"I heard rumors that the gym leader is Giovanni" Tiger said darkly.
"He's considered the final gym anyway...since the leader is always
away...so we might as well go past Viridian and head to Pewter
through the forest" he said, and mapped out the path from the tree.
Tiger jumped to the ground "if we leave now it'll be night fall by
the time we make it half way through Viridian forest...so what do
you think we should do? Leave now and rest in the forest, or make
it to Viridian city, and rest there" he asked kindly.
Mira followed, humming as she went. Bulbasaur nudged her. "Oh stop,
you know you like it when I hum," She teased. Bulbasaur rolled his
eyes in response.
Tiger laughed kindly, and looked toward Viridian city, Cyndaquil
ran forward as he saw the town in sight. "We're almost there" Tiger
said half to himself. He remembered about the egg. "Once we get
into Viridian I'd like to stop by the Pokemon center. Just to get
the egg checked on" he said gently.
Tiger nodded, and thought for a moment "I only have fire types at
the moment so I'm at a disadvantage...maybe I can find a fighting,
or a grass type before we get there" he said half to himself. "If
not Cyndaquil knows dig...I could use that.."
"That could work, but you need more than one move that's
effective," Mira pointed out. "I say try to catch a grass-type in
Viridian Forest, if you can manage to find one."
"Hey, chin up! Maybe we'll find something. After all, it's a
forest! How could there not be any grass types there at
all?" Mira pointed out cheerfully.
Bulbasaur smiled. "Don't give me that look, of course I
won't replace you," Mira rolled her eyes playfully. "And I bet
Bulbasaur will lend you a hand, if push really comes to shove."