"Fine by me," He turned back to the thieves, who were either on the
ground, writhing in pain from the rhino, or in the car, bewildered.
The man had finally fainted. And, really, can you blame him?
The Joker sat on the hood of his car, watching. "Told you!" He
called out, chuckling.
"Shut up, old man!" One of them had the guts to say. Joker just
flat out shot him, no second thought.
Natia dodged them, but the last one caught her jacket on fire. She
threw it off and all she had under it was a mid drift tank top
"you're an idiot you know that?"
The Joker yiped and fell off of his car. "Hey! I helped
you!" He growled from the ground, putting the gun back into its
holster. "I don't even like using guns."
"Took care of one of the thieves for you," He motioned to the jewel
thieves--er, thief. There was only one now, and he was
running away with a box. "Such a shame that Deadshot isn't around
much anymore. Would've been proud!" He fake sobbed, pulling a smile
at the very end.
Altessia corrects him. "You shot him because you felt insulted. And
he didn't follow you blindly. It had nothing to do with me." She
isn't stupid. And she sighs.
"ha ha, very funny, Joker." Natia said "anyway, can we finish what
we started before we were rudely interrupted?" She asked crossing
her arms, becoming cold because of her jacket being burned
Draco was getting his life straightened out...a little bit. His
mind had been drifting for a while now and had been somewhere else.
Since it seemed like the others heroes in Gotham were able to
handle the crime fairly well, he was able to finally think clearly
and get his mind back in place. He had started doing things he
should have done long ago. He lived in a somewhat of a worn down
old house. At last, he was finally renovating the place. Currently,
he's painting the walls.
It goes off with a loud POP. Smog filled the air, making it
beyond difficult to see if you didn't have the equipment. "Can't
hold your breath forever," He tells Natia. "I'm not running."