Tiger nodded, and laughed lightly "well I couldn't tell you could
talk...you see I can talk to pokemon so I'm use to hearing a
pokemon speak" he said simply, but in a kind tone. He then looked
at the Giratina in surprise.
Raven floats over to Stream and curls
up like a lil' snake. She sticks out her tongue and blinks.
Hi, she says calmly, blinking a couple more times. Are
you precious? Are you rebelling with us? Does Team Plasma suck? I
can answer the third one.
"R-Raven, calm down!" Lauren whisper yelled to the Giratina, who
flew right back to her trainer. She coiled back up and tried to
nap. "Honestly, Raven.."
"Calm down, Stream," Mira smiled behind her. Squirtle jumped from
her shoulder up to the top of her head to get a better look at the
Giratina, making Mira chuckle. "It's fine, Lauren. No harm done,"
She grins.
The Zygarde 10% now looked at the new arrivals, specially the
Giratina. He became cautious and barked "Who are you!"
Victor also looked at the new arrivals. "Er...could we continue
with our plan?" He asked, looking at his Mienfoo. Mienfoo was very
nervous at being given a job, as he considered himself the weakest
of all of the current party.
Tiger nodded "yeah we can continue...I can have my Raichu go with
Mienfomy if he needs help" he offered Victor kindly, and grabbed a
pokeball from his belt.
Raven flew over to 10% Zygarde and
tilted her head. Ten percent form? Haven't seen that in a while.
Anyway, I'm Lauren's Giratina. You can call me Raven. The
Giratina blinked a few times and stuck her tongue out before
floating back. Anyway, we of Lauren's team are in the early to
mid seventies in level. We're obviously good for battle.
"Yeah, and Maria has a weird rock. I've studied Unovan mythology
and I can only say... When Reshiram and Zekrom split, Kyurem was
the shell of the two. I think Maria has Kyurem's stone," Hercules
hastily explained, flattening his ears against his head. "I could
be wrong but- Oh it's glowing."
Maria took out the stone and was examining it when it began to glow
yellow. She squeaked and dropped it onto the ground. The grey stone
began to form into a shape, similar to a smaller version of
Reshiram and Zekrom. But this dragon was icy and grey, and had
piercing yellow eyes. "I- I was correct!"
"I don't regard anyone as my owner." Zygarde said. "But you can be
quite sure that the order Pokemon is fully capable of defending
Meanwhile Mienfoo was prepared. "It'd be helpful to send in Raichu,
they could escape by levitation." Victor said. "Meinfoo, your
strongest stone edge on count of three."
Tiger nodded, and let his Raichu out. The Alolan Raichu then looked
around, and sat on her tail while it hovered above the ground.
"Alright this is Surge. She's a skilled fighter, and has a few
tricks I taught her" he said kindly.
Mira waved friendily. "I only have two Pokemon, since I just got
here. Squirtle," Her Squirtle waved from on top of her head. "And a
Furret. But, she's hurt, so I don't want to let her out."
Mira nodded and smiled. "That'd be great," She pulled out the
pokeball and let Furret out, into her arms. The Pokemon was still
bleeding a little, and obviously tired. "My guess is that she was
'liberated'. Poor thing."
Tiger nodded, and placed his bag next to him. He then pulled out a
few bandaids, and potions. "Alright this should help her" he said
calmly, and worked on the Pokemon.
Maria stayed silent when Kyurem
appeared. It glanced at Maria and walked over, dipping its head.
You must be the one who freed me from
my prison.
"Why is no one else reacting to the fact that Maria is face-to-face
with Kyurem?" Hercules sputtered, hopping from paw to paw.
Because everyone else is busy chatting among themselves,
Hercules, Raven responded, lashing her tail. "Oh.. Well
anyways, greetings Kyurem."
It appears that some trainers do still
rebel against N and his forces. I tried alone, but it didn't work.
That is why I appeared in the stone form.
"We've just gotta hope for now," Jerry said, appearing from her
Pokeball. "They'll be expecting us to use our strongest Pokemon. I
say we distract with the weaker ones, then have the strong be out
to protect them?"
"Three... two... ONE!"
Meinfoo slammed the ground with its fist, seeing rocks flying. The
gigantic rocks are now flying towards the Plasma HQ.
Flare used flamethrower on the rocks to convert it into magma, to
increase the power of Meinfoo's move, and promptly took flight.
Flare flew near the window to N's chamber, ready to strike in and
steal Zoroark.
"Emergency!" The grunts were shouting inside as the Plasma HQ was
hit with Magma. Mienfoo, owning to his short stature, was able to
hide in a corner while chaos happened. Mienfoo occasionally used
some fighting moves to break machinery and walls.