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Big Emera Beach Suggestion Collection

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Big Emera Beach Suggestion Collection
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 16:44 (7 Years ago)
Big Emera Beach Suggestion Collection

LAST UPDATE: 29.04.2017

Like the title of this Thread states, this is a big Suggestion Collection for the Emera Beach we all know and love but the suggestions will not be simple ideas with no sense of balancing. Me and the User BLEACHIchigo1 gave them all some thoughts and so we present you all these ideas and we hope you guys of this site can enlighten us with your own personal input.
Again we are not trying to make changes only we like to see, we try to make suggestions everyone will gladly accept cause they like and welcome them.

Let's move right on :D

Suggestion No.1

Make the Fisherman Hat good and worth the grind

It is no secret that it is a real grind to get the Fisherman Hat on your own and a rather expensive feature if you buy all the relics for it yourself BUT we do think it should be this "grindy", what we feel isn't okay are the benefits coming with it.
The item itself states "Wearing it strongly improves your fishing skills."
Knowing that, all it does (and please someone corrects me if I am wrong) allows you to fish when Lightning Storms appear at the beach. This is an interesting mechanic but we think there should be far more to it.
Let us give you some examples what would really make the Fisherman Hat awesome.

-Enhance the stamina for fishing, not much but in a way you definetly would notice (normal stamina reduction during a storm, maybe even bigger reduction if it is worth).
-Make bait last longer than usual, shiny fishing would benefit a lot from it.
-Fishing should be (even) easier, this is a minor benefit cause fishing is not that hard in general. (Y)
-A slightly better chance to fish rare treasure like ,or any kind of . The relics would definetly help other users getting their Hat faster which helps everyone in the long run. :D (Y)

-What the Fisherman Hat should not do tho, is to increase the odds to catch a shiny Pokemon. We have the Shiny Rod and the Bait for this.

Suggestion No.2
Make Lightning Storms at the Emera Beach worth the stay

Whoever can relate to this, you are not alone. The feeling you got when you are first time fishing during a Lightning Storm after getting this silly Hat and there is nothing to it. The Pokemon are the same (atleast it seems like it) and there is nothing special about it. This needs to be changed. The benefit to fish for a few hours when other people can't is really no big deal at all and it bothers us.:/
So what can we suggest to make it awesome?

-Better and rare Pokemon during a Lightning Storm. Pokemon like , appear slightly more often.
-Very low chance to find treasure at the beach during a storm.
-Make us encounter a new Legendary Pokemon, Zekrom . So before you protest let us explain. Zekrom the Deep Black Pokemon of Thunder. Guys imagine it appearing during the Lightning Storm in the clouds at the Beach. This is such a good oppurtunity, so Riako please consider this. It would be badass. Of course there is only a slight chance for it appearing after you successfully caught a Pokemon/Item. ;) (People would like to see the use of a new item to summon it during a storm)

Suggestion No.3
Introducing the Pokemon Luvdic to the Emera Beach

Adding Luvdisc to the beach should open up a new way of trading at Leah the Mermaid. Each time you catch a Luvdisc you also recieve the new Item Heart Scale which is recommended for some new interesting trades at Leah. So let's recap.

-New Pokemon Luvdisc + the Item Heart Scale.
-Adding the shiny form of Luvdisc + all previously introduced Event Luvdisc.
-New trades at Leah involving the Heart Scale.

Possible new trades won't be included here because we cannot tell how rare, common Luvdisc would be.

Suggestion No.4
Giving Shoal Salt and Shoal Shell more purpose.

This suggestion is rather simple. We need a little bit more purpose for these two items. If you all take a look at your Item Bag I am pretty sure you will find plenty of these two items. There are currently a few trades involving these two but we definetly need more. Suggestions are the following.

-Using both + Berries to create a new type of bait. ++=???
-Giving the Shoal Salt a usage in the Berry Garden when cooking something.

Suggestion No.5
Another option for the Emera Square , a fishing Contest

This is rather self explaining. A contest similar to the Bug-Hatching Contest would be cool. In a certain time window you are allowed to bring one Pokemon you caught at the Emera Beach to this contest. You get bonus points for it being Mega able or shiny . This helps making the Emera Beach spicy again for a lot of people who think it is boring. The time shedule for this contest shouldn't be added to the current two contests. Instead it replaces one in a certain time frame. This way the Emera Square gets more variety. (Y)

Minor Suggestions
Here are some minor things which bother us and maybe we can find a solution

-A new bait increasing the odds to fish for a Mega Able Pokemon .
-New offers at Leah, which utilize Pokemon like Tentacool for example which remain unused so far + the exchanging of Pokemon which are not used in trades. For example: 2x Mantine for 1x Clamperl.
-Different Pokemon to fish depending on the weather.
-New artwork for different weather at the beach or simply day-night-cycle.
-Make it possible to trade for a Black Key at Leah (not supportet by most people) OR remove the Black Box from the Gem Cauldron. The reason is simple. Obtaining Black Keys is way too luck based and there is no need to make it that hard to obtain Darkrai and Cresselia after all this time which passed since they were introduced. Some people literally waste all their gems to get Black Boxes and this should be stopped. :,(
-Make fishing for Pokemon at the Emera Beach a Dream World Task.
-Moving Staid to the Emera Beach

If you have even more or better ideas or disagree, post all please down below and tell us why. I will try my best to update the list and hopefully we have some nice discussions.

See ya around frens :]
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 17:05 (7 Years ago)
You do have some good points to these, but some of them I am not sure would do well.

(Suggestion 1)
for the Fisherman's hat, I am not sure we need all those suggestions. The first part "Enhance the stamina for fishing, not much but in a way you definetly would notice" you are in a storm. If anything, it shouldn't increase or enhance the stamina. It should even be lowered slightly.

As for making the bait last a little longer, I could agree to that. 1-2 throws at most though is what I would go for.

As for the better chance to find rare treasures, not really sure about that. I get those pretty often as it is.
(Suggestions 2 & 3)
For the lightning storms, Not really sure it would be fair to have Huntail and Goyrgess more common during the storms. This would give the people who have the hats more chances to get the Megastones than anyone else.

As for the more items period during the storm, that would seem more likely as the fish would try to hide.

It would be interesting to encounter Zekrom, but how about making it so you have to have a certain item before doing so? Like an item that the Heart Scales and Luvdisc you mention bring in?
Suggestion 4

I can agree that she salts and shells need to have a bit more purpose, and your ideas here are good.
Suggestion 5

I think it would be interesting, though instead of replacing 1 every 2 months, how about 1 Competition every 3 months during the breaks? I know that means it will only be 1-5 days, but Its better than it lasting longer due to you being able to get more fish than hatching bug eggs.
Minor Suggestions

I think its nice that the Black Key is random. It makes Darkrai and Cressellia harder to obtain. If the key was easier to get, they wouldn't be worth so much anymore.

As for the Dream Points, they could work that in with the Daily tasks that rotate.

Over all, since some I don't agree with but some I do, I am unable to pick a side to stick with and I will not be fully voting, but I do hope that some of these ideas get brought it.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 17:14 (7 Years ago)
First of all thank you for taking the time and writing all your personal opinions on this thread.
I absolutely understand you doubting some points we brought up BUT keep in mind we didn't actually gave you numbers for all the buffs at the hat for example.
When I write something like increasing the odds I am talking about sth like slightly make it higher like 1-2% max.
If you apply this it really isn't overpowered or unfair.

I will rework the points a little after we got more input.

Thank you for your time fren :]
Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 98
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 17:37 (7 Years ago)
To suggestion 1 :3 ... the fishermans hat is really expencive so i would like it when we could find more worthy things during the thunderstorms ... this would be fair to the user who worked hard to get it.
Or... if the fishermans hat would be obtainable more cheap then it would be fair for all ...

To suggestion with the black keys :3
User who are planing a hunt with gems have no chance to get the black key because they cant waist gems dor boiling. Other legendaries are more easy to het because we can find summon items in mystery boxes, the other mystery boxes in rumble areas ... megastones are obtainable in leahs shop AND in treasure boxes AND in the gem cauldron.. why is it so importand that this black key is only obtainable with many luck and waisting many gems in the cauldron ?
I like this idea to make the black key obtainable on the beach only during the thunder storms ...

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 17:52 (7 Years ago)
Thank you for your feedback.
Tho I can understand why a lot of people like the fact Darkrai and Cresselia are fairly rare due to the fact the black Key is such a troublesome item to get but wasting 5 gems of each type and waiting 2 days to get another black box which is easily obtainable at the beach rly hurts and it makes me not want to boil for Mega stones / Keys anymore, and this mentality really is a problem. :/
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 648
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 18:57 (7 Years ago)
My support for all the suggestions except for the one about the Black Key. It should not be made obtainable at the beach, else getting the pokemons, Darkrai and Cresselia would become easier. The availability of Black box had already made it simpler to obtain the duo. You can get a Black Key from the cauldron sometimes and that's worth the wait.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 19:13 (7 Years ago)
I can see how adding the key to the beach simplifys the process a lot and therefor I think we shouldn't add it BUT atleast remove the Black Box from the Gem Cauldron. It is simply frustrating to get one when you can easily get these boxes from the beach nowadays. ^^
Thx for your input tho fren :]
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 412
Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 01:06 (7 Years ago)
Oh wow, lots of stuff. Well, I'll go in the same order with you Shandrazel! ^_^

The hat:
- No support on it increasing stamina. Being out in an actual storm while fishing, it actually saps a bit more energy from you.
- Support for slight making bait last longer.
- No support for making fishing easier, because as you said it's already easy. What's hard is having patience with the luck factor. "Wearing it strongly improves your fishing skills." Part of fishing skills is also knowledge of when (time and weather) a fish is more active/hungry. So instead, how about the chances of fishing certain pokemon are re-stacked depending on preference to time and weather? For example, water/electric pokemon would have a slight increased chance of being caught during a thunderstorm. During Rain, pure water types would have a slight increased chance.
- No support on items being fished easier during the storm. A rare chance of finding something like that on the beach during a storm I'd support though.
- Support on not increasing shiny chances.

Thunderstorm Weather:
- No support for finding just rare pokemon easier during a storm. Not all fish would be active during that time. Some fish can know when a storm is going to hit and hide. However, a rare ocean tsunami event would be interesting, as they usually bring deep sea dwelling creatures up from the depths. It would include more pokemon than those two, and would maybe last only a short time and giving a slight increase in them being fished. I feel like this might need a quest to obtain a boat first though before the ocean event being available.
- No support. One, my suggestion above via the hat. Two, we have magnetic bait for that.
- Support, but the chance of Zekrom appearing only if we have an item. Maybe a lightning rod? Lol.

- Support
- Support
- Support

Shoal Salt and Shoal Shell:
- Half support. I can see the shell being used to make bait, but not the salt.
- Support. Salt is an important ingredient in some recipes and leaving it out can be disastrous.

Fishing Contest:
Support on Fishing tournaments! The winning qualifications can change. I personally prefer a catch & release system, where you get points for what you fish up. How many points you get depends on what it is you haul in per throw.

Minor Suggestions:
- Support for adding the key. The box is already there, why not the key as well? The box trade doesn't show up often, it's hard enough fishing out the correct pokemon, and it's a nice alternative to those who avoid the cauldron at all cost for the reasons of saving up gems and not wanting to waste gems due to not being able to tell a difference in some colors. Make the trades appear at the same chance rate, and make it cancel each other out so that both trades cannot both be available at the same time to help keep them rare though.

- Support for the dream world task.

Avatar: Spriting edits and portrayed character (c) me, Omosky.

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 186
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 15:17 (7 Years ago)
Suggestion no. 1:
- I would change the first note to: giving more stamina on clear days, because indeed in the storm you need more energy to fish.
- Making a bait last longer: Support!
- I get the bottled messages pretty often, so I don't think I would need this.
- I agree

Suggestion no. 2:
- I cannot think of any suggestions only finding more electrical/water pokémon.
- Support, this could also be related to the Fisherman Hat
- I do not support this, because we have the Magnetic Bait for this
- I don't know what to say about this, because I think Riako already thought about his, otherwise he wouldn't say the pokemon are going to be obtainable soon

Suggestion no. 3:
- I agree about getting Luvdisc on the beach. I do not think you should be able to catch the Luvdisc event pokémon, but maybe buying it with the Heart Scales at Leah's could be an option.

Suggestion no. 4:
I totally agree

Suggestion no. 5:
Love the idea!

Minor suggestions:
Remove the black box from the Cauldron and making Keys easier to obtain at the cauldron would be better.
- I agree about making it a task.

Overall, you totally got my support about most of the things you said!
Thanks for taking the time to think about this!
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 16:38 (7 Years ago)
Sry for late reply,
I can see why you think having more Stamina during a Storm is silly and we should loose more stamina during a storm BUT as long as there are no benefits at all, when you fish in Lightning Storms, atleast make the stamina duration the same.

Easier fishing just means more time and like I said it is a minor not neccessary step.
When you own the hat you are good anyway, so this point is like redundant anyway xD
Changing the loot table and pokemon table depending on weather is interesting. I'll keep that in mind. (Y)

Finding new stuff during a storm is intersting and again I'll keep that in mind and will replace this point later on. When I am thinking about it, making bait last longer fixes the item problem anyway cause an increased duration for magnetic bait means more items :D

I didn't mean only finding rare mons during a storm. I am just talking about better odds.
I won't give you numbers cause only Riako knows the numbers and he is the "Duck" who should change them.
When I am talking about better chance I usually think of 1-2% max

Zekrom: Item, yeah thats good. (Y)

Thank you for adding you personal view ^^ (Y)
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 16:49 (7 Years ago)
-Stamina: Agreed BUT I will only agree to loose more in storms when storms are beneficial. If not why would you agree on loosing more due to a storm?
-Getting relics with the hat, the only reason I thought about it is to help other people getting the hat faster and again, increasing the odds means sth. like 1-2% max, that is nothing crazy ^^
-Zekrom: Not sure about Riako, currently he only stated they would be added. I was just brainstorming, maybe he will get inspired :D

-you can catch Finneon event form at the beach. So why not Luvdisc event form when it would be added? (only reason I would understand is, it was a Valentines day exclusive (°.° )

-Yeah people don't like the black key at the beach stuff, that's why I already added the extra part about people's opinion on this :D

Thank you for your time fren :]
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 189
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2017 10:59 (7 Years ago)
How about making Tentacool and Tentacruel have some worth too?
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2017 11:01 (7 Years ago)
Yes good point. gonna edit the thread soon ^^
Thx for your input. (Y)
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 888
Posted: Thu, 19/01/2017 13:54 (7 Years ago)
Suggestion 1: I don't think enhanced stamina and longer bait would be good during a lightning storm, but they could be implemented for every other weather type.
There are baits for items and shinies, so that shouldn't be something the hat changes.

Suggestion 2: Full support for making the lightning storm worth it to stay, especially making rare pokemon more common. That would make the Fisherman Hat worth having.
Maybe even other weather types could be excusive for users who have the Fisherman Hat, like Meteorites and Strong Earthquakes.

Suggestion 3: Full support.
Maybe there could also be more trade options for other pokemon that are already available at the beach, but don't have a purpose there. Maybe more trades for other pokemon, like trading some Lanturn for Clampearl. That way more of the pokemon would be usefull to get nice things from the shop.

Suggestion 4: Full support.

Suggestion 5: Full support.

Minor suggestions: I think it would be best to just remove the black boxes from the gem couldron.
And full support to make it a Dream World task!

Very good suggestions! Thank you very much!
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2017 19:10 (7 Years ago)
Thank you very much for your input fren,
gonna update all the suggestions on monday
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,954
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2017 19:50 (7 Years ago)
Support to most of them...

For the fourth one - maybe the new bait should make the chances for finding rare Pokemons more commonly.
Trainerlevel: 130

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2017 20:00 (7 Years ago)
Maybe add some Bait what give higher Mega Able Chances too and could be see the Mega Able sign like if caught Shiny and extra storaged too.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 14:07 (7 Years ago)
Thread updated,
thank you for all the input guys. :) (Y)
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Sun, 29/01/2017 23:58 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 07/03/2017 14:17 (7 Years ago)
୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭ 1 Month Push!