Mira flew directly up, over Sean. She dropped back down and, while
he was still running, tried to push him down, onto his face. If
this didn't work, she had one more idea.
Mira fell to the ground, the breath knocked out of her. She
recovered quickly and boosted herself to her feet. She finally held
Sean in place with one hand, looking for a rock or something.
He tried to get away. His feet started making a hole in the ground
as he started running in place. Xut read a book while watching,
"Don't make me do this myself" he said
Mira found a fairly large piece of debris and bashed Sean upside
the head with it with as much force and speed as she could muster.
She still held it in air, waiting for his reaction; if he was still
conscious, that is. "We're fine," She called back to Xut. "No
Midnight stood on top of a building watching the fight. "That's
enough. We don't need to kill anyone Sean and Xut" he yelled while
jumping down. Sean was on the ground and turned back to himself.
Xut opens his eyes and looked at Midnight. He sighed and snapped.
Sean disappeared and so did some of the jewels. He flew over to
Mira contemplated flying after them, but was reminded of the fire
from the ember flying off of the building and hitting her jacket.
She brushed it off and turned and flew away to the nearest lake.
"I'll get them another time," She told herself. "Even if it gets me
in trouble."
(Not accepted. Having difficulty taking off his mask isn't really a
weakness, neither is being able to be killed. Having issues taking
off a mask is mainly just difficulty doing it and being able to die
isn't really a weakness, even if someone is immortal.)
Draco sighed. "We'll get em' next time," he said and patted Mira on
the back. He turned to face her. "Right now we should focus on
fixing up the bankM' he said to her. Draco smiled, trying to
reassure her.
"I have no idea. Maybe some of the other Epics have other business
and maybe the Calamities are dealing with something more dangerous
than Ultimates attacking a bank," he replied. Draco ran inside and
grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall and started putting out
the fire. Once he was out, he called the fire department.
"Most likely," Mira said before she jumped up, clearing any debris
left behind from the explosion and making a nice open spot. "The
Ultimates are causing more and more trouble lately. We need more
soldiers with us than against us."
"I get what you're saying but most Epics nowadays only do 1 of
three things. They fight Ultimates, they stay out of fights, or
they die. It also doesn't help that a lot of the Epics that are
fighting prefer to work alone or do not have the best of powers."
The firefighters arrived and started putting out the fire. "Looks
like we can go now," Draco said. Draco left the bank and started
walking back to his motorcycle.