Oliver nodded softly, and clutched his bat. He followed
Brian, and coughed lightly. He scratched the back of his neck, and
sighed. His shoes scuffed the floor before he started to use his
legs more to pick them off the ground.
Troye had fallen asleep and Lise had grabbed two guns and a
relatively empty backpack. She left the building and quietly walked
along the buildings, being extremely cautious. She was trying to
avoid everyone and everything.
"Relax. I'm going to take care of him. I'm not as ruthless as the
others." Trixie said calmly. She carefully picked the boy up and
began to carry him out the door, trying not to make him feel any
more pain.
Brian looked around. He then went to another room, making sure
everything was normal. He looked out a window and fell back in
surprise when he saw a zombie staring at him.
Nikki ran behind the buildings. She made sure she wasn't seen very
Oliver had wandered a bit before going back to following
Brian. He heard a fall and peered into a room. He gasped as he saws
zombie and Brian. He gripped his bat, stomping as viciously as he
could. Wasn't very vicious, though. Like a small bunny trying to
harm you.
Oliver nodded, glancing at the zombie. It's face was half
flesh half bone, and he gagged. He scampered out of the room to
follow Brian, shaking his head. He hated those... things. He
hoped he'd never need to be one. He followed close behind
(I appologize for not being active, I have some timezone
It all happenes too fast for Mike to understan. The boy got shot
while Mike was still running. He didn't understand why the boy was
pointing his gun at him though. Mike stoped to help the boy but
couldn't control his balance and stumbled into a nearby building
through its door. He got unconscious for a few moments as he
actually broke its door on his when he stumbled.
As he regained his consciousness he got out of the building, only
to see that the boy and girl had already left. Worried for them, he
looked around the area, but stopped after he wasn't able to find
them after sometime. He then headed to where suppliea were dropped.
He could find something useful from what would be left after people
took their things.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
"My name is Trixie." Trixie said. She made it to her base so she
managed to open the door with the boy still in her arms. She went
in and set the boy down on a bed near her medical supplies.
As Brian looked around this room, he saw a zombie head lying in a
jar. He stiffened, wondering why something like this would be here.
" Thanks..Trixie " Sarrah Muttered standing next to Navneet. " This
place is pretty much gone crazy..You can't trust your own allies
anymore " Sarah said looking around.
Mike searched through the what was left of the supplies. He hadn't
been able to find anything decent since everything was already
taken by other people. He had thought that he would've been able to
take something useful since he reached there on time, but guess
there are people who were faster than him this time. Dissapointed,
he left that place and embarked on his way back to his base.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Mike got the feeling that he was beeing watched by somebody. He
looked around him for a few minutes but couldn't see anyone. He
finally noticed a person on the roof of one of the buildings near
him. "OOOYYEEE!! I CAN SEE YOU!" he said to the person, loud enough
for him to hear it from above the roof. "YOU NEED SOMETHING?" he
said as he pointed towards him. That is how he has been since
childhood, he didn't doubted anyone no matter what kind of vibe he
got from the person, even in this place where people have trust
issues with almost everyone.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
"What a wierd guy" Mike thinks as the person dissapears in the
building. Mike thought it was best to mind his own bussiness and
started moving back to his base. It was a normal town building if
judged by looks, but it was a medical centre maintained by a girl
named Trixie. He enters the building to see that the girl and the
boy he saw while going towards supply drip were there and the boy
looked injured. "Whar happened to him? he asked as he went near
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Lise peeked imside the windows of the buildings she passed. They
all looked relatively empty, but not fit for a new base. She
stumbled across a building full of people and just peeked through
the window for a bit, curious to see what was going on.
Trixie shook her head. "I have no idea, but I need to bandage his
bullet wound before he dies from blood loss." She said. She put
gloves and a surgical mask on. She cracked open a first aid kit and
grabbed a long, rolled up gauze roll. She gently pressed it onto
the wound and grabbed more gauze and repeated this process.
Nikki ran into her base and closed the door. She sighed in relief,
then began to unpack what she had collected from the supply
Gem and Robin arrived at the supply drop to see that nothing too
good was there. Gem picked up a few books, a pencil and notebook.
Robin grabbed a half full backpack and wondered what was inside.