Forum Thread
Explore Kalos!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Explore Kalos!Riko stopped jogging for a little while to look back but continued jogging when Benny came close by.
(The-Doctor granted me permission to roleplay as Benny for a little while)
This habit of such was Kura waking up late for every important event. Now, if it was a normal day, she would wake up just fine. But, nope, not important days. It was even worse that she didn't even have her Pokemon to wake her up. She's left them back at home, in a far away region, as she'd come to explore the Kalos region. And, as she did, she was going to start collecting a new team. Not that she would forget her old team - they're her best friends~
Kura showered and changed, before grabbing her pre-packed bag and heading down and out of her Aunts house (who had agreed to look after her before she went on her journey around Kalos). Before she left, she grabbed a quick, light snack as she wasn't particularly hungry, but had missed out on breakfast.
As it so happened, her Aunt didn't live too far from the Professor's lab. What was his name...? Willow? Mangrove? She stopped in her tracks. It would drive her crazy if she didn't know his name. Not only would it drive her crazy, it would be darn rude of her to walk in and ask for a Pokemon.
"It has to be some tree-related name. I mean- There's Oak, Elm, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Kukui, Hawthor- AH!"
In the middle of thinking, she's knocked down by what or whoever had just hit her.
"Oh my Arceus! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you."
Kura takes the extended hand of the boy in front of her who proceeded to pull her to her feet. The boy looked no older than her, so, around the age of 14, which made her wonder if this was his first journey. He had slightly messy grey hair and matching eyes.
"Uh..." The boy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I'm sorry. My name's Leo, and you?"
"Kura. It's nice to meet you," she smiled, "I'm assuming you're off to the lab?"
At this point, Leo was bright red and still embarrassed about knocking the girl down. It should have been impossible to not see her bright green hair and yellow outfit. But he nods to answer the girl's question.
"Well, same. It looks like we'll be late together! Come on!"
And with that, Kura grabs his wrist and pulls him towards the Lab. They make it inside within five minutes even though they're late by about and hour or two.
(Sorry for the long post o.o I thought that it'd make up for what I've missed xD)
He took a deep breath and got out of the bed. His eyes were still getting used to light of the day. He couldn't believe that he was late. Especially because he told his family that he will show them that he isn't some lazy kid that lives under their roof just because he is too lay to actually go on the journey.
He put on clothes and took all the things he needed. In less than five minutes he was ready to go. He went through back door because he didn't want for his family to know that he was late. And after all he didn't have to say goodbye because he said his goodbyes yesterday.
Person would think that he would run to lab but, he walked slowly. He hated running, even when he was late. So it did take him longer to come to professor's lab, but when he got there he let out a happy sigh. He wasn't the only one late.
(Aahhh the beauty of sleep. It makes 8 pages happen.)

"What starter are you getting?"
"A Chikorita; It's so cute!"
The girl was taken back by his reply but said nothing about it. In all fairness, she was expecting Charmander or Tododile and such. Leo reminded her of her own childhood friend. He loved feminine Pokemon. The least feminine Pokemon he owned was his Salamence which he had, since he was bullied for liking 'girly Pokemon'. So he owned a Salamence to prove them wrong.
"How about you?" Leo asked.
"A Turtwig," she simply states.
"How come?"
"I like rock and ground type Pokemon. And, if I'm correct, Turtwig evolves into a grass and ground type."
"What about Mudkip? Mudkip evolves into a water and ground type."
Kura shrugs, "I prefer grass types over water types."
"Ohhh... Do you have a nickname for it yet?"
Autumn got the holo caster message. "Guys! Lets stop here!" Seeing the "Welcome to Aqaucorde Town!" Sign.
Suddenly, a young girl came running in. "I am so so so sorry sir. May I please choose my Pokemon?" Melody asked, rocking back and forth.
(Robin Hood is legit the name of my Rowlet in Sun and moon.)