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Writers Club (Always Accepting Authors!)

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Writers Club (Always Accepting Authors!)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 00:45 (7 Years ago)
About to edit my first draft for my Camp NaNoWriMo piece. Wish me luck~ ;n;
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 01:35 (7 Years ago)
Ahh, good luck Drago! :3

Also, I need some advice.
I have a story I'm writing, and it kinda revolves around Lucifer/his family (Jax, Cas, Zia, Illu, and Monji, I changed basically everything about the backstory and stuff so it literally doesn't even resemble the bible at all), but I'm struggling on how to start it.
Which is not usually a problem with me so this is is new and I'm unfamiliar with it.
I kinda want to do it from Luci's view, after Monji has torn up his wings and left him to die, because I truly love Luci's personality and his story. But, I also want to do it from the view of someone new to Jax, Cas, and Zia's Sanctuary, because it would involve less confusing lines and paint Luci as more mysterious and the odd one out in the family.
Each one has it's pros and cons and I want other's opinions. What do you think I should do?
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 01:40 (7 Years ago)
Username: The_Weaz
Nickname?: Weaz, Wesley, Weasel, That one kid.
Favorite Genre Of Writing?: Sci-Fi, Action, Mystery? (I make scripts for short films)
Other: A lot of the stuff I might post will probably end up on YT or is already there. Maybe...

Sub Yes?
Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 01:45 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! Welcome to the club!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 02:18 (7 Years ago)
I happened to look back at some of the scripts I created over the course of last year. One of them was a REALLY complicated project, due to cast shortages, and producer conflicts, let's say my partner was extremely complicated. First, I'll post the original.

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Video begins, scene of smaller spacecraft docking into a larger carrier craft outpost.

Adam: Welcome to O8, my name is Adam and I’ll be taking you folks through the tour.

Wes: Wait, Do you mean the company, or the year?

Adam: Well, both, although, one more embarrassing than the next, guess which is which?

Riley: The year is more embarrassing?

Adam: Shockingly, no, even though it was crappier still less embarrassing.

Riley: Wait, you guys are the same ones who had this little deal, taking over the galaxy but them foiled by a rubber chicken.

Adam: We, don’t talk about that. That was back in ‘07. We had a fling, business wasn’t working, we got desperate.

Noah: How dare you expose yourself.

Adam: Trust me, I had nothing to do with it, I was on vacation. I’ll leave you with my associate TJ now.

TJ: Hey, I’m TJ, welcome to the tour.

(Alarm begins to blare)

TJ: And welcome to the simulation.

Chance: I didn’t sign up for a simulation!

TJ: By agreeing to take the tour, you signed a waver for a simulation.

Wes: We all read the fine print, there was no simulation involved, so explain yourself TJ.

TJ: Too late, you’re in, here’s the challenge. You’ll make your way through the corridors, and fight many robots around the facility. If you beat them all, you pass. If not, well. We’ll see what happens in the first few rounds. Good luck.

(TJ walks off)

Chance: Great, this is just perfect! What do we even do now?

Riley: Well, we can’t just stand around, we have to get moving. Sooner we finish this task, the sooner we get off this nutship.

Noah: There better be food involved, I’m hungry.

(Scene fades to black as the trio explore, fades in with floor map of the facility.)


TJ: Welcome to stage one, let’s see how you guys do. If you do well, then, oh I dunno, you get a pat on the back?

Wesley: You’re joking. There better be something good outta this.

Riley: Still think this is fun? I wanted to go out for pizza, but no, you wanted to go to space!

TJ: Fight begin!

(Fades to the fight scene)

TJ: So the first thing you need to know is how these simulations work, first off, these robots are rigged with an AI and stat system that changes based on difficulty and your personal stats. So, let me show you your current stats. All of you are currently level one, on the first floor, meaning, this is a tutorial bot.

Wes (Medium Close-up): Get on with it already!

TJ: Fine, learn how to beat these things on your own. Jeez, I’m only trying to help you.

Riley: Come on Wes I wanted to hear the tutorial.

Chance: Eh, I say chill. Maybe it’s like those turn-based RPGs.

TJ: See, he gets it.

Wes: No one asked you! Now, let’s start fighting.

(Wes kicks the robot, out of pain he starts jumping around)

Wes: Ow you gotta be kidding, did that even do any damage?

TJ: About 3 points worth.

Noah: Out of how many?

TJ: About 10 HP, so you do the math.

Riley: 7 HP left, not bad Wes, I’m sure your brother couldn’t do that much damage.

Wes: He could do tons just by sitting on it.

(Noah takes his turn and punches the robot)

TJ: Minus 5 HP, 2 HP left, it’s the bot’s turn now. Just to show how the damage works.

(Robot moves in and attacks Chance with a laser)

Chance: Ouch! Really dude? Why me?

TJ: The AI usually attack the biggest threat.

Chance: I’m not sure if that was racist or a compliment. So how much HP do I have based on your little trinkets?

TJ: You took 5 damage, so, with starting HP of 20 for each of you, 15 left.

(Riley takes the last attack, defeating the robot)

TJ: Not bad, you guys earn about roughly 500 XP, so, you got a free 2 levels. Each of you are now level three.

Noah: Now tell us what we do from here?

TJ: Much like your basic RPG, this simulation has certain skills and stats to max, you have two SP for your stat boosts, and AP for your skills or abilities.

Wes: Kinda reminds me of Zenonia.

Riley: Right, so what kind of skills do we even have?

TJ: You guys need some kinda GUI system to show what’s going on don’t you? I gotcha, make your way south of this room, there’s a tech bay that has a few gadgets to tell you what you can do. Hopefully there’s enough for you guys.

Noah: So, we don’t even have a map? How do we know which way is south?

(Everyone looks at a “sign” with “this way south” written on it)

Chance: Seems obvious, yeah?

Riley: Too obvious I’d say. I swear if this is a joke, someone’s getting it.

(Scene fades to a montage, of the characters moving, coming to the tech bay.)

Wes: This must be it.

(Wes picks up a small chip)

Riley: So what do we do with these?

TJ: We have a doctor to surgically install those.
Chance: This can’t be good.

(Scene fades to black, Noah wakes up)

Noah: Ugh, everyone alright?

Riley: Yeah I’m fine, I feel different though.

TJ: Tell me, do you see the GUI?

Chance: Yeah, we see our stats. Lemme guess, those chips alter our brains to see this kinda stuff?

(Dr. Little walks in)

J. Little: I’m John Little and I hope I did a good job, from the sights of it, you lived, I did a good job, for once.

RIley: For once? How many, oh you evil mothers.

J. Little: Leaving now. Enjoy the sim, and the chip.

(Everyone stands up from the chairs)

Wes: It was a good nap though. So, what now?

Noah: I think when passing the supply closet I heard crying.

Chance: We should go check it out.

(Scene fades out, returning with the sprites moving, the characters arrive at the door of the supply closet, crying heard from the inside)

Riley: Hey, you weren’t kidding, I hear it now. (Knocks on the door) Hello? Is anyone in there?

Cat: (Looking up, and jumping to her feet) Help! I’ve been kidnapped and locked away in this closet!

Chance: Who even locked you in here?

Cat: Uh, I think his name was Joe, mighta been Terry, or oh I know! It was TJ!

Noah: So, it’s Terry-Joe?

Cat: No, just TJ. Just needed to throw out names to remember.

Wes: So, how exactly do we get you outta here?

Cat: I think there are keys hanging somewhere nearby. See if you can’t find them.

(Sheet of paper taped to wall that points to the keys.)

Riley: You’re kidding me. This again. I swear, this is a trap.

Wes: (Grabs the keys) Trap or not, she needs our help. Maybe we have a Chance if we gain more allies. Eh, eh?

Cat: I don’t get it.

Wes: (Unlocks the door) Don’t worry about it. (Opens the door) How long had you been in there anyway?

Cat: What’s today?

Chance: I believe it’s uh.. I dunno.

Riley: (Current Date)

Cat: More than a year.

Wes: You’re kidding. I swear someone’s gonna get it.

Noah: How about you stick with us? We’re all trying to get outta here.

Chance: Why’d you even get locked in there anyway?

Cat: I was the only successful experiment with the GUI chips, out of my group, of 8.

Riley: Wow, so, you the the GUI then?

Cat: Of course. You guys are level three. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Catherine.

Wes: I’m Wesley, this is Noah, Riley, and Chance. But I have a question, how did you manage to be level five, if by our point in time we’re level three?

Cat: Long story short, TJ was scared of my abilities.

Chance: I suppose you know more about this game than we do?

Cat: More than you’d believe, this is a death game. Welcome to DBO, Death Bot Online.

Riley: This chip put us into a VR, this is no longer real life. We’re in a game…

(Scene fades)


TJ: I’m surprised you guys lived to the final floor. Welcome friends to your end!

Riley: When we get outta here, you’re gonna get it! You hear me?

TJ: You won’t live, you’re fighting O8!

Chance: The company, or the year?

TJ: Neither, you’re fighting Oryx, mark 8. Unlike your previous foes, O8 doesn’t like taking turns.

Wes: So, you stole the ideas of Oryx from ROTMG, marvelous. Looks like it’s all based on luck.

Noah: Let’s do it. (Holds out his fist)

(Everyone puts his hand on his, with looks of determination)

Chance: We got this!

Riley: See you guys on the other side.

(Everyone begins walking into the final room, scene slows down and Cat becomes the highlighted subject)

Cat: Not this time.

TJ: (Fades in) Are you sure you’re gonna help them? Last time you attempted this, we had all we could to bring you back.

Cat: I’m sure, start a recording for me T.

TJ: Recording. (Fades out)

Cat: Hey guys, if you are hearing this, it means you did it. You managed to defeat my brother. I knew you could. But, with, everything I learned from and about you guys, I wish we coulda had more adventures. You were a good bunch of guys. It just wasn’t meant to be. I didn’t want to hide this truth from you, but you had to learn eventually. I’m actually an AI support unit for this game. I wanted to have a life of my own, where I could do as I please without some Code telling you your limits. That’s why TJ locked me away, I was becoming too “aware” so to speak. If the public learn this company’s plans, they’d destroy the Earth. You can’t beat him on your own, but, if I divide my levels between all of you. You’ll have the power to beat O8. I’m sorry I couldn’t stick around. (Cat glitches) Maybe someday, you’ll get the references to my Code, (glitches again) and, maybe we can have our own adventures. Farewell, friends. (Glitches again and “shatters”)

(Scene fades to black. Title slide)

TGF Presents

The Tour of O8, the Death Games

Coming soon.

Warning! It's very long.

Then it came down to this, a parascript. Improvised, and much shorter.
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POV shot

(VO): Welcome to O8

Wes: The year, the phrase, or the company?

(VO): Yes.

Cut to loading screen, then fight scene, everyone attacking the robot, scene fades to the supply closet, characters unlock the closet to free a person

Anon: I’ve been in there for a year, locked up by this company’s leader.

#1: You gotta be kidding me.

#2: Let’s go kill a final boss.

Scene fades to the final room.

#3: Here we are, if we don’t make it, tell my wife I had another wife.

Wes: See you guys on the other side.

Everyone enters the room, except anon

Anon: Hey guys, I’m leaving this for you, in case you do make it out alive, you’re all good people, and I hope you make it, but my journey stops here. I was supposed to be destroyed after the beta, but I got lucky, you guys helped me along, so, I’m making this my last stop. I’m dividing all of my levels and gear to you using my admin AI programming, except you (#3). You wouldn’t stop creeping me out the whole time. I hate saying goodbye, so, goodbye. (De-res)

(SAO death sound)

Scene opens to the Robot, with glowing red eyes

(VO Robotic Voice): You cannot win. All of you will die.

(Background voice): Simulation estimated to end in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

(Laser rifle firing noise)

In the end, some of the script wasn't used, major details cut short, but a few things in the old script were used. (Thank God...)

Here's the finished product.

Next up! An end of the year project, my friends and I each split up into different production groups, filming, editing, and trailer creation, I made the trailer. Here's the overview for the film, not written by me by the way.

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Working title: Space: The Final Frontier
Genre: Dramedy (Drama Comedy)
Duration: 5 minutes
Target audience: 16-18 year old men and woman
Outline: We start out With the backstory of the two main characters Noah and Riley, two friends wanted to be astronauts their entire lives and they get a call from NASA giving them an opportunity to go into a part of space no has gone before to the planet named Kepler 22-b (aka planet Namek). The day of the launch both Riley and Noah are very nervous and excited that they are living their dream. Once they get to space With two other people on this mission, Keoni and Wes these two are very experienced in the field of space. Once already in space Noah and riley learn that there is a 90% chance of failure. They lose communication with base camp. They land on Planet Kepler 22-b with very little food and water. When they are searching for resources to survive and find stuff for NASA and they see that there is life on this planet and they do not like the fact there are other Aliens and everyone on the ship eventually dies and the Aliens on that planet take their ship and head towards Earth.

Character breakdown:
Noah: Rookie astronaut going to space for the first time he would like to go to space to see if there is life on planets other than earth
Riley: Another rookie astronaut, best friends with Noah and would like to find some alien babes
Keoni: Experienced astronaut teaching Noah and riley to be good at the job
Wes: The botanist/cook on the ship that makes the food and drinks for everyone that is also experienced in space.
Visual elements: For the most part using a green screen with a space station in the background, using parts of the building to infer thats its part of the space station, somewhere outside with different colors to show its a different planet. Props would include a rope, remote control, plates, cups, maybe food and drinks, finger guns.
Audio elements: Our own song, foley effects, suspenseful music, and special effects
Rationale: It was a short film prompt from Mr.Jackson.
Research: Watching other space type movies to make ours similar to them
Requirements and resources: We would need to use the green for most of the film, chairs and table to help infer there is no gravity in parts of the ship, Four crew members, one camera will do, softbox light to help light up the green screen, a yeti mic
Constraints: Might have some problems showing no gravity, getting food and drinks, and getting the right color for the new planet.
Legal and ethical considerations: Might have to get copyright free sound effects and background music and copyright free rocketship takeoff.
Budget: $15.00
Schedule: Start filming by May 5th and film on weekdays, Finish the short film by the end of May.

And here we have the trailer, short and sweet.

Of course, these took lots of time to prepare. I hope this isn't too long of a post, I didn't wanna separate everything and confuse myself. But rate everything you see, either on its own or altogether. I'd love to hear back from everyone on what they think.

Any tips for this year? Let me know, Palpad me! This year will be a new year of filming and any projects I create will end up here the second it's finished!

Interested in something else? Like my "Best Of" videos? Ask me questions about the content, I'll be happy to answer!
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Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 04:52 (7 Years ago)
I'm not certainly sure if this really belongs in a Writers club except the script;;
I read the scripts though and I don't know if I can actually give criticism except for the fact that it seems like a kind of spin-off of Sword Art Online; was that intended?;

I could try to help you with the start of your story if you want to?;; And I would go with the second idea, to be honest, as you seem to want to focus your writing on Lucifer and yet make him mysterious, which is really hard if you write out of his POV, as this would reveal his feelings and thoughts and therefore make him literally an open book.
get the pun?

//gently pats my last post
I'd really like some feedback;
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 23/08/2017 04:56 (7 Years ago)

It was intended on my partner's end. I just started watching the series when the project was assigned. We decided to throw a few ideas together and find a way to make it work, but then when time and cast became a restraint, we improvised.

But I get what you're saying, I just happened to figure someone might ask if a video went along with the script. So I added the links just for context, a "Just-in-Case," if you will.
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Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Fri, 25/08/2017 20:08 (7 Years ago)
I'm just going to bump my last story one more time (last post on the previous page) and ask for some feedback;; Because I'd really like some feedback.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 25/08/2017 20:18 (7 Years ago)
I actually have to say I really liked that.
Usually I find a lot of romance is rushed and stupid, but that wasn't really. It was sweet, and nice, and the characters stayed in character.
Also Im a a sucker for any piece where the tough/edgy one is all flustered.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Fri, 25/08/2017 20:57 (7 Years ago)
I thought the end was a bit cheesy to be honest; is there any way to make the ending less cheesy? And is there anything else I should keep in mind when writing romance or could generally do better? Like, that was my 2nd or 3rd attempt and I'm really very new to this, but I promised myself that I would write more Cuteboneshipping fanfictions as there are only a few good ones out there that are innocent and pure; Y'know, fluff. I'm not into the other ones, smh, especially considering they're maybe around 12-14 years old;;
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 00:05 (7 Years ago)
It is my firm belief that romance is kind of supposed to be cheesy. I think it quite fits, honestly. The entire thing was great, in my opinion, and you did a great job at showing how the characters relate and feel about one another. ^^

Okay so here's the prologue to a story I'm starting, a fanfiction if you will... I actually have had this idea for a very long time (a few years at most) and tested it out in a roleplay first.
The general idea is that video game characters all live together in this world (named Pigraphia), protecting the people who live there. But the heroes are mysteriously dying and disappearing. The roleplay is on PH, and has been doing surprisingly well, so I decided to write my original idea for it, and not twist any details on the story (unlike what I did on the roleplay)
If you're still (somehow) interested, here it is:
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A figure in blue jumped out from the bushes of the thick jungle, running so quickly you couldn’t see his face. He turned around quickly and shot at something behind him from the gun built onto his arm. He kept running through the bullet-storm that fired back at him, even as one hit him on the ankle.

“X! Keep going!” Someone--a male--called. The figure tried desperately to pick up the pace after hearing the voice, despite his ankle sparking. He could hear something charging after him still, footsteps heavy on the jungle’s leafy ground.

Finally, the footsteps stopped, and heavy weight crashed into the figure, barreling him over and pinning him down, arm with the gun held firmly to the ground. He looked to be in about his late teens. His eyes were tired, and sparks came from the blue helmet he wore. “X,” The one who tackled him growled. “It’s the end of the line. The Mavericks have won this battle. Give up.”

“As long as I am functional,” X spat back, though his voice sounded scratchy and tired. “The Mavericks will never reign over Pigraphia. None of the forces will.”

The Maverick laughed. “Zero is dead. You are the only one left. And even that won’t be for long,” He sneered, pushing his gun into X’s blue suit.

He winced. “You won’t win, Sigma. You can tell Wily I said that.”

Sigma narrowed his eyes. “He’ll be proud of me nonetheless, even with your pathetic hope. I have destroyed Doctor Light’s greatest creation. The original Reploid; the one that inspired all others to come.”

Sigma shot his gun, destroying X. He exploded into nothingness, the only remains of him being sprawled out in blue.

I decided to focus on Mega Man X first, mainly because the main character of the rest of the story is the successor to him.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 00:08 (7 Years ago)
aaaa sorry for not being very active on here, inspiration doesnt like me much atm
but i wrote a poem about Pyra (my OC) because im too obsessed with her ;-; help
idk if i should share it tho cuz its really short and just... eh.
at least the rhymes make some sense XD

@Lucky- idk much about mega man x but that story is awesome omg, i love the detail
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 00:08 (7 Years ago)

Ooh! I love prologues to an active story! Especially something like what we're involved in right now.


No love story is too cheesy. I mean, love is love. Everything about it is supposed to be cheesy. It's one of those cliches no one really minds.
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Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 00:26 (7 Years ago)
Now, here is a classic, something I wrote a few years back, well, started to. This was inspired by an RP I took part in long ago.

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“Okay, that’s enough of those minions, it’s time to finally face off. One on one.” Kyoto stood in place, a look of vengeance and hatred stared upon the Queen.
“Are we still holding back, child?”
His aura sparked to black, “No.” He charged at her with full force, taking her by storm, she was caught off guard. Landing a powerful blow to the face, she faltered and stumbled backwards. “I’m not a child, or a kid. I’m your worst enemy.”
“Ooh, feisty! This is your full power?” She cackled.
“I wouldn’t say no if it was,” he said sarcastically. His aura turned back into a blue, with slight streaks of red and black. “That was only half my full capability. Take it as a warning and go back to your trash tunnels.”
“Showing mercy? You’re pathetic. I’ve come so far, I’m not giving up now! You’ve been a thorn in my side for way too long, this is where y-” Her speech was interrupted, her head drove into the ground.

Of course, this passage is from Chapter Four. I ended up discontinuing the series due to restraint of time and inspiration.
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Love this smol bean

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 13:54 (7 Years ago)
Trolololol all I'm posting is my crappy x readers;3;

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SPN X Oracle!Reader - Strange Beginnings ((Pick your Path!)) -Chapter 1

((Ok! Hi! So I had a little idea for something like this a while back, but never actually did it, so here it is! Basically how it'll go is there'll be 2-3 chapters of just SPN x Reader, then I'll publish all three path splits (one for Dean, Sam and Cas) on the same day and make them all around the same length. Anyway, enjoy!))

It was a steamy afternoon when the Winchesters arrived in Fallon Hills, a small town just off the side of Colorado and as the brothers drove through the town, they could see it was the perfect place for some sort of attack.

Fallon Hills itself was actually a pretty quaint town, with lots of little stores and houses, a bakery, and a decently priced hotel for once! There were a few other shops around, but the duo figured they should explore later.

Entering the hotel's lobby, Sam decided that he should pay for once and his brother should get the gear from the car.

"Afternoon, can I help you?" The receptionist's chirpy voice cut through his train of thought, and Sam set about getting a room for three nights whilst his elder brother lugged two suitcases inside. "I'm sorry sir, but your room isn't going to be ready for an hour..." the lady behind the desk said sorrowfully, like she actually cared, when Dean cut her off. "That's ok. We can just do a bit of exploring, eh?" The younger Winchester nodded. "Thank you!"

Fallon Hills was slightly bigger then the Winchesters had actually perceived it to be. There was a large library, two bakeries (which Dean instantly remembered the names of, mainly because they had pie), a huge residential area, a diner and some shady looking warehouses along the outskirts.
"Man, this place is kinda freaking me out. It's too perfect." Dean worried, running his hand through his hair. The brothers were outside the hotel, and the eldest Winchester was leaning against the side of the Impala. "Wasn't there supposed to be a case here or something?"
"Well that's the thing. There's obviously something paranormal going on, but I don't know what!" Sam said, getting frustrated. He had tracked whatever it was to here, but hadn't gotten any further. A small rustling of feathers could be heard, and a small voice was heard, making both brothers jump. "Hello Sam. Hello Dean."
"JESUS F#%€$¥* CHRIST CAS!" Dean yelled, then walked over and patted the angel on the back. "How've you been?" "Yeah, Cas, we haven't seen you for ages!" Sam added, joining his brother who was giving his friend a hug. "I think how I can describe it by not taking millions of years is... Angel Stuff." The brunet said seriously, and the brothers laughed. "Well, its good to have you back. Anyway, we need you to whoosh into the room we're staying in, cause we kinda only booked for us two." Dean laughed again, then saluted goodbye.

Later, the three of them were in the room when Dean got off of his bed, bored with the hunt not getting anywhere. "Welp, I'm bored outta my mind. I'm gonna go see if there's a bar anywhere around here."
"I'll call if I find something."
"You do that Sammy."

The bar was a nice place in general, but nothing out of the ordinary. Dean had only had two beers and already had girls hanging off of his arm on both sides. One of them, his drunk brain dimly remembered her name was Clarisse, was being especially frisky, trying to fish for compliments and getting them. Soon after, most of the other girls had gone, leaving just him and Clarisse. She smiled over her drink at him. "So... honey... what exactly are you here for? Apart from a drink that is..." She asked smoothly, her voice pure melted chocolate. Now, even though Dean was drunk as drunk can be, he did have some small part of his brain still fully functioning, so he said in reply: "Break from a hunting trip with my brother." He didn't say what they were hunting for though. He never did.

After another interrogation, the two bid each other goodnight and Cas ended up picking up his friend. Dean stumbled back into the room with the angel on his heels and landed face down on his bed, beginning to snore. Sam chuckled. At times like these, he felt that he was the older one. "Hey Cas, come look at this..." he muttered slightly, pointing to an article on the screen. "What is it?"
"There are reports around this area of people just disappearing all together, then turning up a few weeks later seemingly ok. Then, by the end of the week, the whole family is dead. Now what do those sound like to you?" Sam asked, arching an eyebrow. "Skinwalkers?" "Exactly. Thing is though, they're not smart enough on their own just to do something as big as this, so they must have someone or something helping them out. But what?!" Sam worried again.
"Sam. Get some rest. I will watch over you two and see if I can figure out anything myself." Cas said reassuringly, attempting to pat Sam on the back. "Heh. Thanks man. Night!"

The next morning, Sam and Cas explained what they had found out to a very hung over Dean, and wandered around a bit more. The team decided that that night they'd check out one of the warehouses and see what they could find.

The following day stretched slowly, with all three of them bent over books in the local library trying to find out more about the thing that was helping the Skinwalkers. Unfortunately they had no luck. Nothing. It was as if someone had disappeared all the needed books that might have been remotely helpful. Exiting in worse spirits then they had arrived in, the trio went to the warehouses, fully armed as a precaution. They entered the first and found nothing, but the second was more interesting.

The warehouse was pitch black, so the boys lit up torches, the small flares of light illuminating the walls and ground. Sam tripped over a small box, creating a sound that would have been ok in daylight but at night made all three stop and whisper yell at each other.

Three voices were heard. "We need more..." a hissing voice issued from the blackness. "I've given you more you worthless rat, I just. Want. The girl. And when I ask for her all you bring me is another lifeless corpse. So listen to me. I want her alive. Not maimed, not bruised, not dead, ALIVE. Got it?!" A woman's voice yelled at the first, slightly familiar to Dean. "Yes, mistress." A third voice said, similar yet different to the first. Then, because he couldn't keep still for more then one second, Castiel knocked something over, creating a huge crash and bang. "Dude!" Dean whisper yelled, and the woman's voice echoed again. "Someone is here. AFTER THEM!"

Understandably, the boys legged it. Two black shapes followed them through the streets, until they took a sharp right straight through the door of the nearest open shop. The room they had entered was a dark shade of ((f/c)) with crystal balls, candles and tarot cards scattered everywhere. "What do you think you're doing?!" Another woman's voice yelled at the three, and a ((height)), ((h/l)) ((h/c)) woman stepped out into the golden light cast by the candles. "Um... ah... uh..." Sam stuttered, trying to form a reasonable excuse. The woman arched an eyebrow. "We were being chased. By a dog." Cas saved him, looking at Dean to back him up. Which he didn't. He was too busy staring at the lady before him's hips. "What? Oh yeah. Huge Doberman. Very intimidating." Dean said, stretching his hands out to show how big the dog was. "Ugh. Frank needs to get Fluffy on a leash at night. She was probably chasing you because she didn't recognise you." The woman said, annoyed. "Wait... Fluffy?!" Sam asked, incredulous. "Yeah. She's a big softie if you know her. Anyway, what are you doing here? It's the middle of the night!"
"If it's the middle of the night then why are you open?" Cas asked, tipping his head slightly to the side. "I'm a fortune teller. I work best at night." The woman said, smoothing down her ((S/F/C)) dress and tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm ((Y/N)) by the way. And you are?"
"Dean Winchester. This is my brother, Sam, and our... travelling companion, Castiel Novak." Dean introduced, and he and ((Y/N)) shook hands. "Well then, Dean, it's a pleasure to meet you. Would you care for some tea?" She asked, smiling. "Um, actually, we'd better head back to our hotel room. But do you mind if we stop back tomorrow at some point?" Sam asked, smiling. "Not at all! It's nice to have visitors once in a while." ((Y/N)) returned his smile, and the trio of men nodded. "Well, good night!" "You too!" She waved as the three exited the shop and looked around to see if the things that were chasing them were still there. Satisfied, Team Free Will walked down the deserted street together back to the hotel.
"Well, there was one good thing that came from that..."
"The fact that we know that there are three people behind this?"
"No, Sammy. It was that that fortune teller chick was hot!"

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 14:36 (7 Years ago)
Ah, thanks! And I think there is a lot of potential to find in short works; I'd love it if you posted, I'm very curious.

That seems really interesting! I've dropped many stories for the same reason, though, and I understand, but I like how much character there is.

By GOD that is really atmospheric! It's really well written, and I liked all the characters. Nicely done!
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 15:01 (7 Years ago)
So I wrote a short story with a sort of AU or planning thing?? Potential spoilers for Unexpected Love if this gets used??

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Shimmerscale's condition only got worse. They thought she would get better, but then it turned. She couldn't remember who she was, where she was, anything. Blackdust was freaking out more than ever, since his mate attacked Shimmerscale. Even if it was an accident. No one would believe Blackdust the traitor if he said that his own mate, the Deputy, did this. So he went with Boulderstripe's story. That while the three were hunting, Shimmerscale had fallen into the lake and his her head on an assortment of rocks, losing her memories.

Blackdust could only hope the friendly she-cat would get better. The black tom paced outside of Swiftshade's den. The Medicine Cat, surely, would be able to fix her! "Blackdust?" the ShadowClan Medicine Cat meowed softly. "I can't recover her memory, no matter what I say. She has to become an Apprentice and relive her life." Blackdust's heart sank. His closest friend besides Boulderstripe had disappeared into nothing. Shimmerscale was as good as dead now. All that remained was a hollow husk of who she was before...

"Swiftshade, who did you bring?" the tabby's voice called. "Is that my littermate?"

"No, but you'll like him." The tom gestured for Blackdust to enter the Medicine Den. "This is Blackdust." The black tom waved his tail, staring at the memory-lost she-cat. She looked so happy for just losing her memories.

"Hello!" Shimmerscale meowed happily. Blackdust flinched, taking in her appearance. He'd never get used to the ugly scratches upon the beautiful she-cat. She was so pretty and hopeful, yet so naive and kitlike. The Warrior's orange gaze seemed to glow with pity as he turned around.

"She was once beautiful. But that was taken away."

Feel free to tell me what you think. It's with Warrior Cats OCs.
p.s. i need to post more uvu
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 27/08/2017 20:33 (7 Years ago)
Ayay look who just got an idea because of a convo with Inno!

Challenge: Write a romantic love story, but every 5th word has to be a recommended word from your autocorrect on mobile.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 27/08/2017 20:35 (7 Years ago)
I swear to tricking god Nishi
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,193
Posted: Sun, 27/08/2017 20:38 (7 Years ago)
I'd take that challenge but 2 set backs:
1. I use laptop, no autocorrect here.
and 2. Idek how to write romance lel