Choa was not that surprised at how much there was at the supply
drop as she saw how fast they go herself. She tried to get what was
left which was letters from family, it seems like. She found one
for herself, from her little brother so she put it in her bag to
read later. There were a few more that were for Gem, Zen, Michael,
Brian, Troye, Navneet, Sarah, Nikki and Robin. It was a lot more
than she thought would be.
(If I missed anyone, please tell me or if you want your character
removed from getting a letter. )
(Its fine!! We all make mistakes)
"There's some letter left behind, are any of these yours?" Choa
says as she hands the letter to the girls she fan with. She tried
to even space them out and so they could see who are the letters
Trixie's eyes widened. She grabbed her tweezers and gently took the
gauze off the boy's wound and set it on a table covered in plastic
wrap. She had spotted the bullet, and it was sticking out of the
wound just a little. She grabbed the bullet gently with her
tweezers and yanked it out swiftly. She set it down onto the table
beside the gauze. She then put fresh gauze onto the wound.
Gem gasped as she saw that one of the letters had her name. "Yeah,
I think that one's mine." She said quietly, pointing.
Robin shrugged. "I don't think I have any family members left, so
none should be for me." She said.
"Enjoy reading it" Choa handed Gem her letter. "Check just in case.
There's letter for Sarah, Nikki, Robin..." Choa read out the names
that sounded like a girl's name. For some, she didn't know how to
pronounce so she might've skipped it.
Gem turned the letter over in her hands when she received it. She
moved her finger over the edges, careful not to get a paper cut.
She decided to wait until she got to the base to open it.
Robin's eyes widened when she heard her name. "Uh, yeah, I'm
Robin." She said calmly. "I also know someone named Nikki, so I'll
take her letter to her."
"Oh, here you go then" Choa said as gives the letters to Robin and
Nikki to Robin. "Shall I leave the rest of them or take them?" she
almost whispered it, almost asking herself.
Gem heard what Choa said. "Well, I mean, when the new supply drop
comes they usually take the old one back. And the others don't
really seem to care about letters..." She said quietly.
"Really? I always look for the letters first..." Choa said,
sounding disappointed. "I'll keep them" she put the letters in the
bag and got ready to go.
Lise looked through her backpack, and saw that she had taken the
rest of the first aid with her by mistake. She shook her head. She
carefully placed most of it by the door and gently knocked before
continuing on her way. She headed back ot the supply drop quickly
to see if there was anything they could still use, being as
discreet as possible.
Mike heard someone knock on the door and went to check who was
there. There was nobody there except some first aid kits by the
door. He coudn't see anyone near him. He picked up the kits and
placed them near other thigs.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Oliver came up behind Brian, and peered over his shoulder.
He let out a soft gasp, and immediately looked away, taking about
three steps back. "Tha...That's absolutely disgusting!" He
whimpered, trying to blink away the image of it. He
Brian nodded, wincing. He looked out a window and saw that the sun
was beginning to set. Light pinks mingled with light oranges over
the horizon. He sighed. "I wonder if there's a way to restore this
town to what it once was without hurting anyone." He said quietly.
As if something had heard him, a book from a nearby bookshelf fell
onto the ground. He turned and looked at the book.
Gem and Robin began to lead the way back to their base. It was
getting dark, and zombies were more active at night. They sped up a
Trixie looked at her and shrugged. "I'm sorry, but I don't know for
sure. I think he might wake up a few days after the bleeding slows
down." She said. She changed the gauze on the boy's wound again.