Sparkies heard a voice and just thought "Adventure!" he flew to the
forrest and there was a chespin that looked lost. Sparkies come
down. "hey, what are you doing here? what is your name, ms
Chespin?" he said.
Aura looked at the Makuta as they ran toward a group of pokeon
carrying a Weedle. "Stop! That isn't yours!" He said to the pokemon
ehich came as a scyther.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas][/url]
Sparkies was intrigued "what do you mean? you're in the forest, you
looking for something? or you can't remember?" He said looking
around "oh! and my name is Sparkies, liefy".
Tusk woundering where she is tries to stand up only to fall back
down onto the sand . (Sorry if some of this is a bit short. I dont
still new at forum rp.)
"you was turned into a Chespin? then, what was you, a fairy? haha!"
said Sparkies laughing but without intentions of mocking. "A team?
maybe, only if you want to live a life full of adventures and
action and fun and, and, and be the most powerful Pokemons of all
over the world!" Sparkies said excited and imagining everything.
Charlie and Eevee walked into town. "Let's read the bulletin
board," Charlie said. Eevee nodded. Just as they were about to go
over to the bulletin board, Charlie spotted a Pidgey in perched on
a branch. "Hey there! What are you doing?" Charlie called out.
(Found you Pidgey XD)
Turtles! ^w^ Squirtle! :3
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^ My Sprite Shop!
(who's going to give the jobs on the bulletin board?)
Charlie and Eevee headed towards the bulletin board. When they got
there, they stopped to read it. "Let's see," said Charlie. "We can
do that!" He pointed to a job on the board.
"How about that one!" said Eevee. Eevee pointed to another job on
the board. Charlie sighed. Now they have to find out which one to
Turtles! ^w^ Squirtle! :3
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^ My Sprite Shop!
Lilly And Togepi Went To Go Get A Job "It is time for a job that
way we can buy some apples" Lilly looks happy but togepi look
worried "But what if we get hurt or fail what do we do then?" Lilly
thinks and then says "We try a new job silly!" Togepi calms down
"Ok that is good"
"How about that one!" said Charlie. He pointed to another job on
the bulletin board.
"Why not?" said Eevee. Then he pulled it off and read it. It said:
"Please help! My friend Oddish has gotten lost in the forest. I
can't find him. Please help! -Hoppip."
"Okay," Charlie said. "Let's go."
Turtles! ^w^ Squirtle! :3
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^ My Sprite Shop!
Katelynn woke up on the shore of a beach and seen a charmander
"Ugh,where am I..?"Katelynn wonder then seen a charmander
Charmander:Are you? "Yes,i am ok" Katelynn said and got up