(Making a team rocket grunt who will appear in Viridian
Name: Snow
Age: 10
Looks / wears: short for his age with brown and silver hair, he has
pale skin, and frost blue eyes (very similar to Tiger, but a bit
shorter in size, and a scar over his left eye where he was
scratched by a Pokemon) he wears a rocket uniform
Pokemon: Pikachu, and Poliwrath
Summons item: rainbow wing (stolen)
Special ability: -
Rival: -
Other: Tiger's half brother
Tiger nodded, and went to say something else when Joy came back
out. Instead of an egg she held a shiny charmander "Tiger the egg
was very close to hatching, and it hatched before I could finish
examining it. I'm glad to say charmander is fully healthy, and a
friendly Pokemon" she said kindly.
Tiger walked over, and looked at the charmander. "Hello there" he
said kindly. The small Pokemon then jumped out of Joy's arms, and
into Tiger's.
"Charmander charm (hello there!)" he said mockingly, and laughed.
The Charmander smiled, and looked at Mira. Joy then handed Tiger a
pokeball. "Here's his pokeball. I wish you luck on training him"
she said kindly.
Tiger nodded, and returned the overly excited Pokemon "relax for a
bit. You'll come back out later" he said softly, and placed the
pokeball on his belt. Cyndaquil then jumped to his shoulder, and
laughed. "Should we get going?" Tiger asked Mira kindly.
Tiger nodded, and followed her outside. Once they left the Pokemon
center, Tiger looked toward Viridian Forest. A place he called home
for a year, or longer. "I know of a place where we can make camp
for the night in the forest. It's about in the middle of the
forest, but it should be safe from wild Pokemon" he said simply,
and waked toward the exit of the city.
Tiger nodded, and laughed as he left the city, he walked back into
a route, and went straight for the forest gate. "I'm sure the
Caterpie won't bother us" he said softly.
Tiger walked out of the gate, and into Viridian forest. "Well here
we are...Viridian forest" he said simply. "This is the place I grew
up...well lived for a little over a year" he sighed held to
Mira stayed silent, and looked over at Bulbasaur who gave her a
look right back. "Well, it's getting late," She finally said,
smiling. "Where is your little camp?"
Tiger sighed, and continued through the forest. Did I actually
just admit part of my past...I usually keep that hidden, but...why
did I mention that. I'll just be careful from now on. I don't want
her finding out about Snow, or my dad... he thought to himself,
and stopped in a clearing surrounded by Oran berry bushes, and a
few trees. A small creek ran near the edge of the clearing "here we
are" he said trying to sound enthused, and trying to hide his
Mira smiled and looked around. "This is great!" She chirped,
Bulbasaur jumping off of her shoulder to one of the berry bushes.
"No one will find us here, not even the most curious Caterpie."