)
Lucia nodded. "Uh, probably as fine as I'll be for now. Are you okay?" She returned the question anxiously. Creepy men were not her favorite thing to see, and creepy men with creepy powers topped the list completely.

Cam was exhausted.

She probably should have slept when she had the chance, but, at six in the morning, was there really a point of falling asleep anymore? Probably not. So she sucked it up and stayed positive. Maybe she could set a record for longest time being awake (she'd work toward that goal).

Luckily for Cam, the monsters seemed to have vanished in different directions. She sunk to the ground with a low groan, rubbing her forehead, blinking rapidly to quell the pounding headache. "I'm gonna kill those stupid monsters again I they ever come back." She muttered in annoyance.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 18:21 (7 Years ago)
"Yeah." Elizabeth said. "Thankfully we have a few mysterious allies to help us out." She kept thinking it through. How would that be possible?

Jake came back with the guitar in hand and gave it to the girl. She began playing it, and someone else started singing. Everyone seemed more happy. Relaxed.
"It's good you're doing this." Someone told him. It looked like they were the leader for the time being. "High morale means happy people. Happy people means we can get stuff done. Whatever you and your friends need, we'll be here to help."
Jake rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, we are trying to bring all the last humans together, to fight against these monsters."
The guys grin turned grim. "That's a lot you're asking."
"Would you rather wait, holes up in a place, just waiting for the end to come?" Jake raised his voice. "Or would you take that chance, no matter how small it may be, just so humanity can live on. Because either way, people are going to die. But here's the difference. Sitting here and doing nothing isn't going to help anyone, not even yourselves out when the fight comes knocking on your door. At least if you stand with me, there's a chance, for a legacy, descendants, to live on." At this point, Jake noticed that everyone was quiet. He looked around.
The girl with the guitar stood up and said, "if there's even a chance of survival, I'll take it." Then another person agreed with her. Then two more. Then in a quick minute, Jake found himself among twenty people who all want to pitch in and help out.

"Sooo." Allen said. "Aiden boy,how is your side of the mission going?"
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 18:58 (7 Years ago)
Lucia nodded silently. It felt odd, having weird people jump in to save them, but she appreciated not dying. She was glad there were people like that still around. "Yeah."

Aiden shrugged blankly. "Eh, so-so." He gave them a sharp grin. "Been working hard, have you?" He asked playfully. He wondered how everyone else was doing. Aiden was glad Allen and Sasha were okay. "Jake stayed back with some of the people we found. Any luck for you two?"
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 19:32 (7 Years ago)
"oh, ya know." Allen said. "Just starting our own empire. No big deal. Already cleared out some towns thanks to some new friends."
Sasha elbowed him hard into his side. "It's not easy. But I think we can start getting more and more people on our side. Eventually we'll have the whole United States by our side. And then we'll work from there. But for right now, I think it's safe to leave our people be for the moment so they can do whatever to expand."
"What about communication?" Allen asked.
"They did secure a radio tower, Allen." Sasha said. "They're not stupid. If anything happens, they'll just shoot up a message on the radio, and hopefully one of us will pick it up."

"Come on." Elizabeth said. "I think I see some light." Which, there was in fact light. A whole city full of people made part of Venice their home. Complete with new big walls made out of boats and stuff, it surprisingly seems secure. People here and there with weapons, keeping the place safe. "I think we found our people." Elizabeth said