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The crimes of a trainer (not accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The crimes of a trainer (not accepting)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 22:46 (7 Years ago)
Mira got up and opened the door to her house. A Team Plasma grunt stood at her door. "Again?" She asks, rolling her eyes. The Grunt only nodded and stepped inside, looking around for Pokemon and evidence of Pokemon. This had happened so many times before that Mira had learned what they looked for; Pokemon toys, pictures, fur, ect.

The Grunt shook his head. "Nothing. Hm. Alright... Good day," He said, going out the door. Mira rolled her eyes again and went to the window, looking for Squirtle. But he wasn't there.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 23:10 (7 Years ago)
Gracie let out a breath of relief, glad that they had not injured an innocent Pokemon without needing to. “That’s good,” she nodded, relaxing her stance ever so slightly when he smiled. If he was allowing her to see emotions like that then maybe he was okay. She was really starting to miss interacting with other people as well, so it could be worth giving the stranger a chance.

She perked up slightly at the mention of a different champion, she had heard of him, “You fought Lance?” she raised an eyebrow, “Impressive. How did you do?”

She nodded at hearing about his brother, “They arrested them? Yeah, they like to do that,” she sighed, deciding that she would give him a chance. “They took my dad,” she offered. “It’s why I’m training out here.”

"I'm Gracie, by the way," she introduced herself before shifting Shinx slightly higher, "And I believe you've been introduced to Shinx and Vaporeon here," she smiled slightly, unable to help herself even as she was offering him an olive branch.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 23:16 (7 Years ago)
Tiger thought for a moment, and glanced at Cyndaquil. "I'm sorry to hear about your father. I'm sure you'll be able to save him soon" he said kindly. Cyndaquil was still glancing at the Vaporeon wearily, and let out a slight protest of concern as if he were afraid the Pokemon would attack again. "It'll be fine, bud" Tiger whispered as he heard the Pokemon.

Glancing back at Gracie he blinked, "well I defeated Lance, and became the champion, but I stepped down due to traveling around a few regions. Lance is currently the champion, but I stand in for him if he's ever sick, or can't make it to battle challengers" he said kindly.

"I'm Tiger by the way, and you met my buddy here, Cyndaquil. Sorry about his attitude he can be a bit of a hot head" he said and shrugged.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 23:38 (7 Years ago)
“I hope so,” she murmured almost to herself. Her dad was her only family (other than the Pokemon of course, but even then, half of that family went missing with her dad) and she missed him. "Your brother will be saved soon as well," she told him with a firm nod. She would free everyone from Team Plasma if she could. She was going to try her hardest anyway.

She stood up straight at hearing that he had beaten a champion, her eyes lighting up with what could only be described as hope. “Then we actually stand a chance,” she breathed, “I mean, if you can beat N, then maybe a stop can be put to the stupid rules.” Oh, she knew it would not be easy still, but just having that little bit of hope… It was the best feeling, one that she had needed.

She glanced down at Vaporeon when she saw Cyndaquil glancing at her. Gracie shook her head at the sight of her old friend looking almost smug. “It’s alright,” she told him before nudging Vaporeon, “I’m sorry about her as well. She likes winding up fire types, I think it started since she was the only water type on an otherwise all fire team.” She offered Cyndaquil a gentle smile, “She won’t attack again,” she told him. ‘Not unless she feels like we’re in danger,’ being the part that she did not add.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 23:46 (7 Years ago)
Tiger sighed, and was about to respond when Cyndaquil growled lowly, and replied dryly "Cyndaquil cynda-quil, cyn Cyndaquil cynda! (she better not, or I will attack, and I will win!) he said crossly. Tiger sighed, and grabbed Cyndaquil's pokeball.

"Maybe it's for the best that he returns. I don't want to get him to start a fight" Tiger said uneasily, and recalled the Pokemon. He placed the pokeball on his belt, and crossed his arms.

"Even if I were to challenge N...it'd be difficult to fight him. I mean yes I beat Lance before, but N isn't Lance. He's created rules, and road blocks to his castle" Tiger said in defeat, and sighed. "I mean with that legend on his side he's currently unstoppable..." He mumbled lowly.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2017 23:53 (7 Years ago)
Name: Harriet
Age: 13
Looks/wears: She has long, straight, dark hair, blue eyes, glasses, a green T-shirt, orange scarf, black shorts, and red sneakers
Friends/rival: None yet
Pokémon: Dewott (Male ( Razor Shell, Aqua Jet, Fury Cutter, Rock Smash), Weavile (Male ( Ice Beam, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Fury Swipes), Liepard (Female ( Scratch, Dark Pulse, Bite, Sucker Punch)
Home Region: Kalos
Summoning Item?: No
Other: None
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 00:01 (7 Years ago)
"Not good! Not good!" Mira muttered to herself, heart starting to thump. She climbed out her own window into the forest beyond, moving along silently and keeping alert. I swear to Arceus, if Team Plasma got him... She thought, fists clenched as she moved along.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 01:10 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 01:39 (7 Years ago)
Mira walked, and walked, but refrained from calling out to him. Someone would definitely hear if she did do that.

"Squir! Squirtle!" A voice called out. Mira turned quickly and raced over to the source of the noise. There he was, crouched on the ground over a Furret.

"There you are! You scared me!" Mira sighed in relief, picking up Squirtle and placing him on her shoulder. She looked over to the Furret. It was hurt.

Mira looked at it lovingly. "This is why you ran?" She asked Squirtle quietly. He nodded. "Must have been 'liberated' by Team Plasma," She said to herself, reaching out her hand to touch it. The Furret flinched away. "It's okay," She says carefully, running her hand down its thick fur. "You're a long way from home, huh?"

The Furret inched closer to Mira and nodded, whining. "Johto... Where's your trainer?" She asked, knowing she wouldn't understand the answer.

"Fur..." The Furret replied, sniffing. There was blood on it, probably from another Pokemon. Mira picked it up carefully and reached into her jacket, pulling out a Pokeball.

"I could take care of you," Mira offered, holding the Pokeball out. The Furret nudged her arm which was holding it and nodded, touching the Pokeball and going inside of it. It flashed red for a moment, but stopped soon enough with a "click."

(Sorry for long post ^^)

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 03:19 (7 Years ago)
Victor was soon bound tightly with Serperior vines. "Hypocrites" Victor muttered as he was bound, and put in with the other prisoners.
Victor looked for a window, and found one which was barred with laser beams.
He surveyed the prisoners inside, feeling sorry for them. He took off his silver bracelet, and placed it near a laser, reflecting it, and leaving the window open.

A shadow of a Pokemon then approached the window. "Climb in, Volt." Victor says to the Pokemon, who climbs through the window, revealing a Raichu with a small sack.

"Thanks. Now to rescue Blaze." Victor says, as he takes the sack. He checked the contents of the sack, revealing 6 Pokeballs. He took five of them, and called out their respective Pokemon, which were Serperior, Excadrill, Charizard, and Mienfoo.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 05:54 (7 Years ago)
(What's happened?)

Stream was running in a forest, carrying her oshawott, while a grunt chased her. "Please, leave me alone!" She cries out.
"Not until give up Pokemon." The grunt was saying.
"But I don't want to leave Bubble!" Stream says. The oshawott hugs her arm. "And she doesn't want to leave me!'
"Bloom," The grunt says. A chikorita who was running next to her nodded, and used vine whip to grab Stream. A bunch of other grunts come out.
"I have no choice but imprison you for not giving up Pokemon." Heart says darkly.

(The grunt is Heart, but she has a different appearance from the one in her form at the moment. She'll be using the appearance in the form when she spies on all the rebel trainers.)
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 12:26 (7 Years ago)
As the two entered their room, they heard a small click from behind. "Okay so now what? We'd get in trouble if anyone knew we had extremely powerful Pokémon on our side."

"Lauren, level thirties are not that strong."

"Yeah, well my Pokémon are in the seventies."

"That's true." The two lovers murmured plans for what to do and quietly chatted about how the rules here suck. Raven eventually popped out of her Poké Ball and changed her size to fit to the room. She joined in on the conversation, often giving out ideas.

"I have something," Raven said calmly. "Maybe we could fly in from seemingly nowhere. Or we could actually talk to him and gen battle?"

"I never thought of that," Maria said quietly.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 13:06 (7 Years ago)
(@Cookie not much really happened yet. Tiger escaped a grunt, Victor is breaking out of prison, and Gracie met Tiger. I have no clue what to post yet)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 14:29 (7 Years ago)
(@Tiger maybe have Victor meet the prisoners?)

The Pokemon are very happy at seeing their trainer. Serperior needs to be restrained by Charizard to avoid Victor being crushed to death. Exacdrill stands nearby, examining the surrounding, and Mienfoo bursts into tears.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 14:41 (7 Years ago)
[Y'all should come to Castelia, or my characters should come to yours?]

As Lauren, Maria, and Raven chatted about how to get to N's Castle, they realized something. "What if he tries to take our Pokemon away? I can't bear to be away from Raven and Jerry and-" Lauren's rant was cut off by Raven, who hugged her trainer.

"I won't let them take me. Even if they try, I'd probably come straight back anyway. I'm loyal."

"Raven, you truly are a miracle."

"I'm antimatter. There's a difference."

Lauren giggled at Raven's snarky remark, but Maria stayed quiet. Raven nodded her head for Maria to come join the hug. She sighed and scooted to them, snuggling up to Lauren to avoid being crushed by Raven. "Ma'ams, if you're ready to go visit Champion N, please come out!" a grunt's voice called.

"Let's go," Raven whispered, disappearing back into the Ultra Ball in a smoky cloud of black.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 17:29 (7 Years ago)
Gracie snorted slightly as Vaporeon lay herself down at her feet with a huff. She knew that Pokemon well enough to understand that she was feeling both victorious and disappointed at the other Pokemon’s retreat. “Por va-poreon!” (You’re no fun!)

Shaking her head at the water types ridiculousness, Gracie looked back over at Tiger and lifted one shoulder in a shrug, “Sorry.”

Hearing him doubting the chances of defeating N, she couldn’t help but to lose the little bit of hope that she had found, her body sagging in disappointment. “I know, it was just nice to wish, y’know?” She had managed to push back her fears that Plasma would not be beaten, she had distracted herself with her training and trying to keep safe. She guessed that actually speaking to someone else that was willing to fight against the team had dragged all of her thoughts to the front of her mind. There would be no more avoiding them apparently.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 17:55 (7 Years ago)
Harriet was running with her Pokemon from some grunts. "Come back here!" One of them yelled. "Weavile, use ice beam on the ground!" Harriet shouted. Weavile used on the ground turning it very slippery, which the grunts slipped on as Harriet and her team made and escaped. "Stupid kid!" One yelled. "We'll get you eventually!"

(So, how should Harriet meet up with the others?)
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 19:17 (7 Years ago)
(Ima try to meet up with Stream if that's okay ;-;)

Mira looked up. She heard shouting. "You hear that too, right?" She muttered to Squirtle, who nodded. "Let's go check it out."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 20:15 (7 Years ago)

"Take her away." Heart says darkly.
Stream tried to struggle out of the vines, but the Chikorita slaps her in the face with the vine, making her glasses fell off, making her eyes blurry.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Fri, 26/05/2017 21:08 (7 Years ago)
Mira and Squirtle rushed upon the scene. Before the grunts could even see Squirtle, he dove off of Mira's shoulder in front of them. He tackled the Chikorita quickly with a swift hand gesture from Mira.

Credit to Viper