Scarecrow and Doomzenith, meanwhile, had a plan. They climbed Wayne
Manor and Scarecrow filled the satellite dish with fear gas.
Doomzenith said:
"Once I use fire on this all TVs in Gotham will be hijacked. It
will not catch on fire, but the fear gas will be forced inside its
circuits. Once we turn on the hideout computer, we can give the
citizens the scare of their life!"
Doomzenith went on with the plan, and by satellite all TVs were
corrupted with fear gas. They returned to the hideout and Scarecrow
"Plan 2049 is a success! All TVs are at our mercy and if we turn on
the computers I can give the viewers the biggest scare!"
(The plan was clearly not deadly. It simply makes fear gas transmit
through TV.)
Scarecrow turned the computer on, suddenly transmitting the signal
to all TVs. A man named Zachary was home after his work as an
Arkham Guard when Scarecrow's blast came on TV. His worst fear
materialized in front of his eyes: Cthulhu. He was slowly starting
to feel mad, then slightly dead...
Then the blast ended. Cthulhu disappeared. Scarecrow himself
appeared on TV. He said:
"Dear citizens of Gotham. I am Jonathan Crane, but you may call me
the Scarecrow. You may wonder what happened: Fear Gas. I used it to
show you your worst fears. You best cooperate, or another blast of
Fear Gas comes on. Now you might ask: Where am I? That is
confidential. But I may tell you this: Don't delay your future, for
us villains will one day rule the whole world. Accept your fates,
heck, you can even join us! But if you are a hero... I WILL FIND
The transmission ended, and Zachary continues watching football.
What he didn't know is that the fear gas was driving him insane
Altessia sighs. Not ten seconds after she sits down and this clown
shows up. She sighs. "Are people really going to join an idiot like
that? Rule the world? Does he even know the downside to that?" She
mutters to herself. She relaxes a little before heading out again.
Jason saw the last part of the message as he entered his apartment.
He frowned and blinked. "Never seen him before. Must have come
along in my 'absence'," He muttered, rolling his eyes.
The Joker woke up in his base by nightfall. He blinked and sat up,
getting up and heading out to the main room. A goon rushed up to
him and gave him a few papers. The Joker chuckled, grinning up at
him. "Natia Nightshade," He said, putting the papers down.
Altessia sighs. "Well I had my five minutes." Se says and heads
off. She is glad she hasn't seen Midnight around. But wonders if
her sneeze is the reason he is keeping a low profile.
(So the Joker ran away without anyone seeing and was back at his
base. Natia's blood had gotten on his knife and he had someone scan
it to figure out who she was.)
(And Jason went back to his apartment to see the last part of a
message Scarecrow sent out)