Forum Thread
Whovians United
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Whovians UnitedAnyway, I know it's not really the 10th yet (At least in PH, it's already Sunday here in Finland.) but I'm tired and I need to go to sleep before I pass out so I'll start this an hour early. :p
For a year, Whovians United has been a place for all fans of Doctor Who from all around PH to gather together, meet fellow fans and talk about the greatness that is Doctor Who. There has been Tardis building, Dalek loving and maybe even an ounce of serious conversation. It has been a great year my dear club members and every single one of you are to thank for that. Let's hope the upcoming year will be just as Fantastic.
Oh right, I may have mentioned an awesome prize you could win... I was just trolling you, there's nothing to win here.
Ouch! No throwing bananas! ...Okay, who threw that fez at me!? Step forward this instant!
...Alright, I'll find a super duper fantastic prize for you guys so take those Weeping Angels back where you found them.
*Ahem* So... I'm going to hold a raffle and draw the winner after our cool anniversary is over. All you have to do to enter is to PM me the answer to this question:
The Doctor told Captain Jack Harkness not to drop the banana. Why?
And that prize that is cooler than a bow tie? A shiny scraggy !
Who will be the one to take Martha home?
Yes, I'm actually giving away one of my precious babies. I'm convinced a fellow whovian can take care of my dear little lizard. \(o▼o)/ ☆
Nickname(s):Noa, Noam
Favorite Doctor:11th
Favorite Companion:Clara (but donna amy and rorry too)
Favorite Enemy:Toclophane (but silence too)
Favorite Episode:NONE (i love them all)
Favorite Series:NONE (i love them all)
Are bowties cool?:yeap
Anything else to add?:no
Though, they kind of showed a bunch of the latest seasons in a row during last summer/autumn. Doctor Who 5 times a week through the whole summer and onwards... *Sigh* I miss that.... -w-
Just so you know, I'll be enforcing some strict spoiler rules before the new season starts. Everything spoilery shall be put in spoiler boxes or it's bye bye. :p
I didn't notice that before you mentioned it JustMe. xD Bad Tenny is bad. :p
Also, randomness: Two of my friends who like DW have only seen episodes with 11th. I feel sorry for them for not knowing the awesomeness that is Tennant.