Forum Thread
Explore Kalos!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Explore Kalos!"Turtwig!"
"They're so cute!" Leo says, picking up his Chikorita and nuzzling it.
Kura laughs, "Yeah, but lets just get together with the rest of the group before we lose them."
Leo sighs, "You're right, but I'm going to carry her all the way."
"Then you're Pokemon will get lazy."
"No she won't. I'm going to train her to be the best!"
"If you say so."
Kura skips ahead with the tiny leaf Pokemon at her feet.
''Well that was unexpected.'' He said when he got closer to Kura and Leo.
Leo, on the other hand, jumped, almost sending the Chikorita flying. He turned to see his new travelling companions and flushed bright red as he's only just noticed them.
"Oh... Uh... Hi there!" he says, sheepishly, and holding his Pokemon close to him.